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单词 fair
释义 fair nounadjective | verb + fair | fair + verb | preposition adjective➤annual一年一度的展览会▸➤antiques, art, book, craft, horse, school, steam (bre) 古董展销会;艺术博览会;书展;手工艺品展销会;马市;学校举办的义卖;蒸汽机车节➤career, job, science, trade职业招聘会;工作招聘会;科技博览会;商品交易会➤fun (usually funfair) (bre) (公共露天)游乐场➤local, street当地的/街头的集市➤county, state (both name) 县级/州级博览会verb + fair➤attend, go to, visit赶集;参观博览会▸➤have, hold, host举行/举办/主办展销会◆the city is holding its annual trade fair in may this year.这座城市将于今年 5 月举办一年一度的商品交易会。➤organize筹备交易会◆she is organizing next year's book fair.她正在筹备明年的书展。fair + verb➤take place交易会举行preposition➤at a/the fair在交易会上◆i bought it at a local craft fair.这是我在当地的一次手工艺品展销会上买的。fair adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases | preposition verbs➤be, seem公正;好像公平▸➤make sth使⋯公正◆i'll give you ten pounds each to make it fair.为公平起见,我给你们每人 10 英镑。➤consider sth, think sth认为⋯/觉得⋯公平◆i didn't think it fair that the others should be allowed to go but not me.别人可以去而我却不能,我认为这样不公平。adverb➤scrupulously, very极其公正;非常公平◆it's important to be scrupulously fair when grading the final exam paper.在批阅期终试卷时,重要的是做到公正无私。➤absolutely, completely, entirely, perfectly, quite, totally绝对/十分/完全/极其/相当/整体公平◆i don't care what he thinks. it seems perfectly fair to me.我不管他想些什么,这在我看来是完全公平的。◆that doesn't seem quite fair.那似乎不是很公平。➤hardly, not really一点儿也不公平;真的不公平◆it's hardly fair that i should be working while everyone else is enjoying themselves!我得工作,而其他人却在玩,这一点儿都不公平!➤pretty, reasonably颇为/还算公平phrases➤to be fair老实说◆to be fair, we hadn't really spent enough time on the job.老实说,我们在这项工作上花的时间不够。preposition➤to对⋯公平◆that seems fair to all sides.那似乎对每一方都公平。fair /feə(r); name fer/ adjective (fairer, fairest) 1.acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation 合理的;适当的;恰当的◆a fair deal/price 公平的交易;公道的价格◆a fair estimate of the company's value 对公司的恰当估值◆we believe our offer is fair and reasonable. 我们相信我们的报价是公平合理的。2.treating everyone equally and according to the rules or law (按规定或法律)平等待人的,公正的,秉公办事的◆demands for a fairer tax system 争取更加公正的税制◆my manager is always very fair. 我的经理总是秉公办事。 opp unfair ●(give sb/get) a fair hearing(to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth before deciding if they have done sth wrong (给予某人/得到)公正的申辩机会◆i'll see that you get a fair hearing. 我保证你有公正的申辩机会。●(give sb/get) a fair shake (name) (informal) (to give sb/get) fair treatment that gives you the same chance as sb else (给予某人/得到)公平待遇◆are older people getting a fair shake in the workplace? 年纪较大的人在工作场所得到公平待遇了吗?fair /feə(r); name fer/ adverbaccording to the rules; in a way that is considered to be acceptable and appropriate 按照规则;公正地;公平合理地◆he claims they didn't play fair in winning the contract (= they did sth dishonest in order to get it). 他声称他们是以不正当手段赢得合同的。 ●set fair (to do sth/for sth) (bre) having the necessary qualities or conditions to succeed 有成功的素质;具备成功的条件◆the company looks set fair for growth. 这家公司看起来具备了发展的条件。fair /feə(r); name fer/ noun [countable] an event at which people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods 商品交易会;展销会◆fewer foreign exhibitors took part in the fair this year. 参加今年交易会的外国展商比去年少。◆a technology/agricultural fair 技术/农业展销会  ➡  exhibition , show ◇ careers fair ◇ job fair ◇ recruitment fair ◇ trade fair ☞ fair☞ fair☞ fair fair [countable] (name) a type of entertainment in a field or park, especially one at which farm animals and products are shown and take part in competitions(评比农畜产品的)集市◆we all went south for the state fair.我们都南下去逛州农畜产品集市了。ⓘ in british english this is called an agricultural show. in both british and american english an art/craft fair is an event at which artists show and sell their work; a jobs/careers fair is an event at which people who are looking for jobs can get information about companies that might employ them.在英式英语中表达此义用 an agricultural show。在英式和美式英语中,an art/craft fair 均指艺术品展销会,a jobs/careers fair 均指招聘会。 fairgood enough or appropriate in a particular situation合理的;恰当的;适当的◆scoring twenty points was a fair achievement.拿下二十分是个不错的成绩。◆it wasn't really fair to ask him to do all the work.所有的工作都让他做,这不太合适。◆it seems only fair that they should give us something in return.似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。◆it's fair to say that they're very pleased with the offer.恰如其分地说,他们对这个提议很满意。◆to be fair, she behaved better than we expected.说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。 ➡ see also fair → reasonable fairtreating people in a reasonable and appropriate way; treating everyone equally and according to the rules or the law(待人)公平恰当的;(按规定或法律)平等待人的,公正的◆all we're asking for is a fair wage.我们要求的只是合理的工资。◆it's not fair to the students to keep changing the schedule.老改课程表对学生们来说不恰当。◆ (bre also) it's not fair on the students...⋯对学生们来说不恰当。◆it's fair to say that they are pleased with the latest offer.应该说,他们对最新报价很满意。◆to be fair, she behaved better than we expected.说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。◆it seems only fair that they should give us something in return.似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。◆ (spoken) it's not fair! he always gets more than me!这不公平!他得到的总比我多! opp unfair → wrong 4  ➡ see also fair → fine , fairness , fair play → justice ▸ fairly adverb◆he's always treated me very fairly.他待我一直很公正。◆her attitude could fairly be described as hostile.公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。fair¹/feə(r) ||; fɛr/adj adv1. appropriate and acceptable in a particular situation 适当的,合理的,可接受的: ◇that's a fair price for that house. 这房子的价钱还算公道。◇i think it's fair to say that the number of homeless people is increasing. 我认为可以说,无家可归的人是越来越多了。 2. fair (to/on sb) treating each person or side equally, according to the law, the rules, etc 公平的;公正的: ◇that's not fair -- he got the same number of mistakes as i did and he's got a better mark. 真不公平──他跟我的错处一样多,但他的分数比我高。◇it wasn't fair on her to ask her to stay so late. 要她留到这么晚,实在对她不公平。◇a fair trial 公正的审判 [opp] for senses 1 and 2 unfair 第1及2义的反义词皆为unfair 3. quite good, large, etc 相当好的;相当大的: ◇they have a fair chance of success. 他们成功的希望相当大。 4. (used about the skin or hair) light in colour (指皮肤或头发)白晰的,浅色的: ◇chloe has fair hair and blue eyes. 赫洛金发碧眼。 5. (used about the weather) good, without rain (指天气)晴朗的,好的 fair enough(spoken 口语) used to show that you agree with what sb has suggested (表示同意某人的建议)说得对,有道理 fair play equal treatment of both/all sides according to the rules 按规则公平对待双方或各方: ◇the referee is there to ensure fair play during the match. 裁判员的责任就是确保比赛公平进行。 (more than) your fair share of sth (more than) the usual or expected amount of sth (超过)平常的或所预期的数量: ◇we've had more than our fair share of trouble this year. 今年我们的麻烦太多了。 fair²/feə(r) ||; fɛr/noun[c] 1. (also funfair) a type of entertainment in a field or park. at a fair you can ride on machines or try and win prizes at games. fairs usually travel from town to town. 游乐会(在户外举行,有机动游戏、有奖游戏等,通常在各市镇巡回举办) 2. a large event where people, businesses, etc show and sell their goods 展览会;交易会: ◇a trade fair 交易会◇the frankfurt book fair 法兰克福书展 fair1 treating people in a way that is reasonable and equal2 words for describing someone who is always fair3 able to be fair because you are not involved in a situation4 when a situation or decision is fairrelated wordsoppositeunfair,see alsoequal/not equal,right,1. treating people in a way that is reasonable and equal 以合理公平的方式对待别人 fair /feəʳ/ [adjective] treating everyone equally, or treating people in a way that most people think is right 公正的,公平的 the old system of student funding seemed much fairer. 以前的学生资助制度好像更加公平合理。 everyone has the right to a fair trial. 人人都有权接受公正的审判。 observers will be present to ensure a free and fair election. 将有观察人员在场以保证选举进行得自由和公正。it is fair that do you think it's fair that she gets paid more money than me? 她的工资比我高,你认为这公平吗?it's only fair spoken her husband should help take care of the baby - it's only fair. 她丈夫应该帮忙照料婴儿,这样才公平。be fair to somebody in order to be fair to everyone, ticket sales are limited to two for each person. 为了保证对大家都公平,每人限购两张票。to be fair spoken say this when you are giving a reason why someone should not be criticized too strongly 【口】说句公道话,平心而论 to be fair, these are complicated, serious issues, and the department has only been discussing them for a short time. 说句公道话,这些问题都很复杂、很严重,该部门才刚刚开始讨论。 fairly [adverb] her job is to make sure that the money is distributed fairly. 她的工作就是要确保这笔钱得到公平分配。 just /dʒʌst/ [adjective] a situation, decision etc that is just gives someone what they rightly deserve or have a right to expect [情况、决定等]公平的,公正的 many of us did not feel that the court's decision was just. 我们中有许多人觉得法院的判决不公正。 a just and lasting peace 公正而持久的和平just decision/punishment/settlement etc the attorney general called the sentence a fair and just punishment for someone who had committed such a dreadful crime. 司法部长称这一判决对一个犯下如此可怕罪行的人而言是公正的惩罚。 reasonable /ˈriːzənəbəl/ [adjective] if an agreement, offer, or what someone does is reasonable, most people would agree that it is fair and sensible 合情合理的,公道的 the company made every reasonable effort to correct the problem. 该公司尽力作出了合理的努力来纠正这一问题。 the students’ goals in the protest seem so reasonable that the university is setting up a committee to consider them. 这次抗议活动中学生提出的要求很合情合理,因此大学成立了一个委员会加以考虑。it is reasonable to do something do you think it's reasonable to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week? 你认为要让大家一周工作60小时以上是公道的吗? balanced /ˈbælənst/ [adjective usually before noun] giving fair and equal treatment to all sides of an argument or subject 公正的,不偏不倚的 ‘newsweek’ gave a reasonably balanced report on the crisis. 《新闻周刊》对这次危机进行了相当公正的报道。 recently historians have taken a far more balanced view of the irish question. 近来历史学家对爱尔兰问题所持的观点已经公正得多了。 even-handed /ˌiːvən ˈhændə̇d◂/ [adjective] treating everyone equally and not showing special favour to anyone 不偏不倚的,公正的;不带偏见的 local magistrates are expected to respect the law and provide even-handed justice. 人们希望地方法官能尊重法律,并主持公道。 the bbc has the reputation of being even-handed in its coverage of election news. 英国广播公司享有不带偏见地报道大选新闻的盛名。 fair's fair /ˌfeəʳz ˈfeəʳ/ spoken use this to tell someone that they should do something because it is right and fair, especially after you have done something for them 【口】做人得讲公道[尤指为别人做了事之后也要求他做某事] come on, fair's fair. it's your turn to mind the kids. 好啦,做人也得讲公道。该轮到你带孩子了。 play fair /ˌpleɪ ˈfeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to do something in an honest and fair way 公平处事,行事公正 the film company says that it played fair in all its contract dealings with the actors’ unions. 电影公司说它在与演员工会处理合同事宜时都是公平行事的。 a mystery novel should play fair with the reader, providing all the clues necessary to solve the crime. 侦探小说应该公平对待读者,提供所有解开犯罪之谜的必要线索。2. words for describing someone who is always fair 形容始终行事公正的人的词汇 fair /feəʳ/ [adjective not usually before noun] kelson has a reputation as a fair and compassionate judge. 凯尔森享有公正有同情心的法官的声誉。 despite the discrimination they suffered, my grandparents remained fair, decent, good people. 我的祖父母虽然遭受了歧视,却依然为人公正,老实而善良。be fair to somebody i've always tried to be fair to all my children. 我一直尽量公平地对待我的每个孩子。 fairly [adverb] i believe i acted fairly when i expelled those students. 我相信我把那些学生开除是公正的。 just /dʒʌst/ [adjective] written someone who is just treats people in a way that is fair and right - use this especially about leaders, rulers, and other people in authority, especially in historical descriptions 【书面】[尤指领导人、统治者等掌权的人]公正的[尤用于历史描述] he was the perfect choice for emperor -- just, patient, merciful and of royal blood. 他是当皇帝的最佳人选—公正、耐心、仁慈,而且是皇裔。 no just government would allow this kind of treatment of its own citizens. 任何一个公正的政府都不会允许自己的公民受到如此对待。 fair-minded /ˌfeə ˈmaɪndə̇d◂ǁˈfeər ˌmaɪndə̇d/ [adjective] someone who is fair-minded is able to see situations in a fair and reasonable way and always considers other people's opinions 公正的 the chairman is a fair-minded man, so will listen to any criticism of his proposals. 主席是个公正的人,因此会听取对他的提议的任何批评意见。 she remained maddeningly fair- minded, even about her greatest opponents. 她一直保持常人难以理解的公正态度,即使对宿仇大敌也是如此。3. able to be fair because you are not involved in a situation 因不涉入其中而能够保持客观公正的 objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/ [adjective] not influenced by personal opinions or emotions, especially when you have to make a decision about something 客观的,无偏见的[尤指对某事作判断时] i could use an objective opinion on this problem. 关于这个问题但愿有人能给我客观的意见。 it's always difficult to be objective about such a sensitive issue as abortion. 对于堕胎这个如此敏感的问题,总是很难有客观的态度。 the selection board, which decides on promotions, should be strictly objective. 决定晋升的选拔委员会应该绝对保持客观。 objectively [adverb] if you're worried, get the advice of someone who can look at the problem objectively. 如果你担心的话,可以听听能够客观看待这一问题的人的意见。 objectivity /ˌɒbdʒekˈtɪvɪti, ˌɒbdʒekˈtɪvətiǁˌɑːb-/ [uncountable noun] most quality newspapers aim at objectivity, but few achieve it. 多数大报都力求客观,但真正能做到的却是凤毛麟角。 impartial /ɪmˈpɑːʳʃəl/ [adjective] able to make fair judgements or decisions about a situation because you do not support anyone who is involved in it 公正的,不偏袒的 historians try to be impartial, but they cannot free themselves entirely from their own opinions. 历史学家力图做到公正,但他们不能完全不受自己观点的影响。 our representative attended the peace negotiations as an impartial observer. 我们的代表作为不偏向任何一方的观察员参加这次和平谈判。 impartiality /ɪmˌpɑːʳʃiˈælɪti, ɪmˌpɑːʳʃiˈæləti/ [uncountable noun] after the trial, people questioned the impartiality of the jury. 审判结束后,人们对陪审团的公正性提出了质疑。 impartially [adverb] i'm not sure we can trust this court to consider the evidence impartially. 我不敢肯定我们可以相信这个法庭会公正地对待证据。 neutral /ˈnjuːtrəlǁˈnuː-/ [adjective] not supporting any side in a disagreement, argument, war etc 中立的 switzerland remained neutral during world war ii. 第二次世界大战期间,瑞士保持中立。 civil servants are supposed to be politically neutral. 公务员应该在政治上保持中立。 neutrality /njuːˈtrælɪti, njuːˈtrælətiǁnuː-/ [uncountable noun] in 1917, u.s. neutrality ended when two of their ships were torpedoed. 1917年美国在两艘船被鱼雷击沉后结束了其中立。 not take sides /nɒt teɪk ˈsaɪdz/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to deliberately not support either side in an argument 【尤口】[在争论或吵架中]不偏袒任何一方 teachers shouldn't take sides when students argue. 学生发生争吵时,教师不该偏袒任何一方。not take sides in it is important that social workers don't take sides in family disputes. 社会工作人员在解决家庭纠纷时不该偏袒任何一方,这很重要。 unbiased /ʌnˈbaɪəst/ [adjective] not influenced by personal opinions or a tendency to support a particular person or side, and therefore able to make a fair judgment 无偏见的;公正的 this murder case has had so much media publicity that it will be difficult to find an unbiased jury. 传媒对这宗谋杀案已作了那么多的报道,很难找到一个不带偏见的陪审团。 women need accurate, unbiased information about their options when they become pregnant. 女性怀孕后需要得到准确而不带偏见的信息供其作出选择。 disinterested /dɪsˈɪntrɪstəd, dɪsˈɪntrəstəd/ [adjective] able to be fair in considering a particular situation because you are not involved in it and do not expect to gain any personal advantage from it 无私的;公正的 find a financial consultant who can offer completely independent and disinterested advice. 找一位能提出完全独立和公正的建议的财政顾问。4. when a situation or decision is fair 情况或决定是公正的 fairness /ˈfeəʳnɪs, ˈfeəʳnəs/ [uncountable noun] when something is done or decided in a way that is fair and right 公正,公平 news reports should be held to a high standard of accuracy and fairness. 新闻报道应保持高度的准确性和公正性。 the judge has a record of fairness and non-discrimination. 这位法官公正不阿,历历可考。 justice /ˈdʒʌstɪs, ˈdʒʌstəs/ [uncountable noun] when a situation is dealt with in a way that is fair and right, especially as the result of an official or legal decision 公正,正义[尤指官方或法律裁决的结果] it's up to the courts to uphold justice - you can't take the law into your own hands. 应该让法庭来主持公道,你不能自己来执法。 it is clear that ‘liberty and justice for all’ is still a goal rather than a reality in the u.s. 显而易见,“人人自由平等”这句话在美国依然是一个目标而非现实。 fair play /ˌfeəʳ ˈpleɪ/ [uncountable noun] if there is fair play in a situation, activity, game etc, people behave fairly and no one tries to cheat [情况、活动、比赛等中]行为公正;诚实公平的精神 we need to instil in our children a strong sense of fair play. 我们要给孩子们灌输一种强烈的公正感。 a high level of sportsmanship and fair play is a tradition in the game. 高度的体育精神、比赛诚实正直是这项运动的一贯传统。☞ fair¹☞ fair²☞ fair³




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