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单词 factual
释义 factual adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be与事实相符adverb➤entirely, purely, strictly完全符合事实;全然与事实相符▸➤basically, largely基本/大体符合事实▸➤supposedly据称符合事实◆the speculative nature of the supposedly factual information conveyed through the media经由媒体传播、被称为事实的信息的臆测性质 factual /fæktʃuəl/ based on or containing facts根据事实的;事实的;真实的◆he fails to distinguish factual information from opinion.他无法辨别哪些是个人看法,哪些是事实。◆the essay contains a number of factual errors.文章中有一些与事实不符的错误。opp fictitious → fictional  ➡ see also fact → fact , fact → information ▸ factually adverb◆it was factually correct, but i don't think it was fair.这样说虽然在事实上没错,但我认为有欠公平。factual/ˈfæktʃuəl ||; ˈfæktʃυəl/adj based on or containing things that are true or real 事实的;根据事实的: ◇a factual account of the events 关于这些事件的如实报道 ☞look at fictional. 参看fictional。 fac·tu·al /`fæktʃəl; ˈfæktʃuəl/adjbased on facts (基于)事实的:◇factual information 真实信息




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