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单词 billofexchange
释义 bill of exchange noun [countable] (abbreviation b/e) (bre also bill) (finance 金融; trade 贸易) a written order for a person or an organization to pay a particular amount of money to sb/sth when asked or at a particular time, used especially in international trade 汇票◆if the buyer accepts the bill of exchange, they will sign their name on it and date it. 如果买方承兑汇票,就会在汇票上签名并填上日期。◆an exporter may obtain payment on an accepted bill of exchange before its due date by presenting it to his bank. 出口商在汇票到期前,把汇票提交给银行承兑便可取得货款。  ➡  promissory note ⨁ to accept / discount / draw / make out / sign a bill of exchange 承兑/贴现/开立/出具/签发汇票




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