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单词 backup
释义 backup /bækʌp/ noun [countable] 1. (it 信息技术) a copy of a file, program, etc. that can be used if the original is lost or damaged (文件、程序等的)备份◆always make a backup of your work. 你的工作文件要经常进行备份。◆a backup copy 备份文件2.extra help, ideas, equipment, etc. that you can use if the first fails 增援;替代设备◆we have a backup plan if the merger falls through. 如果合并落空,我们还有后备计划。  ➡  back sb/sth up at back verb☞ backup backup /bækʌp/ [uncountable, countable] extra help or support that you can get if you need it增援;后援◆the police called for backup from the army.警方请求军方的增援。◆we can use him as a backup if one of the team can't play.如果有参赛队员不能上场,我们可以用他作替补。◆the hospital has a backup power supply.这家医院有备用电源。backup• ⇨ back-up/backup back·up /`bækˏʌp; ˈbækʌp/n 1. [c] a copy of something that you can use if the original thing is lost or does not work 后备副本:◇always make backup files at the end of the day. 每天工作结束之前都要做好备份文件。 2. [c,u] someone or something that provides help or support when it is needed 后备[支援]人员; 备用物品:◇four more police cars provided backup. 另有四辆警车作支援。




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