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单词 figure
释义 figure noun¹ 1amount/price数量;价格adjective | verb + figure | figure + verb | phrases adjective➤high高数值▸➤low低数值▸➤double两位数◆four players reached double figures in the scoring column.4 位球员计分栏里的得分上双。➤accurate, exact确切的/准确的数字▸➤approximate, ballpark, rough, round近似数;大致的数目;粗略的数目;四舍五入后的数目➤dollar (name) 美元数字◆you can't put a dollar figure on the lives ruined by the hurricane.飓风造成的生命损失无法以金钱来衡量。➤real, reliable, true真实的/可靠的/真正的数字▸➤official官方数字▸➤latest最新数字▸➤inflated夸大的数字▸➤target目标数字▸➤attendance, census, sales, trade, unemployment出席人数;人口普查数字;销售数字;贸易数字;失业人数▸➤audience, viewing (both especially bre) 观众/收视人数verb + figure➤reach达到⋯数目◆the rate of inflation has now reached double figures.通货膨胀率已经达到两位数。➤exceed超过⋯数目▸➤add, add together, add up, calculate将数字加起来;合计⋯;计算数字➤compile汇编数字▸➤disclose, release披露/公布数字◆the government has just released new unemployment figures.政府刚刚公布了新的失业数字。➤cite, give, quote引用数字;给出数字➤inflate虚报数字figure + verb➤add up数字合理◆these figures don't add up.这些数字不合理。➤be bandied about数字被四处传播◆lots of different figures were being bandied about.很多不同的数字被到处传播。➤indicate sth, suggest sth数字表明⋯/显示⋯➤reflect sth数字反映⋯phrases➤according to (the) figures根据数字◆the industry remains in the doldrums, according to official figures out today.根据今天公布的官方数字,这个行业仍不景气。➤in round figures用整数表示figure noun² 2person人adjective | preposition adjective➤great伟大人物➤central, key, pivotal中心/关键/核心人物▸➤important, influential, leading, major, powerful, prominent重要/有影响力的/领军/主要/强有力的/杰出人物◆a key figure on the committee委员会中的关键人物➤famous, well-known著名/知名人物➤larger-than-life具有传奇色彩的人物➤popular, respected受欢迎的/受尊敬的人物➤controversial有争议的人物▸➤public公众人物▸➤national全国知名人物▸➤senior资深人士▸➤familiar熟悉的人◆he was a familiar figure in the town.小镇上的人都认识他。➤unlikely想不到的人物◆they were visited by the unlikely figure of bill clinton.他们没有想到比尔・克林顿会来访。➤authority, dominant权威人士;有势力的人物▸➤father, mother, parental父亲般的/母亲般的/家长式的人物▸➤tragic悲剧人物▸➤comic, ridiculous喜剧/可笑的人物▸➤cult, heroic, iconic, legendary, mythical, mythological受崇拜的/英雄/偶像/传奇/虚构的/神话中的人物▸➤historical历史人物▸➤literary, political, religious文学作品中的人物;政治人物;宗教人士▸➤government, opposition政府人员;反对派人士preposition➤figure of⋯的人物◆a figure of authority / fun权威人士;有趣的人figure noun³ 3shape of a person人形adjective | figure + noun adjective➤cloaked, hooded, masked, robed穿着斗篷的/戴着风帽的/戴着面具的/穿着长袍的人形▸➤life-size与真人一样大小的塑像▸➤dark, shadowy黑乎乎的/隐约可见的人影➤ghostly幽灵般的人▸➤seated, standing, etc.坐着的人、站着的人等◆the seated figure in the corner beckoned me over.那个坐在角落里的人向我招手让我过去。➤approaching, retreating走近的/后退的人➤sleeping睡着的人▸➤central中心人物◆the central figure in the photo照片里的中心人物➤lone, single, solitary孤单的人;独自一人;形单影只的人▸➤human人影figure + noun➤painter人体画画家➤drawing, painting人体素描/绘画figure noun⁴ 4shape of sb's body体形adjective | verb + figure | phrases adjective➤beautiful, fine, good, handsome, lovely, stunning漂亮的身材;优美的体形;好身材;标致的体形;秀美的身材;惊人的好身材◆she still had a lovely figure.她的身材仍很秀美。➤curvy, hourglass有曲线美的身材;蜂腰体形➤sexy性感的体形▸➤lean, slender, slim瘦瘦的体形;苗条的身材▸➤bulky, full, large, stocky笨重的/粗壮的/魁梧的/矮胖的身材▸➤lanky, tall, towering又高又瘦的体形;高挑身材;高大的身材▸➤dashing, imposing, striking潇洒的体形;伟岸的身材;出众的体形▸➤slight, small, tiny, trim小巧的身材;瘦小的身材;娇小的身形;修长的身材▸➤lithe柔软的身段verb + figure➤cut, have显出⋯的样子;有⋯的身材◆he cut a dashing figure in his uniform.他穿着制服,非常潇洒。➤keep保持体形◆she's kept her figure after all these years.这么多年后她依然保持着体形。➤watch注意保持身材◆you need to watch your figure.你要注意自己的体形。➤lose身材走样phrases➤a fine figure of a man, a fine figure of a woman身材很好的男子/女子figure noun⁵ 5picture/diagram图表verb + figure | figure + verb verb + figure➤refer to, see参见图表;见图表◆see figure 8.见表 8。figure + verb➤illustrate sth, show sth图表表明⋯/显示⋯figure verbadverb | preposition adverb➤largely, prominently, significantly, strongly (especially bre) 处于重要位置;崭露头角;意味深长地表现;强烈表现▸➤hardly (especially bre) 几乎不出现◆vegetables hardly figure at all in their diet.他们的食谱中几乎见不到蔬菜。preposition➤among出现在⋯中◆this man did not figure among the suspects.这名男子不在嫌疑犯之列。➤in在⋯中出现◆the issue figured prominently in our discussion.这一问题在我们的谈论中很突出。figure /fɪgə(r); name fɪgjər/ noun [countable] 1.a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字◆profits were well below last year's figure of $58 million. 利润远远低于去年的 5800 万元这一数额。◆the latest figures show that prices are still rising. 最近的数字显示价格仍然在上涨。◆unemployment rose to 4.1 million last month according to official figures. 根据官方公布的数字,上月的失业人数上升至 410 万人。◆rising jobless figures 不断上升的失业人数◆a decline in listening/viewing figures (= the number of people who listen to or watch a programme on the radio or tv) 听众/观众数量的下降⨁ a high / low figure较高/较低的数字 ⨁ an average / exact / a rough figure平均/精确/大约数字 ⨁ final / interim / preliminary figures最终/中期/最初数字 ⨁ current / official / recent figures当前/官方/最近数字 2.a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9 数字符号;位数◆a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 dollars, euros, etc.) 六位数的薪水(即超过 10 万美元、欧元等 )3.a person of the type mentioned 人物;人士◆a leading figure in the music industry 音乐界的一位杰出人物⨁ an important / a leading / key / respected / senior figure一位重要/杰出/关键/备受尊敬的/高层人物 ⨁ corporate / government / industry / public figures企业/政府/行业/公众人物 (abbreviation fig.) a picture, diagram, etc. in a book, that is referred to by a number (书中的)图,表◆the results are illustrated in figure 3 opposite. 结果见对页图表 3 所示。 ●put a figure on sthto say the exact price or number of sth 给出(某物的)定价;说出(某物的)准确数量  ➡  idiom at ballpark ◇ double figures ◇ sales figures ◇ single figures ◇ trade figures figure /fɪgə(r); name fɪgjər/ verb 1. [transitive] (name) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算(金额或成本)◆we've figured the cost of moving offices at about $10 000. 我们计算出办公室搬迁的成本大约是 1 万元。 2. [intransitive] figure (as sth) (in/among sth) to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part 是重要部分;是(某事的)一部分◆the factory doesn't figure in the company's future plans. 这家工厂在公司的未来计划中无足轻重。 syn feature ●figure sth calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算出(金额或成本)◆have you figured out how much it will cost? 你算出要花多少钱了吗? find the answer to sth; to solve sth 想出;解决◆we have to figure out how to improve cash flow. 我们必须想出改善现金流的办法。 plan or think of sth 计划;弄清楚;领会到◆have you figured out what to do next? 你计划好下一步干甚么了吗? syn work sth out ☞ figure☞ figure figure noun  ➡ see also the entries for information and number 2另见 information 条和 number 条第 2 义figure ♦︎ number ♦︎ statistics ♦︎ fraction ♦︎ statsthese are all words for a word or symbol that represents a particular quantity.这些词均表示数字、数量。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a high / low / round figure / number◆exact figures / numbers / statistics◆approximate figures / numbers◆accurate / reliable / alarming figures / statistics◆to add / multiply / subtract / divide figures / numbers / fractions◆to publish figures / statistics■ figure [countable] a number that represents a particular amount or quantity, especially one given in official information(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字◆viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.该系列节目的收视人数已显著减少。◆figures for april show a slight improvement on previous months.4 月份的数字比前几个月略有改善。◆by 2004, this figure had risen to 14 million.到 2004 年为止,这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。■ number [countable] a word or symbol that represents an amount or quantity数字;数;数量◆think of a number and multiply it by two想出一个数,然后乘以二。◆the houses on this side of the road are all even numbers (= 2, 4, 6, etc.).路这边的房子门牌号都是偶数。◆pick out all the odd numbers (= 1, 3, 5, etc.).找出所有的奇数。◆'so you owe me 28 dollars?' 'make it 30, that's a good round number.'“那你欠我 28 元?”“算 30 吧,凑个整儿好记。”■ statistics /stətɪstɪks/ [plural] (rather formal) a collection of information shown in numbers统计数字;统计资料◆according to official statistics the disease kills 10 000 people a year.根据官方的统计数字,每年有 1 万人死于这种疾病。ⓘ a statistic [countable] is a piece of information shown in numbers.单数形式的 statistic 指一项统计数据◆an important statistic is that 94 per cent of crime relates to property.一个重要数据是 94% 的犯罪同财产有关。◆i felt i was no longer being treated as a person but as a statistic.我感觉我不再被看作人,而被当成一个统计数字了。▸ statistical /stətɪstɪkl/ adjective◆statistical analysis / methods / data统计分析/方法/数据▸ statistically adverb◆the difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.在统计学的意义上,这两个样品没有显著的差异。note 辨析 figures or statistics?in many cases either of these words can be used.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆official / government / crime / unemployment figures / statistics官方/政府/犯罪/失业数字 statistics can suggest a greater level of science and calculation (for example, working out percentages and changes over time, not just adding up numbers). statistics can also be used in a more general way than figures. * statistics 可暗指涉及更高深的科学与计算方法(比如,算出百分比和一段时间内的变化,而不只是数字加总)。与 figures 相比,statistics 的用法也较宽泛◆statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car.统计数字显示会骑自行车的人比会开车的人多得多。with figures it is usually necessary to say which figures.用 figures 时通常有必要指出是什么样的数字◆government / inflation figures show通货膨胀数字显示⋯◆figures show that... ■ fraction [countable] a division of a number, for example ⅝ or 0.625分数;小数◆how do you express 25% as a fraction?25% 用小数怎么表示?■ stats [plural] (informal) statistics统计数字;统计资料◆the match stats show that there were 16 instances of players being offside.比赛的统计数字显示队员有 16 次越位。ⓘ stats is often used to talk about the results or an analysis of a sports game. * stats 常用于描述体育比赛的结果或分析。figure [countable] the shape of a person's body, especially a woman's body that is attractive身材;体形;(尤指女性优美的)身段◆she's always had a good figure.她身材一向很好。◆i'm watching my figure (= trying not to get fat).我一直注意保持身材。  ➡ see also figure → shape noun figure [transitive] (name) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth计算(数量或成本)◆we figured the attendance at 150 000.我们估计有 15 万人参加。 ➡ see also figure → estimate verb note 辨析 figure sth out or figure? figure is only used in american english; figure sth out is used in both british and american english. however, it cannot be used with at to give a total. * figure 只用于美式英语; figure sth out 在美式和英式英语中均可使用。但在给出总数时,不能用 figure sth out at◆we figured out the attendence at 150 000. figure [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather informal) to think or decide that sth will happen or is true认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)◆i figured (that) if i took the night train, i could be in scotland by morning.我认为,如果我坐夜班火车,早上就可以到苏格兰。◆there was only one thing to do, he figured.他认为只有一件事可以做。figure (abbreviation fig.) [countable] (written) a picture or diagram in a book that is referred to by a number(书籍中标有号码的)图,表◆food passes down the oesophagus to the stomach (see fig. 4).食物经食道进入胃(见图 4)。◆figure 4 represents the process of soil erosion.图 4 所示是土壤侵蚀的过程。ⓘ figure or fig. is usually used in technical or educational books. * figure 或 fig. 通常用在技术或教育类书籍中。figure [transitive] (especially name, rather informal) to estimate the amount, cost or age of sb/sth, especially approximately估计,估算(数量、成本或年龄)◆if we can figure roughly how much it will cost, we can decide what to do.如果我们能大致估算出费用是多少,就能决定怎么走下一步了。ⓘ in american english figure can also be used to talk about calculating sth exactly.在美式英语中,figure 还可表示准确计算。  ➡ see also figure → calculatefigure [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to be part of a process or situation, especially an important part是重要部份;是⋯的部份◆the question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominently in the talks.和平协议的问题很可能是谈判的突出重点。◆it did not figure high on her list of priorities.这没有列入她优先考虑的事项。◆do i still figure in your plans?你的计划中还包括我吗?figure [countable] a number that represents a particular amount or quantity, especially one given in official information(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字◆viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.该系列节目的收视人数已显著减少。◆figures for april show a slight improvement on previous months.4 月份的数字比前几个月略有改善。◆by 2004, this figure had risen to 14 million.到 2004 年为止,这个数字已增长到 1 400 万。figure [countable] a written or printed symbol that represents one of the numbers between 0 and 9数字符号;位数ⓘ figure is usually used to talk about a series of symbols that represent an amount larger than 9. for a single symbol between 0 and 9, number is more often used. * figure 通常指大于 9 的数字,0 到 9 之间的数字较常用 number 表示◆she's earning a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds, dollars or euros).她挣六位数的薪水。◆his salary is now in six figures.他的薪水现在是六位数。◆ (bre) inflation is now in single / double figures.通货膨胀率现在是一位数/两位数。ⓘ in american english use in single/double digits.在美式英语中用 in single/double digits。figure [countable] a person of the kind mentioned人物;人士◆he's a leading figure in the music industry.他是音乐界的领军人物。◆a cult / public / political figure偶像;公众/政治人物◆a figure of authority权威人士◆when she last saw him he was a sad figure-old and tired.她最后一次见到他时,他一副苍老而疲惫的落魄模样。  ➡ see also public figure → star 1 figure [countable] the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly(远处的人的)轮廓;(隐约可见的)人影◆there before him stood a tall figure in black.站在他面前的是一个穿黑衣的高个子。 ➡ see also figure → body 1 figure¹/ˈfɪgə(r); us ˈfɪgjər ||; ˈfɪgjɚ/noun[c] 1. an amount (in numbers) or a price 数量;价格: ◇the unemployment figures are lower this month. 本月份的失业数字较低。◇what sort of figure are you thinking of for your house? 你的房子打算卖多少钱? 2. a written sign for a number (0 to 9) 数字(0至9): ◇write the numbers in figures, not words. 用阿拉伯数字写这些数目,别用文字。◇he has a six-figure income/an income in six figures (= £100000 or more). 他的收入高达六位数字(100000英镑或以上)。◇interest rates are now down to single figures (= less than 10%). 现在利率降至个位数(不到10%)。◇double figures (= 10 to 99) 两位数 3. figures [pl] (informal 非正式) mathematics 数学: ◇i don't have a head for figures (= i'm not very good with numbers). 我的数学不太好。 4. a well-known or important person 名人;要人: ◇an important political figure 政界要人 5. the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body that is attractive 身材(尤指女人的): ◇she's got a beautiful slim figure. 她身材苗条美丽。 ☞look at the note at build ². 参看build^2的注释。 6. a person that you cannot see very clearly or do not know 隐约可见的人;不认识的人: ◇two figures were coming towards us in the dark. 黑暗中有两个人影朝我们走来。◇there were two figures on the right of the photo that i didn't recognize. 相片中的右边有两个人我不认识。 7. (abbr fig.) a diagram or picture used in a book to explain sth 图表;图解: ◇figure 3 shows the major cities of italy. 图3展示了意大利的主要城市。 a ballpark figure/estimate→ballparkfacts and figures→factin round figures/numbers→round¹figure²/ˈfɪgə(r); us ˈfɪgjər ||; ˈfɪgjɚ/verb1. [i] figure (as sth) (in/among sth) to be included in sth; to be an important part of sth 包括在…;是…的重要部份: ◇women don't figure much in his novels. 女性角色在他的小说里并不重要。 [syn] feature 同义词为feature 2. [t] figure (that) (especially us 尤为美) to think or guess sth 想;猜想: ◇i figured he was here because i saw his car outside. 他的汽车停在外边,我想他也许在这儿。 it/that figures(informal 非正式) that is what i expected 这个我已料到 figure on sth/on doing sth (especially us 尤为美) to include sth in your plans 将…列入计划: ◇i figure on arriving in new york on wednesday. 我计划星期三到达纽约。 figure sb/sth out to find an answer to sth or to understand sb 找出答案;理解(某人): ◇i can't figure out why she married him in the first place. 首先我搞不清她究竟为什么要嫁给他。 figuresee ⇨ body 2 ⇨ count/calculate 2 ⇨ money 4 ⇨ number 1,2 ⇨ shape 1 ⇨ think 8     • • •• ⇨ ballpark figure☞ figure¹☞ figure²




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