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单词 humanity
释义 humanity nounadjective➤great, true伟大的仁爱;真正的博爱▸➤common, shared人类共有的感情◆guilt and a sense of common humanity make people less harsh.内疚感和人类的博爱使得人们少了几分严酷。humanity /hjuːmænəti/ [uncountable] all people considered together as one group人类◆he was found guilty of crimes against humanity (= very serious and cruel crimes against many people).他被判犯有反人类罪。◆all the streets around the temple were just a mass of humanity (= filled with people).寺庙周围的街道上全都挤满了人。humanity /hjuːmænəti/ [uncountable] the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary人道;仁慈◆the judge was praised for his courage and humanity.那位法官因勇气和人道而受到称赞。opp inhumanity → cruel  ➡ see also humane → sensitive 1 humanity/hju:ˈmænəti ||; hjuˈmænətɪ/noun1. [u] all the people in the world, thought of as a group 人类: ◇crimes against humanity 危害人类的罪行 [syn] the human race 同义词为the human race 2. [u] the quality of being kind and understanding 仁慈;人道: ◇the prisoners were treated with humanity. 囚犯获得了人道的对待。 [opp] inhumanity 反义词为inhumanity 3. (the) humanities [pl] the subjects of study that are connected with the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy 人文学科(包括文学、语言、历史、哲学等)humanitysee ⇨ person/people 2 hu·man·i·ty /hju`mænətɪ; hjuːˈmænɪti/n [u] 1. kindness, respect, and sympathy towards other people 人道; 仁慈; 博爱:◇a man of great humanity 大慈大悲的人→ opposite 反义词 inhumanity 2. people in general 人类; 人[总称]:◇the danger to humanity of pollution 环境污染对人类的危害 3. the state of being human 人性




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