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单词 cousin
释义 cousin nounadjective | phrases adjective➤first, second堂/表兄弟姐妹;远房堂/表兄弟姐妹▸➤distant, remote (bre) 远房堂亲/表亲▸➤close, kissing (name, both figurative) 近亲;关系密切的事物◆these pigs are close cousins of the wild hog.这些猪和野猪是近亲。◆the popular idea that creativity and madness are kissing cousins认为创造力和疯狂存在着密切关系的流行观点➤baby, little婴儿堂/表兄弟姐妹;小堂/表兄弟姐妹◆i have a new baby cousin.我有个新出生的小堂妹。➤female, male堂/表姐妹;堂/表兄弟▸➤long-lost失散已久的堂亲/表亲◆completely out of the blue, she got a letter from her long-lost cousin in ohio.她收到失散很久的表亲从俄亥俄寄来的一封信,这完全出乎意料。➤beloved, favourite/favorite喜爱的堂亲/表亲;最喜爱的堂亲/表亲phrases➤cousin once, twice, etc. removed隔了一代、两代等的堂亲/表亲◆she's my first cousin once removed (= of a different generation).她是我堂兄的女儿。cousin/ˈkʌzn ||; ˈkʌzṇ/(also ˌfirst ˈcousin) noun [c] the child of your aunt or uncle 堂兄弟;堂姐妹;表兄弟;表姐妹;表亲: ◇paul and i are cousins. 保罗和我是表兄弟。 ☞the same word is used for both male and female cousins. 这个词可用于男性或女性表亲。 ☞look at second cousin 参看second cousin。 cous·in /`kʌzṇ; ˈkʌzən/n [c]the child of your aunt or uncle 堂[表]兄弟; 堂[表]姐妹 ☞ cousin




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