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单词 clutch
释义 clutch noun¹ 1sb/sth's clutches sb/sth's power/control权力;控制verb + clutches | preposition verb + clutches➤fall into陷入⋯的控制◆she fell into the clutches of the rebel forces.她落入了叛军的手中。➤escape, escape from逃出⋯的控制preposition➤in sb's clutch在某人的控制下◆they had him in their clutches.他们已经把他控制住了。➤out of sb's clutch不受某人的控制◆once she was out of their clutches, she fled across the border.她一摆脱他们的控制就逃过了边界。clutch noun² 2in a car汽车verb + clutch | clutch + verb | clutch + noun verb + clutch➤drop, engage, put your foot on松开离合器;合上离合器;把脚踩在离合器上▸➤disengage, let out, pop, release, take your foot off从离合器上挪开;松开离合器;突然松开离合器;放开离合器;把脚从离合器上挪开◆put it into first gear and let the clutch out slowly.挂一挡,慢慢松开离合器。clutch + verb➤engage离合器合上▸➤disengage离合器分开▸➤slip离合器滑脱clutch + noun➤pedal离合器踏板clutch verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤firmly, tightly牢固地/紧紧地抓住▸➤desperately拚命地抓住➤suddenly突然抓住preposition➤at抓住⋯◆he felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感觉自己要滑倒,就抓住了一根树枝。phrases➤clutch sth in your hand把⋯抓在手里◆she clutched her handbag tightly in one hand.她一只手紧紧抓住手提包。➤clutch sth to your chest把⋯抓在胸前◆she clutched the letter to her chest.她把信紧紧抓在胸前。 clutch [transitive, intransitive] to hold sb/sth tightly, especially in your hand; to take hold of sth suddenly紧握;抓紧;突然抓住◆she stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.她站在那儿,手里仍然紧握着那束花。◆he gasped, and clutched his stomach.他喘着气,紧紧按住自己的胃部。◆he felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.他感觉自己正往下滑,急忙抓住一根树枝。clutch¹/klʌtʃ ||; klʌtʃ/verb [t] to hold sth tightly, especially because you are in pain, afraid or excited 紧握(尤指因痛苦、惊慌或紧张): ◇he clutched his mother's hand in fear. 他怕得抓紧妈妈的手不放。 clutch at sth to try to take hold of sth 试图抓住某物: ◇she clutched at the money but the wind blew it away. 她还来不及抓住,钞票就让风给吹走了。 clutch²/klʌtʃ ||; klʌtʃ/noun1. [c] the part of a vehicle, etc that you press with your foot when you are driving in order to change the gear; the part of the engine that it is connected to (汽车的)离合器踏板,离合器: ◇to press/release the clutch 踩下╱松开离合器 ☞picture at car 见car插图 2. clutches [pl] power or control over sb (对某人的)影响力或控制: ◇he fell into the enemy's clutches. 他落入了敌人的魔掌。 ☞ clutch¹☞ clutch²




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