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单词 indulge
释义 indulge verbadverb | verb + indulge | preposition adverb➤occasionally偶尔放纵➤freely纵情沉湎verb + indulge➤be able to, be free to, can能够沉湎;恣意沉溺;可以沉迷preposition➤in沉溺于⋯◆she was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming.她肆意沉迷于风花雪月的白日梦中。➤with尽情享受⋯◆for a special treat, indulge yourself with one of these luxury desserts.作为特别的款待,你可以在各种美味甜品中任选一种尽情享用。indulge/ɪnˈdʌldʒ ||; ɪnˈdʌldʒ/verb1. [i,t] indulge (yourself) (in sth) to allow yourself to have or do sth for pleasure 让自己享受(某事物带来的乐趣);沉迷;沉溺;纵容: ◇i'm going to indulge myself and go shopping for some new clothes. 我打算放纵一下自己,出去买几件新衣服。◇maria never indulges in gossip. 玛丽亚从不纵情于说长道短。 2. [t] to give sb/sth what he/she/it wants or needs 纵容: ◇you shouldn't indulge that child. it will make him very selfish. 这个孩子宠不得,惯坏了准使他变得十分自私。◇at the weekends he indulges his passion for fishing. 他酷爱钓鱼,每到周末总要放任一下。 in·dulge /ɪn`dʌldʒ; ɪnˈdʌldʒ/v 1. [i,t] to let yourself do or have something that you enjoy, especially something that is considered bad for you (使自己)沉溺于,沉湎于,放纵一下:◇+ in i sometimes indulge in a cigarette at a party. 有时候我会在派对上放任一下自己,抽根烟。◇indulge yourself go on, indulge yourself for a change! 来吧,让自己享受一下,偶尔为之嘛! 2. [t] to let someone do or have whatever they want, even if it is bad for them 迁就,放任:◇ralph indulges his children terribly. 拉尔夫对孩子真是百般纵容。




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