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单词 displeasure
释义 displeasure nounadjective | verb + displeasure | preposition adjective➤extreme, great极其/十分不悦◆the president indicated his great displeasure with the media coverage.总统表示对媒体报道极为不满。➤divine神灵的不悦◆the belief that eclipses are signs of divine displeasure认为日蚀和月蚀是神灵发怒的征兆的信仰verb + displeasure➤incur招致不快◆his tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。➤express, make known, register, show, voice表达/表明/显示/表露/吐露不快◆the veterans made their displeasure known to the senator.老兵使参议员了解了他们的不满。◆he wrote her a letter registering his displeasure.他给她写了一封信表达自己的不快。➤hide隐藏不满◆he made no attempt to hide his displeasure.他毫不掩饰自己的不满。preposition➤displeasure at对⋯的不悦◆his displeasure at being ignored他因被忽视而不悦➤displeasure with对⋯的不满◆her displeasure with her colleagues她对同事的不满displeasure [uncountable] (formal) the feeling of being upset and annoyed烦恼;生气;不悦◆she made no attempt to hide her displeasure at the prospect.她没有掩饰自己对前景的不悦之情。◆the incident has heightened public displeasure with the authorities.这一事件加剧了公众对当局的不满。 opp pleasure → fun  ➡ see also displease → annoy displeasure/dɪsˈpleʒə(r) ||; dɪsˈplɛʒɚ/noun [u] (formal 正式) the feeling of being annoyed or not satisfied 不悦;不满: ◇i wrote to express my displeasure at not having been informed sooner. 我因没有及早收到通知而写信表示不满。 displeasure /dɪs`plɛʒə; dɪsˈpleʒə/n [u]




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