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单词 fulfil
释义 fulfil verb (bre) (name fulfill) adverb | verb + fulfil/fulfill adverb➤really真正实现▸➤completely完全实现▸➤not quite未完全实现◆the movie doesn't quite fulfil its promise.这部电影未完全实现作出的承诺。◆turkey is a market that has never quite fulfilled its potential.土耳其是一个潜力还没有完全发挥出来的市场。➤adequately充分满足▸➤properly正确履行▸➤effectively切实履行▸➤successfully成功地实现▸➤admirably令人钦佩地履行◆the building is still fulfilling its original purpose admirably.这幢建筑物仍在发挥其最初的功用,真了不起。➤finally, ultimately最终实现verb + fulfil/fulfill➤be able to, be unable to, can能够履行;无法履行;能实现◆alan was finally able to fulfil his promise to sarah.艾伦终于能够实现他对萨拉的承诺。➤must必须履行◆students must fulfil the following entry criteria.学生必须达到以下准入条件。➤seek to, try to争取/试图实现▸➤fail to没有实现fulfil (name spelling fulfill) /fʊlfɪl/ verb [transitive] (fulfilling, fulfilled, fulfilled) do or have what is required or necessary 履行;执行;符合;具备◆to fulfil the terms/conditions of an agreement 执行协议的条款/条件◆he was accused of not fulfilling his duties as a director. 他被指控没有履行董事的职责。◆no candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position. 没有一位候选人完全符合这个职位的所有标准。⨁ to fulfil a duty / an obligation / a pledge / promise履行职责/义务/承诺/诺言 ⨁ to fulfil demands / expectations / instructions / needs / requirements符合要求/期望;执行指示;满足需求/必备条件 do or achieve what was hoped for or expected 实现◆the deal has fulfilled the company's ambition to expand into wider financial services. 这笔交易实现了公司扩大金融服务范围的抱负。◆helping employees to fulfil their potential 帮助员工发挥潜力⨁ to fulfil an ambition / a dream实现抱负/梦想 ⨁ to fulfil your potential / promise发挥潜力;实现诺言 have a particular role or purpose 起…作用;目的是◆the ‘touch screen’ fulfils the function of a keyboard. “触摸屏”起到键盘的作用。⨁ to fulfil the function / role of sb/sth起到某人/某事物的作用 (commerce 商业) if a business fulfils an order, they supply the full amount of sth that has been asked for 执行,履行(订单)◆the processes involved in taking and fulfilling orders over the web 网上接受和执行订单所涉及的工序5.if a job fulfils you or you fulfil yourself, you feel happy and satisfied with what you are doing or what you have done 使高兴;使满意◆i need a job that really fulfils me. 我需要一份真正令我感到满足的工作。☞ fulfilfulfil (bre) (name fulfill) /fʊlfɪl/ (-ll-) [transitive] to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected实现(愿望或抱负)◆fulfil your dreams with a new career.在新的事业上实现你的梦想吧。◆turkey is a market that has never quite fulfilled its potential.土耳其是个尚未充分发挥其潜力的市场。fulfil (bre) (name fulfill) /fʊlfɪl/ (-ll-) [transitive] (formal, especially business尤用于商业) to do or have what is required or what is necessary履行;符合;具备◆failure to fulfil the terms of the agreements may result in legal action.不执行协议条款可能会被起诉。◆he had fulfilled his promise to his father.他履行了对父亲许下的诺言。fulfil/fʊlˈfɪl ||; fυlˈfɪl/(us 美 fulfill) verb [t] (fulfilling;fulfilled) 1. to make sth that you wish for happen; to achieve a goal 实现(愿望);达到(目标): ◇he finally fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a doctor. 他终于做了医生,实现了童年的梦想。◇to fulfil your ambition/potential 实现雄心壮志;发挥自己潜力 2. to do or have everything that you should or that is necessary 履行;满足: ◇to fulfil a duty/obligation/promise/need 履行责任;履行义务;履行诺言;满足需要◇the conditions of entry to university in this country are quite difficult to fulfil. 这个国家的大学录取条件很难配合。 3. to have a particular role or purpose 扮演某种角色;起某种作用: ◇italy fulfils a very important role within the european union. 意大利在欧洲联盟中起着举足轻重的作用。 4. to make sb feel completely happy and satisfied 使感到称心如意: ◇i need a job that really fulfils me. 我需要一份真正令我满意的工作。 ➔fulfilled adj ◇when i had my baby i felt totally fulfilled. 我自己有了孩子,感到心满意足了。 ➔fulfilling adj ◇i found working abroad a very fulfilling experience. 我发现在国外工作很有满足感。 fulfilsee ⇨ promise 4 ⇨ satisfied/not satisfied 5 ful·fil /bre 【英】, fulfill ame 【美】 /fl`fɪl; fʊlˈfɪl//v [t] -lled, -lling 1. fulfil a promise/duty/obligation etc to do something that you have promised to do, or do something that you should do 履行诺言/义务/职责等:◇the government hasn't fulfilled its promise to cut taxes. 政府未能履行减税承诺。 2. fulfil a dream/wish/ambition to do something that you have always wanted to do 实现梦想/希望/抱负:◇bruce had finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a racing driver. 布鲁斯终于实现了当赛车手的梦想。 3. fulfil a role/function/need to do something that is useful or needed for a particular purpose 起作用/发挥功能/满足需求:◇the church fulfils an important role in the local community. 教会在当地社区发挥了重要作用。 4. fulfil sb's expectations/hopes to be as good as someone had expected or hoped 不负某人的期望:◇i knew that i could never fulfil my parents' expectations of me. 我知道自己永远也达不到父母对我的期望。




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