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单词 immigration
释义 immigration noun¹ 1coming to live in a country移居某国adjective | verb + immigration | immigration + noun | preposition adjective➤illegal非法移居▸➤undocumented (name) 无证移居➤legal合法移居▸➤large-scale, mass, massive大规模移居;大量移民入境➤increased更多的移民➤uncontrolled移民数量失控◆the impact of uncontrolled immigration移民数量失控的影响➤continued, continuing不断的/持续的移民◆the immense and continuing immigration from latin america来自拉丁美洲的源源不断的大批移民➤hispanic, jewish, mexican, etc.西班牙、犹太人、墨西哥等移民verb + immigration➤control, curb, curtail, limit, prevent, reduce, restrict, stop控制移民;减少移民;限制移民;防止移民;停止移民◆laws restricting immigration into the us美国限制外来移民的法律➤discourage, increase阻止/增加移民◆i think we need to discourage illegal immigration.我认为我们应该阻止非法移民入境。➤encourage鼓励移民◆the authorities quickly encouraged immigration.当局很快就鼓励移民了。immigration + noun➤bill, control, crisis, debate, enforcement, law, legislation, policy, proposal, reform, restrictions, rules移民法案;移民控制;移民危机;移民问题辩论;移民执法;移民法;移民政策;移民提案;移民改革;移民限制;移民规定▸➤agent, authority, court, office, officer, official, service移民代理人;移民局;移民法庭;移民办公室;移民局官员;移民机构➤attorney, judge, lawyer移民律师;移民法官➤case, hearing, proceedings移民案件/听证会/诉讼程序➤violation违反移民法的行为◆they were arrested for immigration violations.他们因涉嫌违反移民法而被捕。➤quota移民限额◆a senate debate on immigration quotas参议院移民限额辩论➤rate移民率◆the immigration rate for the us美国移民率➤status移民身分◆the immigration status of the worker这名工人的移民身分➤records移民记录◆us attorneys match immigration records to voting rolls.美国律师把移民记录与选民名单联系起来。➤papers移民文件◆his wife finally received her immigration papers.他妻子终于收到了移民文件。preposition➤immigration from来自⋯的移民◆there was a sudden increase in immigration from europe.来自欧洲的移民人数突然增加。immigration noun² 2 (also immigration control) at a port/airport港口;机场verb + immigration | immigration + noun verb + immigration➤go through, pass through通过移民局入境检查站◆we landed at heathrow and went through customs and immigration.我们在希思罗机场降落,之后办理了海关和移民入境检查手续。immigration + noun➤checks, procedures移民入境检查/程序◆calls for tighter immigration procedures加强入境检查程序的呼声immigrationnoun [uncountable] ◆laws restricting immigration into the us美国限制外来移民的法律◆an immigration officer一名移民局官员immigrationnoun [uncountable] ◆laws restricting immigration into the us美国限制外来移民的法律◆an immigration officer一名移民局官员immigration/ˌɪmɪˈgreɪʃn ||; ˌɪməˈgreʃən/noun [u]: 1. the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own; the number of people who do this 移民: ◇there are greater controls on immigration than there used to be. 现在对外来移民的管制比过去严格。 2. (also immiˈgration control) the control point at an airport, port, etc where the official documents of people who want to come into a country are checked 入境检查站: ◇when you leave the plane you have to go through customs and immigration. 下机后得办理过关及入境手续。 there is a verb ‘immigrate’ but it is very rarely used. we normally use the expression ‘be an immigrant’ or the verb ‘emigrate’ which is used in connection with the place that somebody has come from my parents emigrated to this country from jamaica. immigrate这个动词很少用。一般用be an immigrant,也可以说从某地emigrate:my parents emigrated to this country from jamaica. 我父母从牙买加移居这个国家。 look at emigrate, emigrant and emigration. 参看emigrate、emigrant及emigration。immigrationsee ⇨ enter 6 im·mi·gra·tion /ˏɪmə`greʃən; ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/n [u] 1. when people come to a country in order to live there 移居,移民入境 2. the place in an airport, at a border etc where your passport and other documents are checked [机场、边境等的]入境检查处,移民局




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