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单词 selective
释义 selective adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be挑剔adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常挑剔▸➤highly极为挑剔▸➤increasingly越来越挑剔▸➤necessarily必定有选择性◆the list provided here is necessarily selective.这份名单当然是经过一番选择的。➤notoriously人所共知具有选择性◆the human memory is notoriously selective.人所共知人类记忆具有选择性。preposition➤about对⋯讲究◆he is quite selective about what he studies.他对学什么内容颇为讲究。➤in在⋯方面挑剔◆most of the girls are extremely selective in their choice of boyfriends.多数女孩在选择男朋友时极为挑剔。 selective /sɪlektɪv/ adjective1.affecting or concerned with only a small number of people or things from a larger group 有选择的;选择性的◆selective price cuts 选择性降价◆a selective mailing 选择性邮寄2. careful about what or who you choose 认真挑选的;严格筛选的◆you will have to be selective about which information to include in the report. 你必须仔细斟酌要把哪些资料写入报告。 ▸ selectively adverb◆the product will be selectively marketed in the us (= only in some areas). 这种产品将有选择性地在美国部分地区的市场上销售。 ▸ selectivity /səˌlektɪvəti/ noun [uncountable]☞ selectiveselective/sɪˈlektɪv ||; səˈlɛktɪv/adj1. careful when choosing 慎重挑选的: ◇she's very selective about who she invites to her parties. 她非常慎重地挑选出席她的聚会的客人。 2. being careful about what or who you choose 选择性的: ◇selective schools/education 重点学校;因材施教 ➔selectively adv selectivesee ⇨ choose 9 se·lec·tive /sə`lɛktɪv; sɪˈlektɪv/adj 1. careful about what you choose to do, buy etc 挑拣的,讲究的:◇she's very selective about her clothes. 她穿衣服很讲究。 2. affecting or involving only a few specially chosen people or things 选择性的,有选择的:◇the selective breeding of animals 牲畜的选种培育




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