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单词 narrative
释义 narrative nounadjective | verb + narrative | narrative + verb | narrative + noun | preposition adjective➤popular通俗的叙述➤compelling引人入胜的叙述▸➤coherent连贯的叙述▸➤simple, straightforward简述;直述▸➤complex, detailed复杂的叙述;详述▸➤chronological, linear, sequential按时间顺序的/线性的/顺序的叙述➤first-person, third-person第一人称/第三人称叙述◆the book is written in the style of first-person narrative.这本书是以第一人称写的。➤autobiographical, personal自传式的/个人的叙述◆he provides a compelling personal narrative of his life.他扣人心弦地描述了自己的一生。➤fictional, prose小说式的/散文式的叙述▸➤film电影叙述➤traditional传统的叙述◆the movie has a very traditional linear narrative.这部电影采用了很传统的线性叙述方式。➤biblical, historical《圣经》叙事;历史叙述➤dominant占主导地位的叙述◆the dominant narrative of the cold war对冷战的主要叙述➤grand, master (especially name) 宏伟的/杰出的叙述◆the grand narratives of history对历史的宏伟叙述verb + narrative➤construct, create, develop, produce, weave, write构建故事;创作故事;展开叙述;编写故事◆it's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。◆she has woven a strong personal narrative filled with lively anecdotes.她编织了一个充满趣闻佚事、令人难忘的个人故事。➤interrupt打断叙述◆the author interrupts her narrative to tell us that the idea for the book had not been well received.作者打断了她的叙述,告诉我们这本书的创作构思以前并不受欢迎。➤offer, present, provide给予/提交/提供叙述◆this book offers no coherent narrative of the american civil war.这本书并没有对美国内战进行连贯的叙述。➤weave sth into将⋯编进故事中◆the author weaves into this narrative many entertaining historical facts.作者将许多有趣的史实编进了这一叙述中。narrative + verb➤be based on sth叙述基于⋯narrative + noun➤form, style, technique叙述形式;叙述风格;叙事技巧▸➤framework, structure叙事框架/结构▸➤flow, thread叙述流;叙事线索◆interruptions to the narrative flow叙事流的中断➤content叙述内容▸➤passage, sequence, text叙事段落/顺序/文本preposition➤in a/the narrative在叙述中◆events in the narrative叙述中的事件narrative /nærətɪv/ [countable] (formal) a description of events, especially in a novel(尤指小说中的)描述,叙述◆she has written a gripping narrative of their journey up the amazon.她对他们那次沿亚马孙河而上的旅行作了扣人心弦的描述。 ➡ see also narrate → describe narrative/ˈnærətɪv ||; ˈnærətɪv/noun (formal 正式) 1. [c] the description of events in a story 叙述;讲述 2. [u] the process or skill of telling a story 叙述的过程或技巧 nar·ra·tive /`nærətɪv; ˈnærətɪv/n [c,u]the description of events in a story 记叙文,故事:◇an exciting narrative 令人兴奋的故事 narrativeadj




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