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单词 advertisement
释义 advertisement nounadjective | verb + advertisement | advertisement + verb | preposition adjective➤good好广告▸➤discreet谨慎的广告宣传▸➤misleading误导性的广告▸➤classified, front-page, full-page分类/头版/整版广告◆the classified advertisements are on page 25.分类广告在第 25 页。➤magazine, newspaper, press, television, tv杂志广告;报纸广告;媒体广告;电视广告▸➤banner, online, pop-up横幅/在线/弹出式广告▸➤cigarette, job, political, etc.香烟、招聘、政治等广告▸➤walking活广告◆he's a walking advertisement for healthy living.他是健康生活方式的活广告。verb + advertisement➤place, put, take out刊登广告◆we placed advertisements in a number of national newspapers.我们在多家全国性的报纸上都刊登了广告。➤carry, display, publish, run, show登载广告;展示广告◆television and radio refused to carry advertisements for the album.电视和广播都拒绝为该专辑做广告宣传。➤find, see, spot发现广告;看到广告▸➤answer, reply to, respond to回覆广告;对广告作出回应advertisement + verb➤appear广告出现▸➤say sth, show sth, state sth广告中说⋯;广告展示⋯▸➤feature sb/sth广告以⋯为内容preposition➤in a/the advertisement在广告中◆a lot of claims are made in the advertisement.这则广告作了多项承诺。➤advertisement for为⋯做的广告advertisement /ədvɜːtɪsmənt; name ædvərtaɪz-/ noun [countable] 1.a notice, picture or short film telling people about a company, product or service 广告◆cigarette advertisements 香烟广告◆advertisements for cigarettes 为香烟做广告◆to take out a full-page/half-page advertisement in a glossy magazine 在漂亮的杂志上刊登整版/半版广告◆the product became a best-seller through costly print and television advertisements. 凭着昂贵的印刷品及电视广告宣传,这产品成了畅销货。◆the advertisement appeared on tv last night. 昨晚这广告在电视上出现。◆one advertisement shows a man driving a car on a golf course. 广告上出现一位男子在高尔夫球场上驾驶着一辆汽车。  ➡  ad , advert  ➡  see note at advertising ⨁ newspaper / online / print / television advertisements报纸/网上/印刷/电视广告 ⨁ to place / put / run / take out an advertisement登广告 ⨁ the advertisement features / shows sb/sth广告突出/显示某人或某物 2.a notice telling people about a job that is available 招聘广告;招聘启事◆an advertisement for a job/post/position 工作/岗位/职位的招聘广告◆a job advertisement 工作招聘广告⨁ to place / put / take out an advertisement (in a newspaper)(在报纸上)登广告 ⨁ to answer / reply to / respond to an advertisement答覆/回应广告 banner advertisement ◇ button advertisement ◇ classified advertisement ◇ display advertisement ☞ advertisement☞ advertising/advertisement advertisement nounadvertisement ♦︎ publicity ♦︎ ad ♦︎ commercial ♦︎ promotion ♦︎ advert ♦︎ trailer ♦︎ blurb ♦︎ plugthese are all words for a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service.这些词均表示广告或启事。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an advertisement / publicity / an ad / a commercial / a promotion / an advert / a trailer / a blurb / a plug for sth◆(a) tv / television / radio / cinema advertisement / ad / commercial / promotion / advert◆to run / show an advertisement / an ad / a commercial / an advert / a trailer◆to put / place / take out an advertisement / ad / advert◆the advertisement / ad / commercial / advert / blurb says / states / claims...◆the advertisement / ad / commercial / advert / trailer appears / shows sth / features sb / sth■ advertisement [countable, uncountable] a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service; an example of sth that shows its good qualities; the act of advertising sth and making it public广告;广告品;广告宣传◆put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car.在当地报纸上登一则广告来出售你的车。◆dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道和无家可归的现象绝不是社会繁荣的景象。◆we are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们打算招聘一名助手来做团队活动的宣传工作。■ publicity [uncountable] the business of attracting the attention of the public to sb/sth such as a company, book, film, film star or product; the things that are done to attract attention宣传业;广告宣传工作◆she works in publicity.她从事宣传工作。◆there has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film.她的新电影在上映前已经大加宣传。◆publicity material宣传材料◆a publicity campaign宣传运动◆the band dressed up as the beatles as a publicity stunt.乐队扮成披头士乐队作为宣传噱头。■ ad [countable] (informal) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service广告(品)◆we put an ad in the local paper.我们在地方报纸上登了一则广告。◆they've produced an ad for a new chocolate bar.他们为新品巧克力棒制作了一则广告。■ commercial [countable] an advertisement on television or the radio电视(或电台)广告◆the company has made commercials for leading sportswear manufacturers.这家公司为主要的运动服装生产商制作广告。◆a commercial break (= a time during or between shows when advertisements are broadcast) 广告时间■ promotion /prəməʊʃn; name prəmoʊʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a set of advertisements for a particular product or service; activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service促销广告;促销活动◆we are doing a special promotion of chilean wines.我们正在进行智利葡萄酒的特别促销活动。◆her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.她的工作主要涉及销售和广告宣传。■ advert [countable] (bre, informal) an advertisement广告;广告品;广告宣传◆i never watch the adverts on tv.我从不看电视广告。■ trailer [countable] (especially bre) a series of short scenes from a film or television programme, shown in advance to advertise it(电影或电视节目)预告片◆the review said that if you've seen the trailer, you needn't bother watching this film.影评说看过预告片之后就没有必要看那部影片了。■ blurb [countable] a short description of a book, film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, that is intended to attract your attention and make you want to buy it(书籍或电影等的)简介;(生产商的)产品推介◆the blurb says that this is tarantino's greatest movie.影片简介上说这是塔兰蒂诺的最佳力作。ⓘ the blurb is usually written on the cover or case of the book, dvd, or other product that it describes. * blurb 通常印在书、dvd 等产品的封面或包装盒上。■ plug [countable] (informal) praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it(书籍、电影等的)推广,宣传◆he managed to get in a plug for his new book.他设法为自己的新书打了一下广告。 advertisement [countable, uncountable] a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service; an example of sth that shows its good qualities; the act of advertising sth and making it public广告;广告品;广告宣传◆put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car.在当地报纸上登一则广告来出售你的车。◆dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道和无家可归的现象绝不是社会繁荣的景象。◆we are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们打算招聘一名助手来做团队活动的宣传工作。advertisementnoun [uncountable] ◆we are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们雇了一个助手帮我们宣传团队活动。advertisementnoun [uncountable] ◆we are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们雇了一个助手帮我们宣传团队活动。advertisement/ədˈvɜ:tɪsmənt; us ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt ||; ˌædvɚˈtaɪzmənt/(informal 非正式advertad) noun [c] a piece of information in a newspaper, on television, a picture on a wall, etc that tries to persuade people to buy sth, to interest them in a new job, etc 广告: ◇an advertisement for a new brand of washing powder 新牌子洗衣粉的广告◇to put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上刊登广告 advertisementsee ⇨ advertising 3 ad·ver·tise·ment /ˏædvə`taɪzmənt; ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/n [c]a set of words or pictures in a newspaper, magazine etc, or a short film on television that advertises a product 广告→ compare 比较 commercial² ☞ advertisement




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