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单词 glass
释义 glass noun¹ 1transparent substance透明物质adjective | ... of glass | verb + glass | glass + verb | glass + noun | preposition adjective➤clear, coloured/colored, opaque, plain, smoked, tinted透明/彩色/不透明/防护白/烟色/有色玻璃▸➤broken碎玻璃▸➤flying飞起的玻璃碎片◆a bomb went off, and many people were injured by flying glass.炸弹爆炸了,许多人被飞溅的玻璃碎片划伤。➤bulletproof, cut, frosted, plate, safety, stained, toughened防弹/雕花/磨砂/平板/安全/彩色/钢化玻璃... of glass➤piece一片玻璃▸➤pane, sheet一块玻璃▸➤fragment, shard, sliver, splinter玻璃碎片◆the floor was littered with fragments of broken glass.地板上满是玻璃碎片。verb + glass➤blow, make吹制/制造玻璃◆we watched the craftsmen blowing glass.我们观看工匠吹制玻璃。◆the factory makes safety glass.这家工厂生产安全玻璃。➤break, crack, shatter, smash打破玻璃;打碎玻璃glass + verb➤break, crack, shatter, smash, splinter玻璃破碎;玻璃裂开;玻璃粉碎◆the sound of glass breaking玻璃破碎的声音glass + noun➤beads, bottle, bowl, eye, jar, vase, vial玻璃珠;玻璃瓶;玻璃碗;玻璃假眼球;玻璃广口瓶;玻璃花瓶;小玻璃瓶▸➤cabinet, case玻璃陈设柜;玻璃橱▸➤door, panel, partition, roof, wall, window玻璃门;玻璃嵌板;玻璃隔板;玻璃屋顶;玻璃墙;玻璃窗➤table玻璃桌子▸➤fibre/fiber玻璃纤维◆a boat made of glass fibre / fiber玻璃纤维制的小船preposition➤behind glass在玻璃后面◆the books were all behind glass (= in glass cases).书都放在玻璃柜子里。➤on glass在玻璃上◆she cut her foot on some glass.她的脚被玻璃割伤了。➤under glass在玻璃下面◆we grow fruit under glass (= in a glasshouse).我们在玻璃温室里种植水果。➤through glass透过玻璃◆he could see the light through the frosted glass.他能够透过磨砂玻璃看到亮光。glass noun² 2for drinking供饮用adjective | verb + glass | glass + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤brimming, full满满的玻璃杯▸➤half-empty, half-full半满的玻璃杯▸➤empty空玻璃杯▸➤beer, brandy, champagne, sherry, whisky/whiskey, wine啤酒/白兰地/香槟/雪利酒/威士忌/葡萄酒酒杯▸➤crystal水晶玻璃杯◆a set of crystal glasses一套水晶玻璃杯➤tall一大杯◆a tall glass of milk一大杯牛奶➤fresh (especially name) 新倒的一杯◆he poured her a fresh glass of sherry.他给她重新倒了一杯雪利酒。➤pint一品脱的玻璃杯◆beer in a pint glass一品脱玻璃杯中的啤酒verb + glass➤have喝一杯◆he had a small glass of lager with his meal.他吃饭时喝了一小杯淡啤酒。➤drink, sip喝杯中物;抿杯中物◆she sat sipping a glass of champagne.她坐着慢慢抿香槟。➤drain, empty把杯中物喝光▸➤fill, pour, refill, top up斟满/倒入/重新满上/添满◆the waiter filled their glasses.侍者把他们的杯子斟满。➤clean, polish, wash清洗玻璃杯;擦拭酒杯;冲洗玻璃杯◆the butler was polishing the brandy glasses.男管家正在擦白兰地酒杯。➤lift, raise举杯◆she raised the glass to her lips.她把杯子举到唇边。➤hand sb递给某人一杯⋯◆i handed her a glass of wine.我递给她一杯葡萄酒。➤put down, set down放下杯子◆i put my glass down on the table.我把玻璃杯放在桌子上。➤clink碰杯◆they clinked glasses, still laughing.他们碰了杯,依旧大笑不止。glass + verb➤clink杯子叮当响◆he heard glasses clinking in the other room.他听到另一间屋里发出碰杯的声音。preposition➤in a/the/sb's glass在(某人的)杯中◆the red liquid in his glass他杯子里的红色液体➤glass of一杯⋯◆she had had three glasses of wine already.她已经喝了三杯葡萄酒。phrases➤(a) glass in (your) hand手拿酒杯◆he sat back, glass in hand.他手里拿着酒杯向后一靠。glass/glɑ:s; us glæs ||; glæs/noun1. [u] a hard substance that you can usually see through that is used for making windows, bottles, etc 玻璃: ◇he cut himself on broken glass. 他给玻璃碎片割伤了。◇a sheet/pane of glass 一块玻璃/窗玻璃◇a glass jar/dish/vase 玻璃缸子╱碟子╱花瓶 ☞picture at building 见building插图 2. [c] a drinking container made of glass; the amount of liquid it contains 玻璃杯;一杯的量: ◇a wine glass 葡萄酒杯◇a brandy glass 白兰地酒杯◇could i have a glass of water, please? 可以给我一杯水吗? ◇he drank three glasses of milk. 他喝了三杯牛奶。 glass /glæs; ɡlɑːs/n 1. [u] a hard transparent material that is used for making windows and bottles 玻璃:◇don't cut yourself on the broken glass! 不要让碎玻璃割着了!◇a glass vase 玻璃花瓶 2. [c] a container made of glass used for drinking, or the drink in it 玻璃杯; 杯中的东西:◇did you put the wine glasses on the table? 你把葡萄酒杯放到桌上了吗?◇a glass of sth would you like a glass of water? 你要来杯水吗? 3. [u] objects made of glass 玻璃器皿; 玻璃制品:◇an impressive collection of venetian glass 一批令人叹为观止的威尼斯玻璃器皿收藏品 ☞ glass




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