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单词 give¹
释义 give¹ /gɪv; ɡɪv/v gave /gev; ɡeɪv/, given /`gɪvən; ˈɡɪvən/, giving 1. [t] to provide someone with something they can have or use 提供,给予,供给,送给:◇give sb sth can you give me a ride to school tomorrow? 明天你能让我搭你的车到学校吗?◇i gave jen a cd for christmas. 圣诞节我送了耶恩一张雷射唱片。◇give sth to sb they gave the job to that guy from texas. 他们把工作给了得克萨斯来的那个男人。 2. [t] to put something near someone, or in their hand, so that they can use it, hold it etc 交给,拿给:◇give sth to sb he gave the books to carl. 他把书交给卡尔。◇give sb sth here, give me your coat. i'll hang it up for you. 来,把衣服给我,我帮你挂起来。 3. [t] to perform an action 作出,做出[动作]:◇gus gave her a long look. 格斯深深地看了她一眼。◇give sb a call/ring (=phone someone) 打电话给某人: give me a call around 8:00. 八点钟左右打个电话给我。◇give a speech/performance etc the president will be giving a speech at the ceremony. 总统将在典礼上发表演说。 4. [t] to tell someone information or details about something 告诉,提供[资料、细节等]:◇the brochure gives all the details. 小册子里提供了所有的具体内容。◇give sb sth would you give kim a message for me? 你帮我给金捎个口信好吗? 5. to make someone have or feel something 给予,使感觉到:◇your letter gave me hope. 你的来信给了我希望。◇the noise is giving me a headache. 这种声音让我头疼。◇give sb trouble/problems etc my back has been giving me trouble lately. 最近我的背部不舒服。 6. give sb/sth time to allow a person or situation to have time to do something or develop in a particular way 给某人/某事时间:◇give her some time. she'll make the right decision. 给她点时间,她会作出正确决定的。 7. [t] to make someone or something have a particular quality or appearance 使具有[某种品质或外观]:◇dark clothes will give you a slimmer look. 深色衣服能让你看上去苗条一些。 8. give (sb) the impression/sense etc to make someone have a particular idea or feeling about someone or something 给(某人)留下印象/感觉等:◇the room gives the impression of being much larger than it is. 这房间给人的感觉比实际大很多。 9. give (sth) thought/attention/consideration etc to spend some time thinking about something carefully [仔细地]思考/注意/考虑(某事) 10. [t] to offer to pay an amount of money for something 付[款],出[钱]:◇i'll give you $75 for the oak desk. 我出 75 元买你这张橡木书桌。 11. [i] to bend, stretch, or break when pressure or weight is put on something [因受到压力或重压而]弯曲; 伸展; 断裂:◇the leather will give slightly as you wear the boots. 这靴子穿过后,皮革就会稍微伸展一点。 12. give or take spoken used to say that the number mentioned is not exact 【口】 [数字]相差不到…:◇the show lasts about an hour, give or take five minutes. 这场表演进行了一小时左右,上下差不了五分钟。→ see also 另见 give and take 13. give sb your word to promise to do something 答应某人,向某人保证 14. give a party to organize and have a party 举办派对[聚会] 15. give way a) if a bridge, roof, wall etc gives way, it falls down because it cannot support the weight of something [桥梁、屋顶、墙等因受重压而]坍塌 b) bre to allow traffic on a bigger road to go first 【英】 让路,让其他车辆先行; yield ame 【美】:◇a give way sign 让道标记 c) if something gives way to something else, it is replaced by it 为…所取代,让位:◇sadness soon gave way to joy and relief. 心情很快转悲为喜,变得轻松了。 d) to stop arguing or disagreeing and allow someone to do something, or admit that you are wrong 让步,屈服:◇neither of them was willing to give way. 他们俩谁也不肯让步。give away1 [t give sth ↔ away] to give something you own to someone without selling it to them 赠送,捐赠:◇i gave my old clothes away to charity. 我把旧衣服捐给了慈善机构。we're giving away a bottle of wine with every purchase. 每一次购物我们就送一瓶葡萄酒。2 [t give sb/sth ↔ away] to do or say something which allows other people to guess your secret 泄露秘密,使露出马脚:◇he said he hadn't told her, but his face gave him away. (=showed that he had told her) 他说没有告诉过她,但是他脸上的表情却出卖了他。give the game away (=accidentally let someone know about a secret) [无意中]泄露秘密→see also 另见 giveawaygive sth ↔ backto return something to its owner 归还,送还:◇give me back my pencils! 把铅笔还给我!i have to give rick his car back by 3:00. 我得在三点钟之前把汽车还给里克。give in1 [i] to agree to do something that you were unwilling to do 让步:◇andy had been asking her out for months, so she finally gave in. 安迪约了她好几个月,所以最后她还是答应了。give in to sth if you feel the need for a cigarette, try not to give in to it. 如果你感觉想抽烟,要尝试忍一下。2 to accept that you have lost a fight, game etc 投降; 认输3 [t give sth ↔ in] bre to give something such as an official paper or a piece of work to someone 【英】 呈交,交上[公文或作业]:◇can you give in your exams now, please? 现在请把考卷交上来,好吗?give offto produce a smell, light, heat, etc 发出[气味、光、热等],放出:◇the old mattress gave off a faint smell of damp. 那张旧的床垫有点潮乎乎的味道。give out1 [t give sth ↔ out] to give something to each of several people 分发,散发:◇give out the leaflets as they're leaving the club. 在他们离开俱乐部时把传单分发出去。2 [i] to stop working correctly 停止运转,失灵,出故障:◇my voice gave out half way through the song. 那首歌我唱到一半嗓子就沙哑了。give up1 [i,t give sth ↔ up] to admit that you cannot do something and stop trying to finish it 放弃,停止,不再尝试:◇vlad has given up trying to teach me russian. 弗拉德已经放弃,不想再教我俄语了。2 [t give sth ↔ up] to stop doing or having something 停止,戒除; 放弃[拥有某物或做某事]:◇she gave up her job, and started writing. 她放弃了工作,开始写作。i gave up smoking a year ago. 我一年前戒了烟。3 give yourself/sb up to allow yourself or someone else to be caught by the police or enemy soldiers 自首,投案,投降:◇he gave himself up after police surrounded the property. 警方包围了房子之后,他投降了。give up on sbto stop hoping that someone will do something, or that something will happen 对[某人]不抱希望,不再指望:◇the doctors had almost given up on her when she came out of the coma. 医生都已经快放弃她了,这时她却从昏迷中苏醒过来。




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