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单词 elementary
释义 elementary /elɪmentri/ (rather formal) concerning the most central and important matters or ideas基本的;根本性的◆how could you make such an elementary mistake?你怎么能犯这种根本性错误?◆it's an elementary law of economics: the scarcer the commodity, the higher the price.这是经济学的基本法则:商品越稀缺,价格越高。ⓘ when it is used to talk about education or learning, elementary usually describes a level or a stage in learning a subject. * elementary 修饰教育或学习时意思是初级的、基础的◆i'm taking classes in elementary italian.我在上意大利语基础课程。elementary/ˌelɪˈmentri ||; ˌɛləˈmɛntrɪ/adj1. connected with the first stages of learning sth 初级的: ◇an elementary course in english 初级英语课程◇a book for elementary students 供初级学生使用的书 2. basic; not difficult 基本的;简单的: ◇elementary physics 基础物理学 elementarysee ⇨ simple 1 el·e·men·ta·ry /ˏɛlə`mɛntərɪ; ˌelɪˈmentəri◄/adj 1. simple or basic 简单的,初级的:◇an elementary mistake 简单的错误 2. relating to the first and easiest part of a subject 基础的:◇a book of elementary chemistry 基础化学课本 3. ame relating to the first six or eight years of a child's education 【美】 小学的; primary bre【英】:◇an elementary school 小学




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