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单词 element
释义 element noun¹ 1one part of sth组成部份adjective | verb + element | preposition adjective➤basic, core, critical, crucial, decisive, distinctive, essential, fundamental, important, key, main, major, necessary, principal, significant, vital基本要素;核心要素;关键性要素;决定性要素;独特的要素;基础要素;重要要素;关键要素;主要要素;意义重大的要素;必要的要素;必不可少的要素▸➤considerable, large相当大的成分◆there is a considerable element of danger in her job.她的工作存在相当大的危险。➤dominant支配性的要素◆the promise of tax cuts became the dominant element in the campaign.减税承诺成了竞选活动的头号内容。➤fringe非主流成分◆these ideas are not just the province of a fringe element in the party.这些想法并不仅仅属于党内的非正统领域。➤competitive竞争成分◆there is too much of a competitive element in the sales department.销售部竞争太大。➤disparate, diverse完全不同的/多种元素◆the disparate elements brought together in these paintings这些画作一并体现出来的完全不同的元素➤racial, sexual种族性质;性因素◆police say there may have been a racial element to the attacks.警方说这些袭击事件都可能带有种族因素。➤human人的因素◆he emphasizes the human element of the story.他强调故事中人的因素。➤constituent, constitutive (especially name) 组成/构成要素◆the constituent elements of the universe宇宙的组成要素➤functional, structural功能/结构要素➤architectural, decorative, design, musical, visual建筑/装饰/设计/音乐/视觉元素◆the narrative and decorative elements in pop art波普艺术中的叙事和装饰要素verb + element➤be, comprise, constitute, form是要素;包含要素;组成要素;形成要素▸➤contain, have, include, involve包含成分◆these stories do contain an element of truth.这些传闻中确实有点儿真实成分。➤blend, combine, fuse, incorporate, integrate, mix拼合/结合/融合/组合/整合/混合各要素◆an offbeat theatrical production that combines elements of fantasy and satire结合了想像与讽刺元素的不落俗套的戏剧作品◆a visual style that fuses film noir elements with traditional horror融入了黑色电影元素和传统恐怖片效果的视觉风格➤add, introduce加入/引入要素preposition➤element in⋯中的要素◆this constitutes one of the key elements in their reform package.这构成了这一揽子改革计划的关键要素之一。➤element of⋯的要素◆practical work will form a major element of the syllabus.实际操作将是教学大纲中的一项重要内容。◆there may have been an element of jealousy in her response.她的回答可能含有一丝嫉妒。element noun² 2the elements bad weather坏天气verb + the elements | phrases verb + the elements➤brave冒着恶劣的天气◆i put on my thick coat ready to brave the elements.我穿上厚外衣准备顶风冒雨出门。➤battle, battle against与恶劣天气作斗争◆he told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips.他给我们讲述他登山时是怎样顶住坏天气的。➤be exposed to, be open to暴露于恶劣天气中◆the place was completely exposed to the elements.这个地方在恶劣天气下完全没有遮挡。➤be protected from, be sheltered from免受坏天气干扰;免受恶劣天气侵袭phrases➤protection from the elements, shelter from the elements免受恶劣天气侵袭element noun 1➤have all the elements of a soap opera有肥皂剧的所有要素➤an element of risk些许风险  ➡ see also the entry for aspect另见 aspect 条element ♦︎ component ♦︎ module ♦︎ unit ♦︎ part ♦︎ piece ♦︎ ingredient ♦︎ sectionthese are all words for sth which belongs to, but can be considered separately from, sth larger.这些词均表示要素、成分、元件。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an element / a component / an ingredient in sth◆an individual element / component / module / unit / part / piece / ingredient◆a basic element / component / module / unit / part / ingredient◆a core element / component / module / unit◆a / an major / important / fundamental element / component / unit / ingredient◆a / an necessary / essential element / component / part / ingredient◆the main / principal element / component / ingredient◆component / constituent elements / modules / parts■ element /elɪmənt/ [countable] a necessary or typical part or aspect of sth要素;基本部份;典型部份◆cost was a key element in our decision.成本是我们作决策时考虑的一个关键因素。◆the story has all the elements of a soap opera.这个故事有肥皂剧的所有要素。■ component /kəmpəʊnənt; name kəmpoʊnənt/ [countable] (rather formal) one of several parts which combine to form the whole组成部份;成分;部件◆car components are manufactured in the other factory.汽车零部件在另一家工厂生产。◆trust is a vital component in any relationship.在任何关系中,信任都是一个至关重要的因素。▸ component adjective [only before noun] ◆this concept can be broken down into its component parts.这一概念可以分解成若干组成部份。■ module /mɒdjuːl; name mɑːdʒul/ [countable] one of several courses that can combine to form a programme of study, especially at a college or university in britain; one of a set of separate parts that can be joined together to make a machine or structure(尤指英国大学课程的)单元;组件;配件◆the course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules.这门课由十个核心单元和五个选修单元组成。◆each student takes five modules.每个学生选修五个单元。◆ships are now built in modules rather than built in a whole from the base up.现在造船是先做出组件,而不是从船底开始整艘建起来。ⓘ in computing, a module is a part of a computer system or program that has a particular function.在计算机术语中,module 指电脑系统的功能块或程序块◆new software modules include a virtual memory tool.新型软件模块具有虚拟记忆功能。a module is also a part of a spacecraft that can function independently of the main part. * module 还指航天器上独立的舱◆photographs were taken from a lunar module.照片是从登月舱拍摄的。■ unit [countable] a single thing, person or group that is complete by itself but can also form part of sth larger单独的事物(或人、群体);单位;单元◆the cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed.细胞是构成一切生物的单位。◆the basic unit of society is the family.社会的基本单位是家庭。■ part [countable] a piece of a machine or structure部件;零件◆where can i get spare parts for my motorbike?哪儿能买到我的摩托车备用零件?◆although it is no longer a working watermill, several of the working parts remain.尽管这个水磨已不再使用了,但是一些运作部件仍保存完好。■ piece [countable] one of the parts from which sth is made零件;组件◆he took the clock to pieces.他把钟拆散了。◆ (name) he broke the clock down into pieces.他把钟拆散了。◆the bridge was taken down piece by piece.那桥被一点一点地拆了。◆she's been doing a 500-piece jigsaw.她一直在拼凑一个 500 块的拼图。◆there had to be some missing piece of the story.这个故事肯定有一部份缺失了。■ ingredient /ɪngriːdiənt/ [countable] one of the things from which sth is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish; one of the things or qualities that are necessary to make sth successful成分;(尤指)烹饪原料;(成功的)要素◆coconut is a basic ingredient in many curries.椰子是多道咖喱菜的基本原料。◆our skin cream contains only natural ingredients.我们的护肤霜是用纯天然材料制成的。◆the only active ingredient in this medicine is aspirin.该药唯一的有效成分是阿司匹林。◆determination is one of the essential ingredients for success.果断是成功的基本要素之一。◆it has all the ingredients of a good mystery story.它具备一个好的玄幻故事的所有要素。◆the magic / secret ingredient is love.秘诀就是爱。■ section [countable] a separate part of a structure from which the whole can be put together部件;散件◆the shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself.棚房以散件出售,需要自己组装。element noun 2➤have all the elements of a soap opera有肥皂剧的所有要素➤an element of risk些许风险element ♦︎ touch ♦︎ trace ♦︎ hint ♦︎ spot ♦︎ tinge ♦︎ pinch ♦︎ dashthese are all words for a small amount of sth.这些词均表示少量、有点。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a slight element / touch / trace / hint / tinge of sth◆a faint touch / trace / hint / tinge◆the slightest touch / trace / hint of sth◆to detect an element / a touch / a trace / a hint / a tinge of sth◆to contain elements / traces / a hint of sth◆to add an element / a touch / a hint / a pinch / a dash of sth◆a touch / trace / hint of humour / irony / sarcasm◆a touch / hint / tinge / dash of colour◆a trace / hint of a / an smile / accent◆a touch / hint of impatience / irritation◆a trace / hint of amusement / bitterness◆a hint / tinge of sadness / regret / envy■ element /elɪmənt/ [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a small amount of a quality(某种特质)少量,有点◆we need to preserve the element of surprise.我们得保留一些使人感到意外的东西。◆there appears to be an element of truth in his story.他的说法似乎有点真实成分。◆all outdoor activities carry an element of risk.所有户外活动都带有些许风险。ⓘ element is used especially to talk about a small amount of truth and also of qualities that suggest uncertainty, including luck, chance, risk, danger, surprise, mystery, choice, uncertainty and doubt. * element 尤与 truth 连用,表示带有一点真实性,但也可与暗示不确定因素的词搭配,如 luck、chance、risk、danger、surprise、mystery、choice、uncertainty 和 doubt。■ touch [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a very small amount of sth, especially a quality(尤指特质)一点儿,少许◆there was a touch of sarcasm in her voice.她的话中有点儿讥讽的意味。◆give your garden a touch of class with a sundial as a focal point.用日晷作为你花园的焦点,以略显典雅之风。◆there could be a touch of frost tonight.今晚可能有轻微霜冻。ⓘ touch is used especially to talk about small amounts of special or expensive qualities including class, elegance, glamour, luxury, genius and colour; also small amounts of humorous and/or negative qualities, including humour, irony, sarcasm, impatience and irritation. * touch 与 class、elegance、glamour、luxury、genius 和 colour 搭配,尤指略显特别或奢华;还与 humour、irony、sarcasm、impatience 和 irritation 搭配,指含有些许幽默和/或负面特质。■ trace [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a very small amount of a substance, feeling or quality(物质、感觉或特质)微量,少许◆the police found traces of blood in the bathroom.警方在洗手间发现些许血迹。◆she spoke without a trace of bitterness.她说话时一点也不伤感。◆he spoke in english with only the trace of an accent.他说英语时只有一点点口音。ⓘ collocates of trace include blood, gold, emotion, amusement, anxiety, bitterness, cynicism, sarcasm, irony and humour. it is often used in a more negative way than touch. * trace 的搭配词有 blood、gold、emotion、amusement、anxiety、bitterness、cynicism、sarcasm、irony 和 humour。与 touch 相比,trace 常用于较负面的含义◆her speech brought a welcome touch of humour to the evening.她的讲话为晚会平添几分令人愉悦的幽默感。◆there was no trace of humour in his expression.他的话里没有丝毫的幽默感。■ hint [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a very small amount of a feeling, quality, colour or flavour(感觉、特质、颜色或味道)少许,少量◆there was more than a hint of sadness in his voice.他的声音中流露出深深的悲伤。◆he vowed that no hint of scandal would ever be attached to him.他发誓永远不与丑闻沾边。◆the walls were painted with a hint of peach.墙壁被粉刷成略带桃红的颜色。ⓘ you can talk about a hint of both positive and negative feelings and qualities, including amusement, humour, laughter, triumph, anger, bitterness, impatience, irritation, sadness, desperation, malice, mischief, mockery, jealousy, suspicion and scandal. * hint 可以指正面或负面的感觉和特质,搭配词有 amusement、humour、laughter、triumph、anger、bitterness、impatience、irritation、sadness、desperation、malice、mischief、mockery、jealousy、suspicion 和 scandal。■ spot [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) (bre, informal) a small amount of sth少量;一点◆there was a spot of rain in the afternoon, but otherwise the weather has been perfect.下午落了几滴雨,除此之外,天气好极了。◆we got into a spot of bother with the police.我们与警察发生了点小摩擦。■ tinge /tɪndʒ/ [countable] a small amount of a colour or feeling(颜色或感觉)微量,少许,一丝◆there was a faint pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉红色。◆he felt a tinge of sadness as the train began to pull away.火车徐徐开动了,他感到了些许伤感。  ➡ see also tinge → colour noun 1 note 辨析 hint or tinge? hint is more frequent than tinge and can be used to describe a wider range of feelings; however, both words can be used to describe sadness, regret and envy. with colours, you can say a pink tinge to sth or a hint of pink but not ◆a tinge of pink or ◆a pink hint * hint 比 tinge 常用,且可用于描述多种情感。但这两个词都可用于描述 sadness、regret 和 envy。至于颜色,可以说 a pink tinge to sth 或 a hint of pink。但不说 a tinge of pink,也不说 a pink hint。 ■ pinch [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) the amount of salt or a spice that you can hold between your finger and thumb一撮(盐或调味料等)◆add a pinch of salt to the mixture and stir well.在混合料中加一撮盐,搅拌均匀。◆a pinch of cayenne pepper / cinnamon / curry powder / ground ginger / nutmeg / paprika / snuff一撮红辣椒/肉桂/咖喱粉/姜粉/肉豆蔻/红辣椒粉/鼻烟■ dash [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a small amount of sth that is added to sth else少量,少许(添加物)◆add a dash of lemon juice.加入少量柠檬汁。◆the rug adds a dash of colour to the room.小地毯为房间增添了一点色彩。ⓘ dash is used especially to describe a small amount of a liquid which is added to food or drink. * dash 尤用来描述加入食物或饮品的少量液体。 element /elɪmənt/ [countable] a necessary or typical part or aspect of sth要素;基本部份;典型部份◆cost was a key element in our decision.成本是我们作决策时考虑的一个关键因素。◆the story has all the elements of a soap opera.这个故事有肥皂剧的所有要素。 element /elɪmənt/ [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) a small amount of a quality(某种特质)少量,有点◆we need to preserve the element of surprise.我们得保留一些使人感到意外的东西。◆there appears to be an element of truth in his story.他的说法似乎有点真实成分。◆all outdoor activities carry an element of risk.所有户外活动都带有些许风险。ⓘ element is used especially to talk about a small amount of truth and also of qualities that suggest uncertainty, including luck, chance, risk, danger, surprise, mystery, choice, uncertainty and doubt. * element 尤与 truth 连用,表示带有一点真实性,但也可与暗示不确定因素的词搭配,如 luck、chance、risk、danger、surprise、mystery、choice、uncertainty 和 doubt。 element [countable] (chemistry化学) a simple chemical substance that consists of atoms of only one type and cannot be split by chemical means into a simpler substance. gold, oxygen and carbon are all elements.元素(如金、氧、碳)◆all chemical substances, whether elements, compounds or mixtures, are made up of three types of particles.所有化学物质,无论是元素、化合物还是混合物,都由三种粒子构成。element/ˈelɪmənt ||; ˈɛləmənt/noun1. [c] one important part of sth 要素: ◇cost is an important element when we're thinking about holidays. 对我们来说,考虑去度假,费用是个重要因素。 2. [c] [usu.sing] an element of sth a small amount of sth 少量: ◇there was an element of truth in what he said. 他的话倒有几分真实性。 3. [c] people of a certain type 某一类人;分子: ◇the criminal element at football matches causes a lot of trouble. 足球比赛中的滋事分子经常引起不少麻烦。 4. [c] one of the simple chemical substances, for example iron, gold, etc (化学)元素(如铁、金等) 5. [c] the metal part of a piece of electrical equipment that produces heat (电器的)电阻丝,电热组件 6. the elements [pl] (bad) weather (恶劣的)天气: ◇to be exposed to the elements 遭受风吹雨打 in/out of your element in a situation where you feel comfortable/uncomfortable 处于相宜或不相宜的环境: ◇bill's in his element speaking to a large group of people, but i hate it. 比尔在一大群人面前讲话可谓如鱼得水,而我不喜欢做这种事。 elementsee ⇨ group 3 ⇨ part 6     • • •• ⇨ an element of sth el·e·ment /`ɛləmənt; ˈelɪmənt/n [c] 1. a simple chemical substance that consists of only one kind of atom 元素→ compare 比较 compound¹ 2. an element of surprise/truth/risk etc a small amount of surprise, truth, risk etc 有点吃惊/真实/冒险等:◇there's an element of truth in what he says. 他说的话有一点真实的成分。 3. one part of a plan, system, piece of writing etc 成分,要素:◇a movie with all the elements of a great love story 包含所有伟大爱情故事要素的影片 4. a group of people of a particular type 一伙人,一帮人:◇a small criminal element within the club 该俱乐部里一小撮犯罪分子 5. be in your element to be happy doing something, because you are good at it 适得其所,得心应手 6. the metal part of a piece of electrical equipment that is used for heating 电热元件→ see also 另见 elements




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