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单词 admire
释义 admire verb¹ 1have high opinion of sb/sth评价高adverb | verb + admire | preposition | phrases adverb➤deeply, enormously, greatly, hugely, particularly, really非常钦佩;极其欣赏;格外赞赏;十分佩服◆he admires you enormously.他对你十分佩服。➤rather相当钦佩▸➤clearly, openly明确表示钦佩;公开赞赏▸➤secretly暗暗羡慕◆she secretly admired and envied him.她暗地里对他又羡又妒。verb + admire➤have to不得不佩服◆you have to admire their dedication and commitment.你不得不佩服他们的尽心竭力。preposition➤about佩服⋯◆what do you most admire about her?你最佩服她哪一点?➤for因⋯而佩服◆i rather admire him for his determination.我相当佩服他的决心。phrases➤be generally admired, be widely admired受到普遍/广泛赞扬◆he is widely admired as a journalist.作为一名新闻工作者,他受到了广泛赞誉。➤can't help admiring, can't help but admire禁不住要钦佩◆i couldn't help but admire his determination.我不禁对他的决心表示钦佩。➤you can only admire sb/sth你不能不钦佩⋯◆you can only admire her courage and determination.你不能不钦佩她的勇气和决心。admire verb² 2look at sth attractive观赏;欣赏verb + admire➤pause to, stop to停下来欣赏▸➤stand back to, step back to后退以便欣赏◆he stood back to admire his handiwork.他退后几步欣赏自己的手工制品。 admire [transitive] to look at sth and think that it is attractive and/or impressive欣赏;观赏◆he stood back to admire his handiwork.他退后几步欣赏他的手工制品。◆let's just sit and admire the view.我们就坐下来欣赏景色吧。◆i've just been admiring your new car.我刚才一直在观赏你的新车。 admire [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to have a very high opinion of sb/sth because of their good qualities or achievements(因其良好的品质或成就)尊敬,敬佩,仰慕◆i really admire your enthusiasm.我确实钦佩你的热情。◆the school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.这所学校教学优秀,远近称誉。◆you have to admire the way he handled the situation.你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的手法。 ➡ see also admiration → admiration , admirer → fan , admiring → good 6 note 辨析 respect or admire? admire expresses a stronger feeling than respect: if you admire sb it usually means that you agree with them and/or would like to be like them. you can admire a person or their good qualities, but you do not usually admire sb's opinions. * admire 表达的敬佩之情比 respect 更强烈,admire 通常意味着认同某人,或希望自己也能像对方一样。admire 的宾语可以是人或好的品质,但通常不接某人的意见◆i really admire her for her courage.我真佩服她的勇气。◆i really admire her courage.我真佩服她的勇气。◆i admire jack's opinion on most subjects. if you respect sb you might not agree with them or want to be like them, but you still recognize their good qualities. * respect 可能并不认同某人或想成为那样的人,但仍然承认其好的品质◆these academics may be respected as experts in their field, but they can also be quite arrogant.这些学者可能作为各自领域的专家获得推崇,但他们也相当自大。you can respect a person or their opinions; you can respect sb for their good qualities, but you do not usually respect the qualities themselves. * respect 的宾语可以是人,也可以是 opinion。respect 不能直接后接良好品质,而应说 respect sb for sth◆i respect him for his honesty.我因为他的诚实而尊重他。◆i respect his honesty. admire/ədˈmaɪə(r) ||; ədˈmaɪr/verb [t] admire sb/sth (for sth/doing sth) to respect or like sb/sth very much; to look at sb/sth with pleasure 仰慕;敬重;欣赏: ◇everyone admired the way he dealt with the problem. 大家都赞赏他处理这个问题的方式。◇i've always admired her for being such a wonderful mother. 她是一位极好的母亲,我一直很钦佩她。◇we stopped at the top of the hill to admire the view. 我们停在山顶上欣赏景色。 admire1 to admire someone2 to admire someone very much3 someone that you greatly admire4 the feeling of admiring someonerelated wordsoppositehate,see alsolike,approve,support,good,1. to admire someone 佩服某人 admire /ədˈmaɪəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to have a very good opinion of someone, either because they have achieved something special or because they have skills or qualities that you would like to have 钦佩,佩服,赞赏[取得特殊成就、或拥有你所羡慕的才能和品质的人] corbin is a superb musician. i really admire him. 科尔宾是位优秀的音乐人,我非常钦佩他。 i admire the way sarah has brought up the children on her own. 我佩服萨拉一个人把孩子抚养长大。 what i admire most about lee is his patience. 我最佩服李的地方是他的耐心。admire somebody for something people admired her for her beauty and intelligence. 人们仰慕她的美貌和智慧。 rollins is most admired for her poetry, but she also writes fiction. 罗林斯最受仰慕的是她的诗歌,但是她也写小说。be greatly/much admired morrow's new production of ‘the nutcracker’ has been greatly admired. 莫罗全新制作的《胡桃夹子》大受赞赏。 respect /rɪˈspekt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to have a good opinion of someone, even if you do not agree with them or want to be like them, because they have high standards and good personal qualities 尊敬,敬重[水平高、个人品德好的人,但不一定赞同或羡慕他们] he's a very strict teacher, but the students respect him. 他是个非常严格的老师,但学生都尊敬他。 logan, a long-serving congressman, was both feared and respected by his political opponents. 洛根这位供职多年的国会议员,政敌们对他又敬又怕。respect somebody for something she always told me exactly what she thought, and i respected her for that. 她总是心里怎么想就跟我怎么说,我为此很尊重她。 respected [adjective] the speakers will include anthony lewis, the respected political analyst. 演讲者将包括备受尊敬的政治分析家安东尼·刘易斯。 look up to /ˌlʊk ˈʌp tuː/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to respect and admire someone who is older than you or who has authority over you 敬重,敬仰[年长或有权威的人 i've always looked up to my older brother, jerry. 我一向敬重我哥哥杰里。 the children need someone they can look up to. 孩子们需要一位可以让他们敬重的人。 highly regarded/respected /ˌhaɪli rɪˈgɑːʳdə̇d, rɪˈspektə̇d/ [adjective] if someone is highly regarded or respected, they are admired very much because they are very good at what they do [因业务精专而]深受敬重的 a highly respected surgeon 名望很高的外科医生highly regarded/respected by dr. franklin was highly regarded by his colleagues at syracuse university. 富兰克林博士在雪城大学深受同事敬重。 think highly of /ˌθɪŋk ˈhaɪli ɒv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to admire someone very much, especially because they do their job very well and always work hard 对…评价很高[尤指工作勤奋出色的人] most of the students and staff think very highly of dr. smith. 大部分师生都对史密斯博士评价很高。be highly thought of sally is an excellent administrator. she is highly thought of here. 萨莉是位出色的行政人员,在这里她得到很高的评价。 have a high opinion of also hold somebody in high regard/esteem formal /hæv ə ˌhaɪ əˈpɪnjən ɒv , həʊld somebody ɪn ˌhaɪ rɪˈgɑːʳd, ɪˈstiːm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to admire a person or their abilities very much, especially because they have special skills or very high standards in their work 对…评价很高,高度尊重某人[尤指有特殊技能或工作出色的人] film critics continue to hold bergman in high esteem. 影评人士仍对伯格曼有很高的评价。have a high opinion of somebody as something croft had a high opinion of marx as a political thinker. 克罗夫特对马克思评价很高,认为他是一位出色的政治思想家。 be an admirer of /biː ən ədˈmaɪərər ɒv/ [verb phrase] to admire someone and the work that they do, especially a leader, writer, artist etc 仰慕[某人,尤指领袖人物、作家、艺术家等],是…的仰慕者 i've always been an admirer of potter's work, and was very sad to hear of her death. 我一向景仰波特的作品,听到她的死讯我非常难过。be a great/real admirer of somebody my tutor was a great admirer of shakespeare, and often quoted him. 我的导师十分仰慕莎士比亚,常常引用他的文句。2. to admire someone very much 非常佩服某人 idolize also idolise british /ˈaɪdəl-aɪz/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to admire someone very much, especially a famous person, so that you think everything about them is perfect 把·…当偶像崇拜;极为敬慕[尤指敬慕名人] monroe was idolized by movie fans all over the world. 梦露受到全世界影迷的崇拜。 as a child, ted idolized his father. 特德小时候很崇拜父亲。 revere /rɪˈvɪəʳ/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to respect someone greatly for their achievements or personal qualities, especially someone in public life 【正式】崇敬,敬仰[某人的成就或品德,尤指对公众人物] revere by collins was revered by his fellow countrymen. 柯林斯受到同胞的敬仰。revere somebody as something ondaatje is revered as one of canada's best writers. 翁达杰被尊为加拿大最优秀的作家之一。 revered [adjective] india's most famous and revered musician 印度最有名望的音乐家 worship /ˈwɜːʳʃɪp/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to admire and love someone so much that you cannot see any faults in them 崇拜,崇敬[某人,以致看不到他们的缺点] she absolutely worships elvis presley. 她对猫王绝对崇拜。worship the ground somebody walks on to admire absolutely everything about a person 拜倒在某人脚下 garvey worshipped the ground his wife walked on. 加维对妻子崇拜得五体投地。 put somebody on a pedestal /ˌpʊt somebody ɒn ə ˈpedə̇stəl/ [verb phrase] to admire someone so much that you treat them or talk about them as though they are perfect -- used especially when you think someone is wrong to do this 把某人看成完美人物;非常崇拜某人[尤用于表示你认为这么做是错误的] you shouldn't put him on a pedestal. he doesn't deserve it. 你不应该把他当偶像崇拜,他不配。 i used to put sarah on a pedestal. now i don't even like to be in the same room with her. 我以前把萨拉奉为天使,现在甚至不愿和她共处一室。 hero-worship /ˈhɪərəʊ ˌwɜːʳʃɪp/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to greatly admire someone and want to be like them 把…当作英雄[偶像]崇拜 his fans hero-worshipped him. 他的影迷把他当作英雄崇拜。 the brother ian had once hero-worshipped was now an unemployed drug addict. 伊恩曾经非常崇拜的哥哥现在成了个无业的吸毒者。3. someone that you greatly admire 你非常佩服的某人 hero/heroine /ˈhɪərəʊ, ˈherəʊə̇n/ [countable noun] someone who you admire very much because of what they have done. use hero about a man, use heroine about a woman 偶像[因所做之事而受到崇拜的人,hero指男子,heroine指女子] i used to love david bowie -- he was my hero. 我以前热爱戴维·鲍伊—他是我的偶像。 baseball hero, babe ruth 棒球偶像巴贝·鲁思 mother teresa has always been one of my heroines. 特雷莎修女一向是我的偶像之一。 idol /ˈaɪdl/ [countable noun] a famous actor, actress, musician, or sports player that a lot of people admire 偶像[如著名演员、音乐家或运动员等受人敬仰的人] the former president, once the idol of the nation, now leads a quiet life in the countryside. 这位曾是国人心中偶像的前总统,现在在乡间过着平静的生活。 jones continues to be a major pop idol. 琼斯依然是流行音乐大偶像。4. the feeling of admiring someone 对某人的佩服之情 admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the feeling that someone is very good, very intelligent etc, either because of something special they have achieved or because they have skills or qualities you would like to have 钦佩,佩服[因某人取得特殊的成就或拥有你所羡慕的才能或品质而对他产生的一种心情] admiration for linda had tremendous admiration for her boss. 琳达对她的老板极其钦佩。feel admiration for somebody for the first time that he could recall, chris felt some admiration for his stepfather. 在克里斯的记忆中,这是他第一次对继父产生了一点敬意。watch in/with admiration mel watched in admiration as the goalkeeper leaped for the ball. 梅尔满怀敬意地看着守门员飞身朝球扑去。be full of admiration for somebody i'm full of admiration for terry -- she's really achieved a lot in her life. 我对特丽满怀钦佩,她的一生成就很大。 respect /rɪˈspekt/ [uncountable noun] the feeling that someone is good because they have high standards and good personal qualities 尊敬,尊重[尤因某人工作出色或品格高尚而产生的一种敬意] respect for my respect for my teacher grew as the months passed. 好几个月过去了,我对老师也逐渐尊敬起来。have great respect for somebody/have a lot of respect for somebody i have great respect for tom's judgement. 我非常尊重汤姆的判断能力。win/earn/gain somebody's respect get someone's respect 赢得/得到某人的尊敬 with his firm handling of the dispute, he had earned the respect of his opponents. 他处理这次纠纷很坚决,赢得了对手们的尊敬。mutual respect when two people respect each other 互相尊重 a relationship built on trust and mutual respect 建立在互相信任、互相尊重的基础上的一种关系 adulation /ˌædʒɑˈleɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] formal great love and admiration for someone, especially for someone famous 【正式】[尤指对名人的]崇拜,追捧 harley wasn't prepared for the fame and adulation that came with being a star athlete. 哈利对成为明星运动员之后所得到的名望和追捧尚无思想准备。adulation of cuba's adulation of its aging communist leader 古巴对他们年迈的共产党领导人的崇拜 ad·mire /əd`maɪr; ədˈmaɪə/v [t] 1. to have a very good opinion of someone because of their good qualities or their achievements 钦佩; 赞美[某人]:◇admire sb for sth i always admired my mother for her courage and patience. 我总是很钦佩妈妈的勇气和耐性。 2. to look at someone or something and think how beautiful or impressive they are 欣赏[某人或某物]:◇we stopped halfway up the hill to admire the view. 我们在上山的半路停下来欣赏风景。 ☞ admire




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