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单词 confusion
释义 confusion nounadjective | verb + confusion | confusion + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete, total, utter彻底的混乱▸➤considerable, great相当严重的/极度的混乱▸➤mild, slight略微的/轻微的混乱▸➤general, mass, widespread整体的/大规模的/普遍的混乱➤understandable可以理解的混乱◆they are very hard to tell apart, so the confusion is understandable.很难把他们区分开来,所以混淆是可以理解的。➤pure完全不明白◆his expression was one of pure confusion.他显出一副完全摸不着头脑的表情。➤initial最初的困惑➤momentary一时的困惑➤unnecessary不必要的混乱▸➤mental神志不清➤ensuing, resulting接踵而来的/因而发生的混乱verb + confusion➤avoid, prevent避免/防止混乱◆a few key tips to help you avoid any confusion有助于避免混淆的几条关键提示◆i kept my ex-husband's last name to prevent confusion.我保留了前夫的姓氏以避免引起混乱。➤cause, create, generate, lead to, result in, sow造成混乱;引起混乱;产生混乱;导致混乱▸➤add to加剧混乱◆this latest decision has only added to the general confusion.最近的这个决定只是加剧了总体的混乱。➤minimize尽可能减少混乱◆medication labels that minimize confusion尽量减少混乱的药品标签➤clarify, clear up, dispel, eliminate澄清困惑;消除混乱;驱除困惑;排除混乱▸➤plunge sb/sth into, throw sb/sth into使⋯陷入混乱;使⋯惊慌失措◆the office has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.她的辞职使办事处陷入一片混乱。➤sense感觉到混乱◆i could sense her confusion and frustration.我能感觉到她的困惑与沮丧。confusion + verb➤arise, reign混乱发生;一切都很混乱◆confusion reigns when two managers give conflicting instructions.两位经理给出的指示相互矛盾,一切都乱套了。➤surround sth混乱围绕⋯发生◆the government needs to clear up the confusion surrounding its policy on water.政府需要厘清混乱的水务政策。preposition➤in (the) confusion在迷惑中◆she stared at them both in utter confusion.她盯着他俩,完全不知所措。◆in the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.在接下来的混乱中,她设法神不知鬼不觉地溜走了。➤confusion about, confusion over, confusion regarding关于⋯的困惑◆there is widespread confusion about the government's health policy.对于政府的卫生政策,人们普遍觉得费解。◆there has been considerable confusion regarding the facts of her death.人们对她死亡一事感到颇为费解。➤confusion among⋯中的混乱◆the announcement caused a lot of confusion among the students.这个布告令学生大惑不解。➤confusion as to关于⋯的困惑◆confusion as to the whereabouts of the man关于这名男子行踪的疑团➤confusion between⋯之间的混淆◆confusion between letters of the alphabet分不清字母表中的字母➤confusion with分不清⋯与⋯◆the confusion of this book with her last one把这本书与她上一本书弄混phrases➤a scene of confusion, a state of confusion混乱的景象/状态▸➤to avoid confusion为避免混乱◆to avoid confusion, label each box clearly.为了避免混乱,给每一个盒子贴上清楚的标签。 confusion [uncountable] a situation in which a lot of things are happening at the same time and people do not know what action to take(让人不知所措的)混乱局面,乱成一团◆the protesters set off smoke bombs to create confusion and panic.抗议者点燃烟幕弹,制造混乱和恐慌。◆the local council has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.她辞职后,地方议会完全陷入混乱状态。note 辨析 chaos or confusion? chaos generally describes a total lack of order in a system or situation; confusion is mainly used about a group of people who suddenly don't know what to do. * chaos 一般指系统或局面完全失控,confusion 主要指一群人突然不知所措。 confusion [uncountable, countable] a state of uncertainty about what is happening, what you should do or what sth means不确定;困惑◆there is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be.对于正确程序应该是什么还是有些不明确。◆there was a confusion as to what to do next.不清楚下一步该怎么办。  ➡ see also confused → confused 1 , confusing → confusing confusion/kənˈfju:ʒn ||; kənˈfjuʒən/noun [u]: 1. the state of not being able to think clearly or not understanding sth 困惑;胡涂;紊乱: ◇he stared in confusion at the exam paper. 他茫然凝视着试卷。◇there is still a great deal of confusion as to the true facts. 真相仍未明朗。 2. a state of disorder 混乱;紊乱: ◇their unexpected visit threw all our plans into confusion. 他们突然来访,打乱了我们的全部计划。 3. the act of mistaking sb/sth for sb/sth else 混淆: ◇to avoid confusion, all luggage should be labelled with your name and destination. 为了避免混淆,所有行李都必须标上姓名及目的地。 confusionsee ⇨ confused 1 ⇨ organize 4 con·fu·sion /kən`fjuʒən; kənˈfjuːʒən/n 1. [c,u] when people do not understand what is happening or what something means 困惑:◇+ about/over there's a lot of confusion about the new rules. 人们对新规定大为不解。 2. when you wrongly think that one person or thing is someone or something else 混淆:◇to avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours. 为避免混淆,各队穿了不同颜色的衣服。 3. [u] when a situation is confusing because there is a lot of noise and activity 骚乱; 混乱:◇after the explosion the airport was a scene of total confusion. 爆炸发生后,机场里一片混乱的景象。




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