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单词 confines
释义 confines nounadjective | verb + confines | preposition adjective➤close, cramped, limited, narrow, rigid, small, strict, tight严格限制的范围;狭窄的范围;有限的范围;严格的界限◆issues that go beyond the limited confines of the book超出本书限定范围的问题◆within the strict confines of the law在法律严格限定的范围内➤immediate当前的范围限制▸➤comfortable, comfy (informal) , cosy/cozy, friendly, safe觉得舒服的界限;安全的界限;温馨的范围;友好的范围◆the dim, familiar confines of the room grew clearer as my eyes adjusted to the indoor darkness.随着我的眼睛适应了室内的黑暗,房间内昏暗、熟悉的一切变得清楚起来。◆the next two games are in the friendly confines of wrigley field.接下来的两场比赛在里格利球场举行,气氛友好。◆she returned to the cosy / cozy confines of her lodgings on the second floor.她回到了自己位于二楼的温馨住所。➤cool, dark, quiet凉爽的/黑暗的/安静的区域◆she stepped into the cool, dark confines of a roadside inn.她走进了路旁一家凉爽、昏暗的小旅馆。◆in the quiet confines of a bloomington hotel room在布卢明顿酒店安静的房间内verb + confines➤escape, leave逃离/离开范围◆a chance to escape the stuffy confines of the town逃离那座沉闷的城市的机会◆it is a story that must not escape the confines of this room.这是一个只限于在这间屋子里讲的故事。◆it took him some effort to leave the comfy confines of his room.他下了很大的决心才离开了自己舒适的房间。◆most airmen aren't allowed to leave the confines of the base.大多数飞行员不允许走出该基地。◆she longed to leave the confines of her household.她渴望摆脱家庭的束缚。➤transcend超越局限◆the gay community is transcending the narrow confines of the ghetto.同性恋人群不再局限于贫民窟的狭窄圈子。➤enter进入界限◆they left the half-lit streets and entered the confines of a cemetery.他们离开了半明半暗的街道,进入了公墓区。preposition➤beyond the confines of, outside the confines of超出⋯的范围◆she wanted to experience things outside the close confines of family life.她想体验一下封闭的家庭生活以外的生活。➤in the confines of, within the confines of在⋯范围以内◆he spent three years within the narrow confines of the prison.他在监狱狭小的空间里度过了 3 年。 confines /kɒnfaɪnz; name kɑːnfaɪnz/ [plural] (formal) a limited amount of space within walls or other barriers; the limits of what is known, allowed or possible in a situation(墙壁等围成的)范围;界限;边界◆he spent three years within the narrow confines of the prison.他在狭小的监狱里度过了三年时间。◆she wanted to experience things outside the close confines of family life.她想体验一些超出家庭小圈子的事情。 ➡ see also confine sb/sth to sth → confine sb/sth to sth note 辨析 frontiers or confines? confines emphasizes how little space, knowledge etc. there is; frontiers emphasizes how much knowledge there is and how it is increasing. * confines 侧重指空间或知识等范围的狭窄,frontier 侧重指知识的多少以及如何增长。confines/ˈkɒnfaɪnz ||; ˈkɑnfaɪnz/noun [pl] (formal 正式) the limits of sth 界限;范围: ◇patients are not allowed beyond the confines of the hospital grounds. 病人不准走出医院范围。 confinessee ⇨ limit 3 con·fines /`kɑnfaɪnz; ˈkɒnfaɪnz/n [plural 复数]the walls, limits, or borders of something 界限; 范围; 边界:◇within/beyond the confines of sth some of the work should be carried out beyond the confines of the school. 一些工作应该在校外开展。




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