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单词 clothing
释义 clothing nounadjective | ... of clothing | clothing + noun | phrases adjective➤light轻便的服装▸➤heavy, warm厚衣服;保暖服▸➤baggy, loose, loose-fitting宽松的衣服▸➤tailored, tight合身的/紧身的衣服➤revealing, skimpy暴露的/短而暴露的衣服▸➤comfortable, sensible, suitable舒服的/得体的/合适的衣服▸➤casual休闲服▸➤designer名牌服装➤tattered, torn褴褛的/破烂的衣服▸➤cast-off, second-hand, used, vintage丢弃的/二手/穿过的/老式的衣服▸➤summer, winter夏装;冬装▸➤outdoor户外服装▸➤outer外衣▸➤protective, waterproof防护服;防水服◆workers at the factory wear protective clothing.工厂里的工人穿着防护服。➤traditional (especially name) 传统服装◆she wore traditional chinese clothing.她身着传统中式服装。➤civilian (especially name) 平民装束▸➤sports运动服... of clothing➤article, item, piece一件衣服▸➤layer一层衣服➤set (especially name) 一套衣服clothing + noun➤business, company, factory, firm, industry, line, manufacturer, shop, store, trade (especially bre) 服装业;服装公司;服装厂;服装商号;服装产业;服装行业;服装生产商;服装铺子;服装店;服装贸易phrases➤a change of clothing换衣服 clothing /kləʊðɪŋ; name kloʊðɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] clothes, especially a particular type of clothes 衣服;(尤指某种)服装◆protective clothing must be worn at all times. 防护服必须时刻穿着。◆the country's leading retailer of men's clothing 这国家首要的男装零售商⨁ an article / item / a piece of clothing一件衣服 ⨁ a clothing company / factory / manufacturer / store服装公司/工厂/生产商/商店 ⨁ the clothing business / industry / trade服装企业/工业/贸易 ☞ clothing clothing [uncountable] (rather formal) clothes, especially a particular type of clothes衣服;(尤指某种)服装◆please make sure you bring warm clothing.请务必带上保暖服。◆what was the last item of clothing you bought?你买的最后一件衣服是什么?note 辨析 clothes or clothing? clothing is more formal than clothes and is used especially to mean 'a particular type of clothes'. there is no singular form of clothes or clothing: a piece/an item/an article of clothing is used to talk about one thing that you wear such as a dress or shirt. * clothing 比 clothes 正式,尤指特定类型的服装。clothes 或 clothing 无单数形式,指一件衣服用 a piece/an item/an article of clothing。clothing/ˈkləʊðɪŋ ||; ˈkloðɪŋ/noun [u] the clothes that you wear, especially for a particular activity 衣物: ◇you will need waterproof/outdoor/winter clothing. 你准用得着防水╱户外╱冬天衣服。 ☞ clothing is a more formal word than clothes. 与clothes相比,clothing多用于正式场合。 clothingsee ⇨ clothes 1 cloth·ing /`kloðɪŋ; ˈkləʊðɪŋ/n [u]formal clothes in general — use this to talk about a particular type of clothes, or a large quantity of clothes 【正式】 衣服,服装[总称,用于指某种类型的服装或大量服装]:◇supplies of food and clothing were taken to the refugee camps. 食品和衣服等供给品被送到了难民营。◇protective clothing 防护服




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