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单词 flinch
释义 flinch verbadverb | verb + flinch | preposition adverb➤barely, hardly几乎没有退缩◆he hardly flinched when he was hit.他被击中时几乎都没退缩一下。➤almost几乎畏缩➤never, not从不/没有退缩▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍稍退缩▸➤visibly明显地退缩▸➤inwardly在心里退缩◆she flinched inwardly as he took her hand.他拉她的手时,她心里缩了一下。➤away, back (name) 缩回verb + flinch➤make sb使某人畏缩◆her finger touched the scar on his forehead, making him flinch.她的手指触到他额头上的伤疤时,他缩了一下。preposition➤at因⋯而退缩◆she flinched visibly at the sight of the body.她看到尸体时,明显向后退了一下。➤from从⋯退缩◆she flinched away from him.她后退避开他。◆she won't flinch from speaking her mind. (figurative) 她不会讳言自己的想法。➤with因⋯而退缩◆he flinched with the force of the blow.这用力的一击打得他向后一缩。flinch [intransitive] to make a sudden movement with your face or body because of pain, fear or surprise(因疼痛、害怕或吃惊而突然)抽搐,退缩,畏缩◆she flinched away from the dog.她惊恐地躲开了那只狗。◆he met my gaze without flinching.他跟我对视,毫不畏缩。note 辨析 jump or flinch?you jump with your whole body, especially because you are surprised. flinching may be a smaller movement of the face or part of the body, caused by pain or fear. * jump 尤指因吃惊而全身猛地一动,flinch 则指因疼痛或害怕而面部抽动或身体某个部位稍微动一下。flinch/flɪntʃ ||; flɪntʃ/verb[i] 1. flinch (at sth);flinch (away) to make a sudden movement backwards because of sth painful or frightening (因痛楚或害怕而)向后移动,畏缩: ◇she couldn't help flinching away as the dentist came towards her with the drill. 牙医拿着钻子朝她走来的时候,她禁不住往后缩。 2. flinch from sth/doing sth to avoid doing sth because it is unpleasant 避免做(令人不快的事): ◇she didn't flinch from telling him the whole truth. 她没有迴避,把真相全告诉他。 flinch /flɪntʃ; flɪntʃ/v [i] 1. to make a sudden small backward movement because you are afraid, hurt or shocked [因害怕、受伤或吃惊而]畏缩,退缩:◇he raised his hand, and the child flinched. 他举起手,那个孩子便退缩了。 2. to avoid doing something because it is unpleasant [因令人不快而]迴避:◇+ from she never flinches from the truth, no matter how painful. 无论多么痛苦,她都不会迴避事实。




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