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单词 flicker
释义 flicker nounadjective | verb + flicker | flicker + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤faint, slight, small, tiny隐隐约约的/微弱的/很小的/一丁点儿的闪现◆she caught the faintest flicker of amusement on his face.她捕捉到他脸上一闪而过的笑意。➤brief瞬间的闪光➤sudden突然的一闪▸➤last (often figurative) 最后一丝光亮◆the police stamped out the last flickers of freedom.警察把最后的一点儿自由全都扼杀了。➤candle烛光的摇曳verb + flicker➤show闪现➤catch, notice, see捕捉到/注意到/看到闪光➤detect, feel觉察到/感觉到闪光◆she felt a brief flicker of jealousy.一瞬间她感到一丝妒意。flicker + verb➤cross sth神色掠过⋯◆a flicker of guilt crossed his face.他脸上闪过一丝愧意。➤catch sb's eye动作引起注意◆a flicker of movement caught her eye.什么东西一晃引起了她的注意。preposition➤flicker of一丝⋯◆'he'll soon be here,' she thought, with a flicker of excitement.她带着一丝兴奋想到:“他很快就会到这儿来。”◆she spoke without a flicker of fear.她说话毫无畏惧。phrases➤the flicker of a candle, the flicker of a flame烛光的/火焰的跳跃◆the brief flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes.我们看到烛火闪了一下。➤a flicker of sb's/the eyes某人眼皮颤动◆her only reaction was a slight flicker of her eyes.她唯一的反应就是眼皮微微颤动了一下。➤a flicker of hope, a flicker of interest一丝希望/兴趣◆stock markets showed barely a flicker of interest in the election result.股市对选举结果几乎没什么回应。➤a flicker of light, a flicker of movement光闪过;动作闪过◆he saw a flicker of light in the darkness.他在黑暗中看到一丝光亮。➤a flicker of recognition有点儿认识◆the witness stared at the accused but she showed not a flicker of recognition.证人盯着被告,但她完全认不出来。➤a flicker of a smile一丝微笑◆i noticed a flicker of a smile on her face.我注意到她脸上流露出一丝微笑。flicker verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤briefly, for a moment, momentarily一瞬间闪烁;闪烁片刻➤slightly微微颤动▸➤nervously紧张地颤动◆her eyes flickered nervously in anticipation.她紧张而期待地眨着眼睛。➤rapidly快速闪烁➤off, out闪烁着渐渐熄灭▸➤on and off若隐若现◆the lights flickered on and off.灯光若隐若现。preposition➤across, over快速地瞥过⋯◆his gaze flickered over her.他很快地看了她一眼。phrases➤flicker into life, flicker to life闪现图像◆the television screen flickered into life.电视屏幕闪了一下,出现了图像。➤flicker open忽闪着睁开◆kate's eyes flickered open.凯特忽闪着睁开双眼。flicker [intransitive](of a light or flame) to keep going on and off as it shines or burns(灯光或火焰)闪烁,闪现,忽隐忽现◆black and white images were flickering on the screen.黑白影像在屏幕上闪动。◆the candle flickered and went out.蜡烛闪了闪就熄灭了。flicker¹/ˈflɪkə(r) ||; ˈflɪkɚ/verb[i] 1. (used about a light or a flame) to keep going on and off as it burns or shines (指灯光或火焰)闪烁,摇曳: ◇the candle flickered and went out. 烛光摇曳,未几熄灭。 2. (used about a feeling, thought, etc) to appear for a short time (指感觉、思想等)闪过: ◇a smile flickered across her face. 她脸上掠过一丝笑容。 3. to move lightly and quickly up and down 轻而快地上下活动: ◇his eyelids flickered for a second and then he lay still. 他眼皮跳了几下,就静躺着不动了。 flicker²/ˈflɪkə(r) ||; ˈflɪkɚ/noun[c] [usu.sing] 1. a light that shines on and off quickly 闪光;闪烁: ◇the flicker of the television/flames 电视╱火焰的闪光 2. a small, sudden movement of part of the body (身体某部份的)突然而短暂的动作 3. a feeling of sth that only lasts for a short time 一闪而过的感觉: ◇a flicker of hope/interest/doubt 希望╱兴趣╱怀疑的闪现 flickersee ⇨ burn 6 ⇨ shine/shiny 1☞ flicker¹☞ flicker²




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