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单词 dismal
释义 dismal adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, look忧郁;看上去凄凉▸➤become变得忧郁adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常令人沮丧◆last year's results were fairly dismal.去年的结果相当令人失望。◆it was a really dismal day.真是令人沮丧的一天。dismal /dɪzməl/ (informal) not skilful or successful; of a very low standard不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的◆the singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。◆their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure.他们最近努力想提高销售量,全都白费劲。ⓘ dismal most often collocates with failure, performance, result, record and weather. * dismal 最常与 failure、performance、result、record 和 weather 搭配。▸ dismally adverb◆i tried not to laugh but failed dismally (= was completely unsuccessful).我尽量忍着不笑,但根本忍不住。dismal/ˈdɪzməl ||; ˈdɪzmḷ/adj1. causing or showing sadness; depressing 悲惨的;凄凉的: ◇dismal surroundings 苍凉的环境 [syn] miserable 同义词为miserable 2. (informal 非正式) of low quality; poor 质量低下的;差劲的: ◇a dismal standard of work 低下的工作水平 dismalsee ⇨ sad 4 dis·mal /`dɪzmḷ; ˈdɪzməl/adjmaking you feel unhappy and without hope 凄凉的,阴沉的:◇dismal weather 阴阴的天气




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