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单词 criminal
释义 criminal nounadjective | verb + criminal adjective➤dangerous, violent危险/暴力罪犯▸➤real, serious真正的罪犯;重罪犯▸➤habitual, hardened惯犯▸➤career, professional职业罪犯▸➤master主犯▸➤petty, street轻罪犯;街头犯罪者▸➤convicted已决犯▸➤known, suspected, wanted已知的罪犯;嫌疑犯;通缉犯◆he has been associating with known criminals.他一直和一些尽人皆知的罪犯有来往。➤potential潜在的犯罪人▸➤notorious臭名昭着的罪犯▸➤common普通刑事犯◆she was treated like a common criminal.她被当成普通刑事犯对待。➤corporate, white-collar法人犯罪人;白领罪犯▸➤war战犯◆he was tried as a war criminal.他被当作战犯受审。verb + criminal➤catch抓获罪犯◆i told him to pass the information to the police so they could catch the criminals.我告诉他把情报传给警方以便他们能抓住罪犯。➤convict, prosecute宣判罪犯有罪;对罪犯提起公诉 criminal /krɪmɪnl/ adjective1. [usually before noun] connected with or involving crime 犯罪的;犯法的◆it is a criminal offence to bribe a public official. 贿赂公职人员是刑事罪行。◆there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. 没有证据证明有刑事成分的违法行为。⨁ a criminal act / conviction / offence犯罪行为;刑事犯罪 ⨁ criminal activity / behaviour / conduct / wrongdoing犯罪活动;犯罪行为;刑事的违法行为 ⨁ criminal damage / injury / liability / negligence刑事损害/伤害/责任;过失犯罪 2. [only before noun] connected to the laws and institutions that deal with crime 刑事的;刑法的◆he could face criminal charges for obstruction of justice. 他可能面临妨碍司法的刑事起诉。◆the criminal justice system 刑事审判制度⨁ a criminal case / charge / prosecution / trial刑事案件/诉讼/起诉/审判 ⨁ a criminal inquiry / investigation刑事调查 criminal /krɪmɪnl/ noun [countable] a person who commits a crime 罪犯◆websites and internet programs targeted by criminals 成为犯罪分子的目标的网站及互联网节目☞ criminal☞ criminal criminal nouncriminal ♦︎ offender ♦︎ culprit ♦︎ sinner ♦︎ felon ♦︎ crook ♦︎ delinquentthese are all words for a person who does sth that is wrong, dishonest or against the law.这些词均表示犯错的人、罪犯、违法者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a convicted / habitual criminal / offender / felon◆to catch a criminal / an offender / the culprit / a crook◆to identify / apprehend a criminal / an offender / a culprit◆to convict / sentence a criminal / an offender◆to punish criminals / offenders / the culprit / sinners / felons■ criminal [countable] a person who commits a crime罪犯◆society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do).社会不知道怎样处置惯犯。◆i was treated just like a common criminal.我受到如同普通罪犯一般的对待。◆ (bre) sending these youngsters to prison simply trains them to become professional criminals.把这些年轻人送进监狱简直是培训他们成为职业罪犯。◆ (name) career criminals职业罪犯■ offender [countable] (rather formal) a person who commits a crime; a person or thing that does sth wrong犯罪者;违法者;祸害◆he spent some time in a young offender institution.他在青少年罪犯管教所待了一些时间。◆first offenders (= people who had never committed a crime before this one) were treated more leniently.以前对待初犯者较为宽大。◆he favours tougher punishments for repeat offenders (= people who commit the same crime more than once).他赞成对累犯者处以更严厉的惩罚。◆child protection groups are calling for a national register of sex offenders (= people found guilty of illegal sexual acts).儿童保护团体要求在全国范围内对性犯罪者做登记。◆when it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender.谈到环境污染问题,化工产业是一大祸害。note 辨析 criminal or offender? criminal suggests that not only has sb committed a crime, but that they have a tendency to commit crimes. offender simply means that sb has broken the law at least once. for example, a driver who has broken the speed limit is an offender, but you would not call them a criminal. offender is the word that is preferred by people whose job involves dealing with people who break the law. * criminal 指已经犯罪且有犯罪倾向的人。offender 仅指至少违法一次的人。例如,超速的司机是 offender,但不会称之为 criminal。offender 是与违法者打交道的人偏好使用的词。■ culprit /kʌlprɪt/ [countable] a person who has done sth wrong or against the law; a person or thing responsible for causing a problem犯错的人;罪犯;罪魁祸首◆the police quickly identified the real culprits.警方很快查出了真正的罪犯。◆the main culprit in the current crisis seems to be modern farming techniques.当前这场危机的罪魁祸首似乎是现代农业技术。note 辨析 offender or culprit? culprit is nearly always used after the, because it is used to talk about the person, people or thing responsible for a particular thing that has happened. the most common adjectives used for describing a culprit are biggest, main, major, prime, real and worst. offender can also be used in this way, although it is a little more formal than culprit. * culprit 几乎总是用于定冠词 the 之后,因其指的是对发生的特定事件负责的人或事物。最常用于描述 culprit 的形容词是 biggest、main、major、prime、real 和 worst。offender 亦可这样用,但是它比 culprit 稍为正式。■ sinner [countable] (formal) a person who has committed a sin or sins (= broken god's law) 罪人◆god forgives all sinners who repent.上帝原谅所有忏悔的罪人。■ felon /felən/ [countable] (especially name, law法律) a person who has committed a felony (= a serious crime such as murder or rape) 重罪犯◆the law requires convicted felons entering the state to register their address with the police.这项法律要求进入该州的已定罪重犯向警方登记住址。■ crook /krʊk/ [countable] (informal) a dishonest person, especially one who steals money骗子(尤指偷钱者)◆that salesman is a real crook.那个推销员真是个骗子。◆the film portrays a world of small-time crooks, petty crime and drinking clubs.那部电影描绘一群小骗徒、轻罪和饮酒俱乐部的世界。■ delinquent /dɪlɪŋkwənt/ [countable] (rather formal) a person, especially a young person, who shows a tendency to commit crime有违法倾向者(尤指青少年)◆what can be done to help these juvenile deliquents turn away from crime?可以做点什么来帮助这些少年犯远离犯罪? criminal [countable] a person who commits a crime罪犯◆society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do).社会不知道怎样处置惯犯。◆i was treated just like a common criminal.我受到如同普通罪犯一般的对待。◆ (bre) sending these youngsters to prison simply trains them to become professional criminals.把这些年轻人送进监狱简直是培训他们成为职业罪犯。◆ (name) career criminals职业罪犯 criminal [usually before noun] (rather formal or law法律) connected with or involving crime犯罪的;犯法的;涉及犯罪的◆it should be a criminal offence to inflict cruelty on any wild animal.虐待任何野生动物都应属犯罪。◆he had three criminal convictions and a history of violence.他有三项犯罪记录,还有过暴力行为。ⓘ criminal is used in legal contexts, mainly to talk about acts. common collocates of criminal are activity, acts, assault, behaviour, charges, conviction, damage, gang, negligence, offence, sexual conduct, violence and wrongdoing. * criminal 用于法律语境,主要描述行为。常见搭配词有 activity、acts、assault、behaviour、charges、conviction、damage、gang、negligence、offence、sexual conduct、violence 和 wrongdoing。  ➡ see also crime → crime 1 ▸ criminally adverb◆the owners were very negligent but they were not criminally negligent (= their negligence was not a crime).这些业主严重疏忽大意,但尚未构成过失罪。 criminalthat you think is morally wrong道德上错误的;不道德的◆this is a criminal waste of resources.这是一种浪费资源的可耻行为。  ➡ see also crime → disgrace noun 1 criminal¹/ˈkrɪmɪnl ||; ˈkrɪmənḷ/noun [c] a person who has done something illegal 罪犯 criminal²/ˈkrɪmɪnl ||; ˈkrɪmənḷ/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with crime 与犯罪有关的: ◇deliberate damage to public property is a criminal offence. 蓄意破坏公物是刑事罪行。◇criminal law 刑法 2. morally wrong 不道德的: ◇a criminal waste of taxpayers' money 不道德地浪费纳税人的钱 criminalsee ⇨ bad 13 ⇨ crime 2,3 ⇨ illegal 1     • • •• ⇨ have a criminal record☞ criminal¹☞ criminal²




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