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单词 bustle
释义 bustle /bʌsl/ [uncountable] busy and noisy activity of a lot of people in one place忙乱嘈杂;人多喧闹◆do you enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life?你喜欢都市生活的喧闹繁忙吗? ➡ see also bustling → crowded bustle¹/ˈbʌsl ||; ˈbʌsḷ/verb1. [i,t] to move in a busy, noisy or excited way; to make sb move somewhere quickly 忙乱地、喧闹地或激动地移动;使赶快往某处: ◇he bustled about the kitchen making tea. 他在厨房里忙着泡茶。◇they bustled her out of the room before she could see the body. 她还没看到房间里那具尸体,他们便催她出去了。 2. [i] bustle (with sth) to be full of people, noise or activity 熙熙攘攘;充满(人群、声音、活动等): ◇the streets were bustling with shoppers. 街道上挤满了购物的人潮。 bustle²/ˈbʌsl ||; ˈbʌsḷ/noun [u] excited and noisy activity 喧闹的活动: ◇she loved the bustle of city life. 她喜爱城市生活的喧闹繁华。 bustle• ⇨ the hustle and bustle☞ bustle¹☞ bustle²




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