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单词 cymbal
释义 cymbal nounadjective | verb + cymbal | cymbal + verb | cymbal + noun | phrases adjective➤clashing, crashing锵锵作响的铙钹verb + cymbal➤clash, hit敲击铙钹cymbal + verb➤crash铙钹敲击◆the sound of cymbals crashing铙钹敲击的声音cymbal + noun➤crash铙钹的敲击声◆the piece ends with a cymbal crash.这支曲子以铙钹的一声敲击结束。phrases➤a clash of cymbals, a crash of cymbals铙钹的敲击(声)  ➡ topic at music cymbal/ˈsɪmbl ||; ˈsɪmbḷ/noun [c] [] one of a pair of round metal plates used as a musical instrument. cymbals make a loud ringing sound when you hit them together or with a stick. 钹 ☞picture at music 见music插图 cym·bal /`sɪmbḷ; ˈsɪmbəl/n [c]a musical instrument like a round metal plate, played by hitting it with a stick 铙,钹[一种打击乐器]




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