释义 |
grey¹ /usually 一般作 gray ame 【美】 /gre; ɡreɪ//adj 1. having the colour of black mixed with white 灰色的,灰白的:◇grey rain clouds 灰暗的雨云 2. having grey hair 头发灰白[花白]的:◇go grey my father went grey in his forties. 我父亲四十来岁的时候头发就变白了。 3. weather that is grey is dull and cloudy weather [天气]灰暗的,阴沉沉的:◇it was a grey sunday morning. 那是一个天色阴沉的星期天早上。 4. boring or unattractive 沉闷单调的,无生气的:◇grey businessmen 了无情趣的生意人 5. grey area a part of a subject such as law or science that is hard to deal with because the rules are not clear 灰色区域[指法律或科学等中因缺少明确的规则而难以处理的方面] |