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单词 conditional
释义 conditional /kəndɪʃənl/ adjectivethat only happens if sth else is done or happens first 附有条件的;有前提的◆payment is conditional upon/on delivery of the goods. 付款是以交货为前提的。◆she received a conditional offer of appointment to the post. 她接到一个有条件的职位任命。 opp unconditional ⨁ conditional acceptance / approval有条件的接受/批准 ⨁ a conditional agreement / offer有条件的协议/报价 ▸ conditionally /kəndɪʃənəli/ adverb☞ conditionalconditional/kənˈdɪʃənl ||; kənˈdɪʃənḷ/adj1. conditional (on/upon sth) that only happens if sth else is done or happens first 有条件的: ◇my university place is conditional on my getting good marks in the exams. 大学录取我的条件是我必须在考试中取得好成绩。 [opp] unconditional 反义词为unconditional 2. (grammar语法) describing a situation that must exist before sth else can happen. a conditional sentence often contains the word ‘if’ (表示有条件的,条件句常包含if): ◇‘if you don't study, you won't pass the exam’ is a conditional sentence. if you don't study, you won't pass the exam是个条件句。 for more information about conditional sentences, look at the quick grammar reference section at the back of this dictionary. 有关条件句的详细用法,参看本词典末“语法便览”部份。 ➔conditionally /-ʃənəli ||; -ʃənḷɪ/ advconditional• ⇨ be conditional on/upon con·di·tion·al /kən`dɪʃənḷ; kənˈdɪʃənəl/adj 1. if an offer, agreement etc is conditional, it will only happen if something else happens 有条件的; 取决于[其他事物]的:◇+ on his college place is conditional on his exam results. 他能否进大学取决于他的考试成绩。 2. a conditional sentence is one that usually begins with 'if' or 'unless', and states something that must be true or must happen before something else can be true or happen [语法上]条件的[条件句一般以 if 或 unless 开头]




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