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单词 condemn
释义 condemn verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤roundly, strongly, vehemently, vigorously严厉谴责;强烈谴责▸➤unequivocally, utterly (especially bre) 毫不含糊地指责;毫无保留地谴责▸➤unanimously, universally一致谴责➤explicitly, specifically明确地/具体指责◆the president specifically condemned the ads.总统点名谴责了那些广告。➤openly, publicly公开指责◆she publicly condemned the deal.她公开指责这桩交易。➤rightly公正地谴责◆they rightly condemn such opinions as racist.他们指责这些观点是种族歧视,言之有理。preposition➤for为⋯而指责◆he was roundly condemned for his mistake.他因犯错而受到严厉指责。phrases➤be widely condemned受到广泛的谴责◆the action has been widely condemned by human rights groups.这一行动受到人权组织的普遍谴责。 condemn /kəndem/ [transitive] (rather formal) to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral reasons(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责,指责◆the government issued a statement condemning the killings.政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。opp condone → forgive  ➡ see also condemnation → criticism condemn/kənˈdem ||; kənˈdɛm/verb[t] 1. condemn sb/sth (for/as sth) to say strongly that you think sb/sth is very bad or wrong 斥责;谴责: ◇a government spokesman condemned the bombing as a cowardly act of terrorism. 一名政府发言人谴责这起炸弹袭击是恐怖主义的懦夫行为。 2. condemn sb (to sth/to do sth) to say what sb's punishment will be; to sentence sb 判罪;判刑: ◇the murderer was condemned to death. 凶手被判处死刑。 (figurative 比喻) ◇their poor education condemns them to a series of low-paid jobs. 他们教育水平低,注定只能从事低收入工作。 3. condemn sth (as sth) to say officially that sth is not safe enough to use 宣告某物因不安全而不宜使用: ◇the building was condemned as unsafe and was demolished. 这幢大楼被定为危楼,并遭拆除。 condemnsee ⇨ disapprove 2 con·demn /kən`dɛm; kənˈdem/v [t] 1. to say very strongly that you do not approve of someone or something 斥责,谴责[某人或某物]:◇politicians were quick to condemn the bombing. 政治家们很快就谴责了那爆炸事件。 2. to give a severe punishment to someone who is guilty of a crime 给[某人]判重刑:◇condemn sb to death the murderer was condemned to death. 谋杀犯被判死刑。 3. to force someone to live in an unpleasant way or to suffer 迫使[某人]陷于不幸的境地:◇condemn sb to sth these orphans have been condemned to a life of poverty. 这些孤儿被迫生活在贫困中。 4. to say officially that a building is not safe enough to be used 宣告[建筑物]不宜使用




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