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单词 authenticity
释义 authenticity nounverb + authenticity | phrases verb + authenticity➤cast doubt on, dispute, doubt, question怀疑⋯的真实性;质疑⋯的真实性;对⋯的真实性提出疑问◆some have cast doubt on the authenticity of the official version of events.有些人对这些事件的官方说法有所怀疑。➤ascertain, check, test确定⋯的真实性;检查⋯的真实性;检验⋯的可靠性▸➤certify, confirm, establish, prove, validate, verify确认⋯的真实性;证实⋯的可靠性;证明⋯的真实性phrases➤a certificate of authenticity认证书◆despite its certificate of authenticity, the painting was a fake.尽管有鉴定证书,这幅画仍然是赝品。➤a debate over the authenticity of sth关于某物真实性的争论◆there has been some debate over the authenticity of his will.对于他的遗嘱的真实性一直有一些争论。➤of doubtful authenticity, of dubious authenticity, of questionable authenticity (especially name) 真实性存疑/可疑/有问题◆a document of doubtful authenticity真实性存疑的文件 authenticity /ɔːθentɪsəti/ noun [uncountable] the quality of being real and genuine 真实性◆the company uses holograms to guarantee the authenticity of its products. 这公司利用全息图以保证产品的真实性。☞ authenticity authenticity /ˏɔθən`tɪsətɪ; ˌɔːθenˈtɪsɪti/n [u]




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