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单词 concept
释义 concept nounadjective | verb + concept | preposition adjective➤basic, simple基本/简单概念◆the concept of my book is very simple.我这本书的概念很简单。➤broad, general, overall整体概念➤broader, wider (especially bre) 更宽泛的概念◆'mental handicap' should be replaced with the broader concept of 'learning difficulties'.“智力障碍”应该用“学习障碍”这个更宽泛的概念来取代。➤entire, whole整个观念;全部思想◆the whole concept of responsibility was alien to him.他没有一点儿责任的概念。➤central, core, essential, fundamental, important, key中心思想;核心思想;基本思想;重要概念;关键概念▸➤clear, precise清楚的/精确的概念▸➤ambiguous, elusive, nebulous, vague模棱两可的/难以解释的/模糊的/空泛的概念◆culture is a fairly nebulous concept.文化是个相当模糊的概念。◆the concept of 'adequate medical care' is too vague.“足够的医护”这一概念太不明确了。➤complex, difficult, sophisticated复杂的概念;难以理解的概念▸➤abstract, intellectual, theoretical抽象/理性/理论概念◆the book provides concrete interpretations of some rather abstract concepts.这本书对某些颇为抽象的概念进行了具体的解释。➤alien, bizarre, strange外来的/古怪的/奇怪的观念➤interesting有趣的观念▸➤underlying根本观念▸➤useful有用的思想▸➤innovative, modern, new, novel, original, revolutionary创新的思想;现代观念;新观念;新颖的思想;独创的思想;革命性的观念▸➤old-fashioned, traditional过时的/传统观念▸➤business, design, economic, historical, legal, mathematical, political, psychological, religious, scientific商业观念;设计理念;经济观念;历史观念;法律观念;数学概念;政治概念;心理概念;宗教概念;科学概念verb + concept➤have有概念◆teachers should have a clear concept of what society is.教师对社会应该有一个清楚的概念。➤grasp, understand掌握/理解概念◆she finds it difficult to grasp abstract concepts.她觉得很难明白抽象的概念。➤define, formulate, frame定义概念;系统地阐述观念;构架概念◆the need to create new words to frame new concepts为构架新概念而创造新词的需要➤advance, introduce, invent, popularize提出/引进/编造/普及概念➤apply应用概念◆students must be able to apply classroom concepts to practical situations.学生必须能够把课堂中学到的概念运用到实际中去。➤develop, refine发展/完善概念➤explain, illustrate解释/阐明概念➤discuss, explore讨论/探讨概念➤embrace接受观念◆not all companies have embraced the concept of diversity in the workplace.不是所有公司都已接受职场多元化的观念。➤reinforce加强观念preposition➤concept of⋯概念◆he formulated the concept of imaginary time.他创造了虚拟时间这一概念。 concept /kɒnsept; name kɑːn-/ noun [countable] idea for a new product or to help sell a product (新产品的)构思;(有助于销售产品的)观念◆he has experience in bringing high-tech equipment from concept to market. 他有将高技术设备从构思到引进市场的经验。◆a new concept in corporate hospitality 公司招待方面的新观念 idea or principle that is connected with sth 概念;观念◆a course to teach key business concepts 教授关键经营理念的课程 business entity concept ◇ consistency concept ◇ high-concept ◇ marketing concept ◇ production concept ◇ sales concept ◇ selling concept ☞ concept concept /kɒnsept; name kɑːnsept/ [countable] (rather formal) an idea or principle that is related to sth abstract rather than physical things or actual events概念;观念◆we discussed concepts such as 'democracy' and 'equality'.我们讨论了“民主”、“平等”等观念。◆the concept of infinity is almost impossible for us to comprehend.我们几乎无法理解无限这个概念。 ➡ see also conceptual → intellectual adj. 1 concept/ˈkɒnsept ||; ˈkɑnsɛpt/noun [c] the concept (of sth/that...) an idea; a basic principle 观念;概念;基本原则: ◇it is difficult to grasp the concept of eternity. 永恒这个概念是很难懂的。 ➔conceptual /kənˈseptʃuəl ||; kənˈsɛptʃυəl/ adj conceptsee ⇨ idea 3 con·cept /`kɑnsɛpt; ˈkɒnsept/n [c]a general idea or principle 概念; 想法; 原则:◇+ of the concept of freedom for all 所有人都自由的想法




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