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单词 hitch¹
释义 hitch¹ /hɪtʃ; hɪtʃ/v 1. [i,t] informal to travel by asking for free rides in other people's cars 【非正式】 搭便车旅行; 搭乘[便车]:◇hitch a ride/lift we tried to hitch a ride into perth. 我们设法搭便车进珀斯。 2. [t] to fasten one thing to another 拴住,钩住,套住:◇dad hitched the boat to the back of the car. 爸爸把小船拴在车后。hitch sth ↔ upto pull a piece of clothing up 把[衣服]向上拉:◇she hitched up her skirt and stepped over the wall. 她把裙子往上拉起,跨过了墙。




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