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单词 counteract
释义 counteract /kaʊntərækt/ verb [transitive] to do sth to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects of sth 抵制;抵消;抵抗◆these exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension at work. 这些练习旨在抵消来自工作压力和紧张的影响。☞ counteract counteract /kaʊntərækt/ [transitive] to do sth to reduce or prevent the effects of sth, especially the bad effects of sth抵制,抵抗,抵消(尤指负面影响)◆these exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension.这些训练动作旨在缓解压力与紧张。◆the thrust of the rocket engines counteracts gravity.火箭发动机的推力抵消重力。note 辨析 counter or counteract?there is very little difference in meaning between these two words. counteract is used especially to talk about reducing physical effects or feelings: collocates include feelings and symptoms.这两个词含义差别很小。counteract 尤指抵消身体的症状或感觉,与之搭配的词有 feeling 和 symptom。counteract/ˌkaʊntərˈækt ||; ˌkaυntɚˈækt/verb [t] to reduce the effect of sth by acting against it 抵消: ◇measures to counteract traffic congestion 疏导交通阻塞的措施 coun·ter·act /ˏkantə`ækt; ˌkaʊntərˈækt/v [t]to reduce the bad effect of something by doing something that has the opposite effect 抵消[坏影响]:◇new laws intended to counteract the effects of pollution 旨在抵消污染后果的新法律




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