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单词 dozen
释义 dozen /dʌzn/ noun [countable] (plural dozen) (abbreviation doz.) a group of twelve of the same thing 一打;十二个◆two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋2.a group of approximately twelve people or things 大约十二个人或物;十几个◆several dozen/a few dozen people 几十个人  ➡  idiom at dime ◇ half a dozen ☞ dozen☞ dozendozen/ˈdʌzn ||; ˈdʌzṇ/(abbr doz.) noun [c] (plural dozen) twelve or a group of twelve 十二个;一打: ◇a dozen eggs, please. 请给我一打鸡蛋。◇half a dozen (= six) 半打(六个)◇two dozen sheep 二十四头羊 dozens (of sth)(informal 非正式) very many 很多: ◇i've tried phoning her dozens of times. 我多次试图给她挂电话。 doz·en /`dʌzṇ; ˈdʌzən/determiner, n 1. a group of 12 things 十二个,一打:◇two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋 2. dozens (of) informal a lot of something 【非正式】 大量,许多:◇we tried dozens of times. 我们试了许多次。 ☞ dozen




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