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单词 breed
释义 breed noun¹ 1type of animal动物种群adjective | verb + breed | preposition adjective➤new新品种▸➤rare稀有品种▸➤hardy健壮耐劳的品种➤pure纯种➤domestic家养的品种verb + breed➤keep饲养品种◆a farm that keeps rare breeds饲养稀有品种动物的农场➤use使用品种◆this breed is used for both milk and meat production.此品种既可用于产奶和也可肉用。➤recognize认可品种◆three years later the breed was officially recognized.3 年后这个品种得到了正式的认可。preposition➤breed of⋯的品种◆a new breed of dairy cattle乳牛新品种breed noun² 2particular type of person某类人adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤new新一类人▸➤dying, rare行将消失的/稀有类型◆entertainers of this sort are now a dying breed.这类艺人越来越少,行将消失。➤special特别的类型◆it takes a special breed of person to be a surgeon.经过特殊教养的人才能成为外科医生。preposition➤breed of⋯的类型◆a new breed of international criminals新一类的国际罪犯phrases➤a breed apart很不相同的类型◆health workers are a breed apart in their commitment and dedication to duty.在事业心和献身精神方面保健人员与一般人不同。breed verbadverb | preposition adverb➤in captivity被关在笼中培养▸➤successfully成功地培育▸➤commercially商业化繁殖▸➤selectively, specially, specifically有选择地培养;专门培养◆fish that have been selectively bred for their appearance选育出的观赏鱼preposition➤for为⋯而培育◆dogs that are bred for their fighting ability看中其打斗能力而培育的狗 breed(bred, bred) [transitive] to keep animals or plants in order to produce new young animals or plants in a controlled way饲养,培育(新品种)◆greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs.灵𤟥起初是被当作猎狗来饲养的。 ➡ see also breed → produce breed(bred, bred) [intransitive, transitive](of animals) to have sex and produce young; to keep animals in order to produce young ones in a controlled way(动物)交配繁殖;饲养◆many animals breed only at certain times of the year.许多动物一年中仅在某些时候交配繁殖。◆the rabbits are bred for their long coats.饲养兔子是为了获取它们长长的皮毛。  ➡ see also breed → keep 4 breed¹/bri:d ||; brid/verb (past tense past participle bred /bred ||; brɛd/) 1. [i] (used about animals) to have sex and produce young animals (指动物)繁殖: ◇many animals won't breed in zoos. 很多动物都不能在动物园内成功繁殖。 [syn] mate 同义词为 mate 2. [t] to keep animals or plants in order to produce young from them (为繁殖或育种而)饲养,栽种: ◇these cattle are bred to produce high yields of milk. 繁育这些牛是为了提高产奶量。 3. [t] to cause sth 导致;引起: ◇this kind of thinking breeds intolerance. 这种思想造成气量褊狭。 ➔breeding noun [u]breed²/bri:d ||; brid/noun [c] a particular variety of an animal (动物的特定)品种;变种: ◇a breed of cattle/dog 一种牛/狗 breedsee ⇨ baby 14 ⇨ type 2☞ breed¹☞ breed²




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