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单词 break¹
释义 break¹ /brek; breɪk/v broke /brok; brəʊk/, broken /`brokən; ˈbrəʊkən/, breaking 1. [i,t] if something breaks, or someone breaks it, it separates into two or more pieces, especially because it has been hit or dropped 破裂,破碎,断裂; 打破,折断[某物]:◇the kids broke a window while they were playing ball. 孩子们踢球时打破了一扇玻璃窗。◇careful, those glasses break easily. 小心,那些玻璃杯很容易碎裂。◇break your leg/arm etc sharon broke her leg skiing. 雪伦滑雪时摔断了腿。 2. [i,t] if you break a tool or a machine, or it breaks, it is damaged and no longer working properly 弄坏,摔坏[工具或机器]; [工具或机器]失灵,坏了:◇someone's broken the tv. 有人把电视机弄坏了。 3. [t] to disobey a law or rule 不遵守,触犯[法律或规章]:◇he didn't realize that he was breaking the law. 他没有意识到他触犯了法律。 4. break a promise/an agreement/your word to not do what you promised to do 违背诺言/违反协议/食言:◇politicians who break their election promises 违背竞选承诺的政客 5. break for lunch/coffee etc to stop working in order to eat or drink something 停下来吃午饭/喝咖啡等:◇we broke for lunch at about 12:30. 我们在十二点半左右休息吃午饭。 6. [t] to stop something from continuing 使[某事]结束:◇the silence was broken by the sound of gunfire. 炮火声打破了沉寂。◇break the habit (=stop wanting to do something) 改掉习惯◇break sb's concentration (=stop someone from being able to think about their work) 分散某人的注意力 7. break your journey to stop travelling for a short time to rest 旅行途中休息 8. break sb's heart to make someone very unhappy by ending a relationship with them or by doing something that they do not want 使某人伤心[心碎] 9. break a record to do something faster or better than it has ever been done before 打破记录 10. break the news to sb to tell someone about something bad that has happened 告诉某人坏消息 11. break loose/free to escape 逃跑,逃脱:◇the cattle had broken loose during the night. 牛群在夜里逃脱了。 12. [i] if news about an important event breaks, it becomes known by everyone [消息]传开,散播:◇the next morning, the news broke that monroe was dead. 第二天早上,梦露去世的消息传开了。 13. break even to neither make a profit nor lose money 不盈不亏,收支平衡:◇we broke even in our first year of business. 我们做生意的第一年不盈不亏。 14. break the ice to make people who have just met each other feel less nervous and start to have a conversation 打破沉默[冷场] 15. [i] if day breaks, light begins to show in the sky as the sun rises [天]刚亮,破晓 16. [i] if a wave breaks, it begins to look white on top because it is coming close to the shore [波浪]冲击,拍岸 17. [i] if a boy's voice breaks, it becomes lower and starts to sound like a man's voice [男孩发育时的嗓音]变声 18. [i] if a storm breaks, it suddenly begins [暴风雨]突然来临 19. [i] if the weather breaks, it suddenly changes [天气]突变break away1 to escape from someone 逃离,逃脱2 to change what you have been doing because it limits your freedom, is boring etc 脱离,摆脱:◇+ from duchamp wanted to break away from the old established traditions in art. 杜尚想从传统的艺术框架中挣脱出来。break down1 [i] if a car or a machine breaks down, it stops working [汽车、机器]出故障2 [i] if something breaks down, it cannot continue because there are too many problems 失败,遭受挫折:◇his marriage broke down and his wife left him. 他的婚姻破裂,妻子离开了他。3 [i] to start crying because you are very upset 失声痛哭:◇imelda broke down in tears at the funeral. 伊美黛在葬礼上失声痛哭。4 [t break sth ↔ down] to hit something such as a door so hard that it falls down 把[门等]弄坏,撞倒:◇the police had to break down the door to get in. 警方不得不破门而入。5 [i,t] to change something or separate it into different parts (把…)分解:◇enzymes which break down food in the stomach 在胃里分解食物的酶break in1 [i] to enter a building using force to steal something 闯入[行窃]:◇thieves broke in during the night and took the hi-fi. 小偷在夜里闯进来,偷走了高保真音响。2 [i] to interrupt someone while they are speaking 插话:◇the operator broke in saying, "you need another 75p to continue the call." 电话接线生插进来说,“你继续通话需要再付 75 便士。”break into sth1 to enter a building using force to steal something 闯入[行窃]:◇they broke into the room through the back window. 他们从后窗闯入房间。2 break into a run/dance etc to suddenly start running, dancing etc 突然跑起来/跳起舞来等3 to start being involved in doing something 开始参与:◇american companies are trying to break into eastern european markets. 美国公司正试图打入东欧市场。break off1 [t] to remove a piece from the main part of something 折断[某物]:◇she broke off a piece of cheese. 她掰下一片乳酪。2 [t] to end a relationship 断绝[关系]:◇the us has broken off diplomatic relations with iran. 美国中断了与伊朗的外交关系。3 [i,t] to suddenly stop doing something or talking to someone (使)突然结束; 中断谈话break out1 if a disease, fire, or war breaks out, it starts to happen [疾病、火灾或战争]突然发生,爆发:◇nine months later, war broke out in korea. 九个月以后,战争在朝鲜爆发。2 to escape from prison (越狱)逃跑3 break out in a sweat to start sweating (sweat) 开始出汗break through1 [t break through sth] to go through something, using force 突破; 突围:◇demonstrators tried to break through police lines. 示威者试图冲破警方的防线。2 [i,t] if the sun breaks through, you can see it through the clouds [太阳从云层中]透出来break up1 [t break sth ↔ up] to separate something into smaller parts 拆散[某物]; 把…分成几部分:◇one day his business empire will be broken up. 终有一天,他的商业王国会被瓦解。2 [i,t break sth ↔ up] to break, or break something into small pieces 碎开; 打碎:◇the ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁后裂开了。we used shovels to break up the soil. 我们用铲子松土。3 [i] to end a relationship [关系]破裂:◇troy and i broke up last month. 我和特洛伊上个月闹翻了。4 [t] to stop people fighting, arguing etc 制止[殴斗或争吵]5 [i] if a meeting, party etc breaks up, it ends and people start to leave [会议、聚会等]结束,散场break with sb/sthto end a relationship or association with someone or something 与…断绝关系[联系]usage note 用法说明: break, tear, cut, smash, crack, burstyou cannot break something soft such as cloth or paper, but you can tear it (=pull it apart, leaving rough edges where the parts have separated) or cut it (=divide it using a knife, scissors etc). 布或纸等柔软的东西不能打破或折断,所以不能用 break, 但可以用 tear 表示撕[扯]破; 或以刀、剪刀等利刃剪断或割断,用 cut 表示:◇he angrily tore the letter into pieces. 他生气地把信撕成碎片。◇she cut the paper into squares. 她把纸裁成正方形。things made of glass, china etc can break (or get broken) or smash (=break suddenly into many small pieces). 玻璃或瓷器制品可以破碎 (break) , 或被打碎 (get broken) , 或粉碎 (smash):◇the plate smashed on the stone floor. 盘子掉在石地上摔得粉碎。if something hard cracks, it breaks but the parts do not get separated. 如果硬物裂开(crack) , 物体破了但没有变成碎片:◇his windshield cracked, but it didn't break. 他的挡风玻璃裂了,但没有破碎。if something suddenly breaks because of pressure from inside, it bursts. 如果某物由于内部压力而突然爆开,那就是爆裂 (burst):◇she blew up the paper bag until it burst. 她向纸袋里吹气,直到纸袋爆开为止。




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