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单词 dependent
释义 dependent adjective¹ 1needing sb/sth需要verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel有依赖性;感觉有依赖性▸➤become, grow变得有依赖性;越来越有依赖性▸➤remain仍然有依赖性adverb➤closely, deeply, greatly, heavily, highly, very密切/深深/极度/严重/高度/非常依赖◆many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support.患者中很多人都非常依赖医务人员每天给他们情感上的支持。◆the country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports.这个国家严重依赖石油和天然气进口。➤critically, crucially决定性地依赖◆modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing.现代科学严重依赖高性能计算。➤absolutely, completely, entirely, solely, totally, utterly, wholly绝对依赖;完全依赖◆jane had never met anyone so utterly dependent.简之前还从来没有遇到过如此依赖别人的人。◆the land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation.土地干旱,完全靠灌溉。➤increasingly越来越依赖▸➤overly过度依赖▸➤largely, mainly很大程度上/主要依赖▸➤partially, partly部份依赖◆74% of people in the survey were at least partially dependent on their cars.被调查的人中有 74% 至少部份地依赖私家车。➤directly直接依赖▸➤mutually相互依赖◆the various organs of the body do not function in isolation but are mutually dependent.身体的不同器官不是独立运作而是互相依存的。➤economically, financially经济上/财政上依赖▸➤emotionally感情上依赖preposition➤on, upon依赖⋯◆small companies are dependent upon the local economy.小公司依赖本土经济。dependent adjective² 2dependent on/upon influenced/decided by sth受⋯影响;受⋯决定verbs | adverb verbs➤be取决于adverb➤strongly极大地取决于▸➤entirely, fully, solely, totally全部取决于;完全取决于;仅仅取决于◆the amount of benefit you receive is entirely dependent on the amount you have paid in.你收益多少完全取决于你存入的金额。➤largely, mainly很大程度上/主要取决于◆your access to a good education is largely dependent on where you live.你是否能受到良好的教育很大程度上取决于你的居住地点。➤partially, partly部份取决于dependent/dɪˈpendənt ||; dɪˈpɛndənt/adj1. dependent (on sb/sth) needing sb/sth to support you 依靠…的;依赖…的: ◇the industry is heavily dependent on government funding. 这行业十分依赖政府的拨款。◇do you have any dependent children? 你有要抚养的孩子吗? 2. dependent on sb/sth influenced or decided by sth 取决于…的: ◇ the price you pay is dependent on the number in your group. 你要付的价钱视你那团队的人数而定。 [opp] independent 反义词为independentdependentsee ⇨ addicted 1 de·pen·dent /dɪ`pɛndənt; dɪˈpendənt/adj 1. needing someone's or something's help in order to live or to continue 依靠的,依赖的:◇children of that age are still very dependent on their mothers. 那个年龄的儿童对自己的母亲还是十分依赖的。 2. be dependent on/upon formal to change according to something else 【正式】 取决于…,视…而定:◇starting salary is dependent on experience. 起始薪水根据工作经验而定。




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