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单词 intake
释义 intake noun¹ 1amount of food/drink taken into the body食物或饮料摄取量adjective | verb + intake adjective➤high高摄取量▸➤moderate中等摄入量▸➤low低摄取量▸➤increased增大的摄取量▸➤total总摄取量➤excessive过量摄取▸➤adequate足够的摄取量▸➤normal正常的摄取量▸➤average平均摄入量➤recommended建议摄入量▸➤daily每日摄取量◆your recommended daily intake of vitamin c你建议的每日维生素 c 的摄入量➤regular定期的摄入量▸➤dietary, nutritional食物/营养摄入量▸➤caloric, calorie热量摄取;卡路里摄入量➤alcohol, calcium, carbohydrate, energy, fat, fibre/fiber, fluid, food, nutrient, oxygen, protein, salt, sugar, vitamin, water酒精摄入量;钙摄入量;碳水化合物摄入量;能量摄取量;脂肪摄取量;纤维摄入量;流体摄入量;食物摄取量;养分摄入量;氧气吸入量;蛋白质摄取量;盐摄入量;糖分摄取量;维生素摄取量;水分摄入量verb + intake➤have摄入◆make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins a, b, c and d.要确保均衡地摄入维生素 a、b、c 和 d。➤maintain维持摄入量◆you should maintain a low intake of fat.你应该维持较低的脂肪摄入量。➤boost, increase, raise加强/增加/提高摄入量▸➤control, watch控制/注意摄入量◆you need to watch your alcohol intake.你需要注意酒精摄入量。➤cut, cut down, cut down on, decrease, limit, lower, reduce, restrict降低摄入量;减少摄入量;限制摄入量◆one of the best ways to get to your ideal size is to cut fat intake right down.塑造完美身材的最佳办法之一就是减少脂肪摄入量。intake noun² 2number of students in a year学生数量adjective | verb + intake adjective➤high大量的招生人数▸➤low少量的招生人数▸➤balanced (bre) 均衡的招生量◆the government should be promoting a balanced intake of students for every school.政府应当促进各学校招生人数的平衡。➤new新生人数▸➤annual (especially bre) 每年的招生量▸➤graduate, student研究生/学生招生人数verb + intake➤have招收新生◆the school has an annual intake of 20 to 30.该校每年招收 20 到 30 名学生。intake noun³ 3where liquid/air enters a machine液体或气体进入机器处adjective | verb + intake adjective➤air, water进气口;进水口verb + intake➤block, clog, clog up堵塞入口◆algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.海藻堵塞了水轮机的进水口。intake noun⁴ 4of breath呼吸adjective | verb + intake | phrases adjective➤quick, sharp急速吸入;猛吸一口气◆she gave a sharp intake of breath.她猛地吸了一口气。verb + intake➤give吸一口气➤hear听见呼吸声phrases➤an intake of breath吸一口气intake/ˈɪnteɪk ||; ˈɪnˌtek/noun[c] [usu.sing] 1. the amount of food, drink, etc that you take into your body (食物、饮料等的)摄取量: ◇the doctor told david to cut down his alcohol intake. 医生嘱咐戴维减少饮酒量。 2. the (number of) people who enter an organization or institution during a certain period (在一定时期内组织或机构的)新成员,新成员数目: ◇this year's intake of students is down 10%. 今年招收的新生减少了一成。 3. the act of taking sth into your body, especially breath 摄取(尤指空气) 4. a place where liquid, air, etc enters a machine (液体、气体等进入机器的)入口 in·take /`ɪnˏtek; ˈɪnteɪk/n [singular 单数] 1. the amount of food, liquid etc that you eat or drink [食物、液体等的]摄入[取]量:◇reducing your alcohol intake will help you lose weight. 减少酒精摄入量将有助于你减轻体重。 2. the number of people allowed to enter a school, profession etc [学校、职业等的]接受[招收]数量:◇a yearly intake of 300 students 每年 300 名的招生名额




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