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单词 insufficient
释义 insufficient adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove不充分;证明不充分adverb➤quite, wholly十分不充分;完全不够▸➤simply就是不够▸➤clearly显然不充分▸➤woefully可悲地不足preposition➤for不足以⋯◆the resources available are quite insufficient for the task.现有的资源根本不足以完成这一任务。 insufficient /ɪnsəfɪʃnt/ adjectivenot large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose 不充分的;不足的;不够重要的◆insufficient time 时间不够◆his salary is insufficient to meet his needs. 他的薪水不够满足他的需要。  ➡  n.s.f. ▸ insufficiency /ɪnsəfɪʃənsi/ noun [uncountable; singular] ▸ insufficiently adverb☞ insufficientinsufficient /ɪnsəfɪʃnt/ (rather formal) not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose不充分的;不足的;不够重要的◆i'm afraid we have insufficient evidence.恐怕我们证据不足。◆his salary is insufficient to meet his needs.他的薪水入不敷出。◆there are fears that the existing flood barrier may prove to be insufficient.人们担心现有的拦洪坝不足以抵挡洪水。opp sufficient ⓘ the opposite is sufficient. * insufficient 的反义词是 sufficient◆make sure you allow sufficient time to get there.务必留出充足的时间前往那里。◆one dose should be sufficient.服一剂就够了。▸ insufficiently adverb◆insufficiently researched研究不充分note 辨析 inadequate or insufficient? insufficient emphasizes the quantity or strength of sth. * insufficient 强调数量或力度◆there are insufficient funds in your account.你账户里的资金不足。◆to pay insufficient attention to sth对某事的关注不够 inadequate often emphasizes the quality as well as the quantity. * inadequate 既强调数量,也常强调质量◆an inadequate understanding of how language works对语言的功能理解不充分◆low pay and inadequate training工资低且缺乏培训insufficient/ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt ||; ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/adj insufficient (for sth/to do sth) not enough 不足的;不充分的: ◇the students complained that they were given insufficient time for the test. 学生抱怨没有给足够的时间来准备考试。 [opp] sufficient 反义词为sufficient➔insufficiently advinsufficientsee ⇨ enough/not enough 5 in·suf·fi·cient /ˏɪnsə`fɪʃənt; ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt◄/adjnot enough 不足的,不够的:◇insufficient medical supplies 不足的医药供应




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