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单词 cut sth out
释义 cut sth out 1. to remove sth or to form sth into a particular shape by cutting 切去;剪下;剪成: ◇he cut the job advertisement out of the newspaper. 他从报纸上剪下招聘广告。 2. to not include sth 删去: ◇cut out the boring details! 把那些乏味的细节删掉吧! 3. (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) to stop saying or doing sth that annoys sb 停止说或做令人烦恼的事: ◇cut that out and leave me alone! 住口,别烦我了! 4. (informal 非正式) to stop doing or using sth 戒除;不再用: ◇you'll only lose weight if you cut out sweet things from your diet. 你只有不再吃甜食才能减轻体重。




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