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单词 cut
释义 cut noun¹ 1hole/opening made by cutting割开的口adjective | verb + cut | preposition adjective➤clean, neat干净利落的切口➤little, small小切口➤long长切口➤straight笔直的切口verb + cut➤make切出口子▸➤give切口◆a high-quality blade that gives a clean cut切口光洁的高质量刀刃preposition➤cut in在⋯上的切口◆using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在布料上剪一个小口。cut noun² 2wound伤口adjective | verb + cut | cut + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤bad, deep, nasty严重的伤口;很深的伤口➤little, small, tiny小伤口◆he has a small cut on his finger.他手指上划了一个小口。➤minor, slight, superficial轻微的割伤;表皮伤口▸➤clean未受感染的伤口➤fresh, new新伤口➤open未愈合的创伤➤paper被纸边划伤的口子verb + cut➤have有伤口▸➤get, suffer被割伤◆she got a bad cut over her right eye.她右眼上有一个很严重的伤口。➤clean清洁伤口◆clean the cut and cover it to prevent infection.洗净伤口并包扎起来以防感染。➤bandage, cover, dress用绷带包扎/包扎/敷裹伤口➤heal使伤口愈合cut + verb➤heal伤口愈合◆a clean cut heals quickly.未受感染的伤口愈合得快。preposition➤cut on在⋯上的伤口◆a cut on her hand她手上的伤口➤cut to⋯的伤口◆one man was attacked and suffered cuts to his face.一名男子受到了袭击,脸部受伤。phrases➤cuts and bruises, cuts and scrapes伤口和挫伤;伤口和划伤cut noun³ 3act of cutting sb's hair; hairstyle理发;发型adjective | verb + cut | phrases adjective➤hair (usually haircut) 理发;发型➤short短发➤buzz, crew板寸;平头verb + cut➤have请人剪⋯◆i've made an appointment to have a haircut.我已经预约好了去理发。➤need需要理发➤give sb给某人剪发phrases➤cut and blow-dry剪发和吹干cut noun⁴ 4reduction削减adjective | ... of cuts | verb + cut | cut + verb | preposition adjective➤big, deep, large, major, severe, sharp, significant, substantial大幅削减;巨额削减▸➤draconian, dramatic, drastic, huge, massive, savage (bre) 严厉的/突然的/急剧的/巨大的/大规模的/猛烈的削减➤across-the-board, swingeing (bre) 全面的/巨额的削减➤small小幅削减▸➤federal, government联邦政府/政府削减➤income, pay, salary, wage (especially bre) 收入缩减;减薪;减工资➤expenditure, financial, spending开支/财政/开销缩减➤benefit, budget, defence/defense, education, funding, job, service, staff补助金降低;预算削减;国防开支削减;教育经费紧缩;资金削减;工作岗位削减;服务减少;裁员▸➤cost, interest-rate, price, rate, tax成本减少;利率降低;降价;费用降低;减税➤proposed提议的削减... of cuts➤round一轮裁减◆the company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司已宣布进行新一轮的裁员。verb + cut➤impose, make实行/进行削减◆they are planning to make substantial cuts in the service.他们计划在服务方面进行大幅削减。➤announce, propose宣布/建议缩减◆proposed tax cuts减税建议➤face面临缩减▸➤accept, suffer, take接受裁减◆the staff have all had to take a cut in salary.全体员工都得接受减薪。➤oppose, support反对/支持裁减cut + verb➤come into effect裁减生效◆the cuts will come into effect next may.裁减将于下一个 5 月生效。preposition➤cut in在⋯方面的削减◆cuts in public spending公共开支的紧缩cut noun⁵ 5piece of meat肉块adjective | preposition adjective➤choice, expensive, good, lean, prime中上等肉块;昂贵的肉块;优质肉块;瘦肉块;上等肉块▸➤cheap廉价肉块▸➤cold cuts (especially name) 冷盘肉片preposition➤cut of⋯肉块◆the recipe calls for a good lean cut of beef.菜谱要求用上好的精瘦牛肉块。cut noun⁶ 6share in the profits一份利润verb + cut | preposition verb + cut➤get, have, take得到分红;有分红;获得分红◆by the time the organizers have had their cut, there won't be much left.组织者们分红后,就会所剩无几。➤want想要分红◆if there's money to be made from selling photos of her, she wants her cut.如果出售她的照片能赚钱,她想得到自己的那一份。preposition➤cut of⋯的分红◆he takes a cut of the profits.他获得了一份利润。cut verb¹ 1with a knife, scissors, etc.切成;剪成adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤thick切厚片◆make sure you cut the bread nice and thick.一定要把面包切得厚一些。➤thinly切薄片▸➤cleanly, neatly切得干净利落◆cut the stem cleanly, just beneath a leaf joint.把茎切整齐点,正好切在叶根下。➤easily容易切割◆sandstone cuts easily.砂岩容易切割。➤lengthways, lengthwise纵向切;竖切◆cut the carrots in half lengthwise.把胡萝卜纵切成两半。➤away, back, down, off, out砍掉;剪短;砍倒;剁掉;砍去◆some trees had been cut down.有些树已被砍倒了。preposition➤away砍掉◆they cut away all the dead branches from the tree.他们修剪掉树上所有的枯枝。➤back剪短➤from从⋯上砍下➤into切(入);切成⋯◆she picked up the knife and cut into the meat.她拿起刀来切入肉中。◆he cut the bread into thin slices.他把面包切成薄片。➤off切掉➤out切去▸➤through切开◆i can't cut through this wood.我劈不开这块木头。phrases➤cut and paste (computing计算机) 剪贴◆you can cut and paste between different programs.你可以在不同程序之间剪贴。➤cut sb/sth free, cut sb/sth loose把⋯释放出来◆two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes.两名幸存者受困 20 分钟后获救。➤cut sb's hair short剪短某人的头发◆i told the stylist i wanted my hair cut short.我告诉发型师我想把头发剪短。➤cut sth into pieces把⋯切成片◆cut the cake into six pieces.把蛋糕切成 6 片。➤cut sth in half, cut sth in two把⋯切成两半◆she cut the loaf in two and gave me one of the halves.她把那条面包切成两半,把其中一半给了我。➤cut sth open使⋯破开◆she fell and cut her head open.她摔了一跤,把头磕破了。➤freshly cut刚刚剪下◆freshly cut flowers刚剪下来的花朵cut verb² 2reduce sth削减adverb | verb + cut | preposition adverb➤considerably, dramatically, drastically, sharply, significantly大幅削减▸➤short中断◆his career was cut short by injury.他因伤提早结束了职业生涯。verb + cut➤try to尽量减少▸➤manage to设法减少◆we have managed to cut our costs drastically.我们已设法使成本大大地降低了。➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不减少preposition➤by减少(⋯)◆the department has to cut its spending by 30%.该部门得缩减 30% 的开支。➤from, to从⋯减少;减到⋯◆the price has been cut from €250 to €175.价格从 250 欧元减到了 175 欧元。cut verb ●cut backadverb➤drastically, severely, significantly急剧/大幅/明显裁减◆social work services have been cut back drastically.社会工作机构已被大量裁减。verb + cut back➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不减少preposition➤on在⋯方面减少◆local authorities have been forced to cut back on expenditure.地方政府被迫减少开支。➤to减少到◆we should cut back to previous levels of spending.我们应该减少到先前的开支水平。●cut downadverb➤considerably, drastically大幅削减▸➤gradually逐步削减verb + cut down➤try to努力削减▸➤manage to设法减少▸➤advise sb to劝说某人削减preposition➤on缩减⋯◆i'm trying to cut down on fatty foods.我现在尽量少吃含脂肪多的食物。●cut sb/sth off1. interrupt sb/sth打断adverb➤abruptly, suddenly使突然中断◆his thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.一阵令人头晕目眩的疼痛突然打断了他的思绪。2. prevent sb/sth from leaving/reaching a place阻断去路adverb➤completely, totally彻底/全部切断▸➤effectively, largely, virtually基本上切断;差不多切断preposition➤from使与⋯隔离◆they were completely cut off from the outside world.他们完全与世隔绝了。 cut /kʌt/ verb [transitive] (cutting, cut, cut) reduce sth, especially by a large amount (尤指大量)削减,减少◆the airline is to cut 2 500 more jobs. 这家航空公司将要削减 2 500 多个职位。◆the number of factories has been cut from 13 to 6. 工厂的数目已从 13 家减少到 6 家。◆his salary has been cut by ten per cent. 他的工资已削减了百分之十。◆forecasts for their 2005 profits have been cut. 对 2005 年利润的预测已经减少了。 remove text or images from one place on a computer screen, in order to put them somewhere else 剪切◆you can cut and paste between the programs. 你可以在不同的程序间进行剪贴。 ●cut a deal (with sb) ●cut (sb) a deal (informal) to make an arrangement with sb 与…达成协议◆she cut a deal with the boss who allowed her to work on the project if she raised half the funds. 她和老板达成协议,如果她筹集到一半的资金,就允许她做这个项目。●a cut and paste job (informal) a document that sb has created quickly by taking ideas or sections of text from other documents, rather than sth original that they have worked hard on 剪贴文档 ●cut back (on sth) ●cut sth backto reduce sth 减少;削减;缩减◆there is no evidence that shoppers were cutting back (= on spending) over the holiday season. 目前没有证据显示购物者在假期里削减开支。◆to cut back on spending 削减开支◆if we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production. 如果我们不出售更多的货物,便不得不削减产量。  ➡  cutback ●cut down (on sth) ●cut sth down (to sth)to reduce the size, amount or number of sth 削减,减少,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)◆she wants to cut her travel load down to two days a week. 她要把出差时间压缩到每周 2 天。●cut sb in (on sth) (informal) to give sb a share of the profit in a business or an activity 让(某人)分享利润●cut sb offto interrupt sb who is speaking on the telephone by breaking the connection 中断(电话通话)◆we were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 我们的电话谈到一半的时候就断线了。●cut off sb/sth (often be cut off) to stop the supply of sth to sb/sth 停止,中断(供应)◆the bank has threatened to cut off their credit. 银行已扬言要停止他们的信贷。 cut /kʌt/ noun [countable] 1.a reduction in the amount or number of sb/sth (数量、数目等的)削减,减少,缩减◆making a cut in interest rates 削减利率◆an interest-rate cut 利率的削减◆the aircraft maker announced a further 1 000 cuts (= in the number of employees) last week. 这飞机制造公司上星期宣布再裁减 1 000 人。◆the managers had to take a 20% cut in pay. 经理们不得不接受减薪 20%。⨁ interest-rate / tax cuts利率削减;减税 ⨁ budget / cost / expenditure / spending cuts预算/成本/支出/开支削减 ⨁ job / pay / wage cuts减少工作岗位;减薪 ⨁ a big / deep / dramatic cut大幅度/严重/大幅度削减 ⨁ to announce / implement / make / propose cuts宣布/实行/进行/提出削减 2. (informal) [usually singular] a share in a profit or money (利润或钱的)份,份额◆we take a cut of any sales to customers that we refer to them. 凡是从我们介绍给他们的客户中所赚取的任何销售额,我们都可从中提取份额。⨁ to get / take a cut (of sth)得到/提取份额 price cut ☞ cut☞ cut☞ cut☞ cutcut verb 1➤cut taxes减税➤cut the bread切面包➤have your hair cut理发➤cut your finger剪指甲  ➡ see also the entries for abolish, reduce and save 2另见 abolish 条、reduce 条和 save 条第 2 义cut ♦︎ slash ♦︎ cut sth back ♦︎ cut sth down ♦︎ scale sth back ♦︎ rationalize ♦︎ downsize ♦︎ scale sth downthese words all mean to reduce the amount or size of sth, especially of an amount of money or a business.这些词均表示削减、缩减、裁减,尤指减少资金或企业规模。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cut sth / cut sth back / cut sth down / downsize sth / scale sth down from $50 000 to $40 000◆to cut sth / cut sth back / cut sth down / scale sth down by $5 000 / 30%◆to cut back / cut down on sth◆to cut / slash / cut back on / cut down on / scale back / rationalize spending / production◆to cut / slash / cut back on jobs◆to cut / slash / downsize the workforce◆to cut / slash / rationalize the cost of sth◆to cut sth / slash sth / cut sth back / cut sth down / scale sth down drastically◆to cut sth / cut sth back / cut sth down considerably■ cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to reduce sth, especially an amount of money that is demanded, spent, earned, etc. or the size of a business削减,缩减,裁减(尤指经费、开支、收入或企业规模)◆the president has promised to cut taxes significantly.总统承诺大幅减税。◆could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words?请把你的文章从 5 000 字删减到 3 000 字好吗? ➡ see also cut → reduction noun ■ slash [transitive, often passive] (rather informal, journalism新闻) to reduce sth by a large amount大幅削减;大大降低◆the workforce has been slashed by half.职工人数裁减了一半。◆a slump in the retail trade has forced the company to slash prices.零售行业不景气迫使那家公司大幅降价。■ cut sth back ■ cut back on sth -->phrasal verb(cutting, cut, cut)to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business削减,缩减,裁减(尤指资金或业务量)◆if we don't sell more we'll have to cut back production.我们若不能多销,就得减产。◆the local authority is trying to cut back significantly on spending this year.地方当局今年试图大幅削减开支。  ➡ see also cutback → reduction ■ cut sth down-->■ cut down on sth -->phrasal verb(cutting, cut, cut)to reduce the size, amount or number of sth削减,缩小(规模、数量或数目)◆the doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.医生劝他少喝酒。◆i won't have a cigarette, thanks-i'm trying to cut down (= smoke fewer).谢谢,我不抽。我现在尽量少抽烟。■ scale sth back -->phrasal verb (especially name or business商业) to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business削减,缩减,裁减(尤指资金或业务量)◆the imf has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade.国际货币基金组织已经调低它对未来十年的增长预测。■ rationalize (bre also rationalise) [transitive, intransitive] (bre, business商业) to make changes to a business or system, in order to make it more efficient, especially by spending less money使合理化;进行合理化改革;使增加效益◆twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized.在部门的合理化改革中有二十名工人失业。▸ rationalization (bre also rationalisation) noun [uncountable, countable] ◆a need for rationalization of the industry对这一行业进行合理化改革的必要性■ downsize /daʊnsaɪz/ [intransitive, transitive] (business商业) to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of jobs in it, in order to reduce costs(公司或机构)裁员,精减◆the worsening situation forced the company to downsize from 39 employees to 7.日益恶化的状况迫使那家公司将员工人数从 39 个裁减到 7 个。◆the larger companies are all planning to downsize their us operations.较大的公司都正计划精减在美国的运营。ⓘ downsize is often used by people who want to avoid saying more obvious words like 'fire', 'dismiss', 'lay sb off' or 'make sb redundant' because they sound too negative.用 downsize 常是为了避免说 fire、dismiss、lay sb off 或 make sb redundant 等更直白的词,因为这些词听起来过于负面。■ scale sth down -->phrasal verbto reduce the number, size or extent of sth减少(数量);缩小(规模或范围)◆we are thinking of scaling down our training programmes next year.我们在考虑缩小明年的培训计划。◆he was using scaled-down versions of his father's tools.他使用的那些工具比他父亲的规模小。note 辨析 cut, cut sth back, cut sth down, scale sth back or scale sth down? cut is the most general of these words. cut sth back and scale sth back are both used especially to talk about money or business. cut sth down and scale sth down are both more general, but are used more for talking about things other than money or business. * cut 是这些词中最宽泛的。cut sth back 和 scale sth back 尤用于谈论金钱或生意。cut sth down 和 scale sth down 使用范围较广,但多用于谈论金钱和生意以外的事物。cut verb 2➤cut taxes减税➤cut the bread切面包➤have your hair cut理发➤cut your finger剪指甲cut ♦︎ chop ♦︎ slice ♦︎ carve ♦︎ dicethese words all mean to make smaller pieces of sth by using sth sharp such as a knife.这些词均表示切、割。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cut / chop / slice / carve sth into sth◆to cut / chop / slice sth off sth◆to cut / slice sth in half / two◆to cut / chop / slice sth up◆to cut / chop / slice / carve / dice meat◆to cut / slice bread / cake◆to chop / slice an onion◆to cut / chop / slice / dice sth finely◆to cut / slice sth thinly■ cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to remove sth or a part of sth, or divide sth into two or more pieces with a knife, etc.; to make or form sth by removing material with a knife, etc.(用刀等从某物上)切下,割下;(用刀等将某物)切成,割成◆he cut four slices from the loaf.他从一条面包上切下四片。◆he cut the loaf into thick slices.他把那条面包切成了厚片。◆shall i cut you a piece of cake?要我给你切块蛋糕吗?◆don't cut the string; untie the knot.不要割断绳子,把结解开。◆the climbers cut steps in the ice.登山者在冰上凿出踏脚处。■ chop (-pp-) [transitive] to make smaller pieces of sth using sth sharp such as a knife切碎;剁碎;砍;劈◆he was chopping logs for firewood.他在把原木劈成柴火。◆roughly chop the herbs.把香草稍微切一下。■ slice [transitive, intransitive] to cut sth into slices; to cut sth easily with or as if with a sharp blade把⋯切成片;切;割;划◆slice the cucumber thinly.把黄瓜切成薄片。◆a sliced loaf切片面包◆a loaf of sliced bread一条切片面包◆he accidentally sliced through his finger.他不小心把指头割破了。 ➡ see also slice → piece ■ carve [transitive, intransitive] to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating把(熟肉)切成块◆she taught me how to carve a leg of lamb.她教我如何切羊腿。◆lunch is ready. who's going to carve?午饭好了,谁来把肉切开?■ dice [transitive] to cut meat, vegetables, etc. into small square pieces把(肉、菜等)切成丁◆diced carrots / lamb胡萝卜丁;羊肉丁cut verb 3➤cut taxes减税➤cut the bread切面包➤have your hair cut理发➤cut your finger剪指甲cut ♦︎ trim ♦︎ shave ♦︎ mow ♦︎ lop ♦︎ shear ♦︎ snip ♦︎ crop ♦︎ clipthese words all mean to make sth shorter or neater by removing part of it with a sharp tool.这些词均表示剪短或修剪。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cut / trim / shave / lop / snip / clip sth off sth◆to cut / trim / shave / lop / shear / snip / clip sth off◆to cut / shave / lop / shear / snip / clip sth from sth◆to cut / trim / shave / shear / snip / crop / clip hair◆to cut / trim / clip a hedge◆to cut / clip your / sb's nails◆to cut / mow the grass / lawn◆to cut / trim / clip sth neatly■ cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to make sth shorter by cutting; to remove sth from sth larger by cutting剪短;修剪;割下;切掉◆i'm going to get / have my hair cut really short.我要把头发理得很短。◆he had his finger cut off in an accident at work.他在一次工伤中切掉了一根手指。▸ cut noun [countable] ◆using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。◆to have a haircut理发■ trim (-mm-) [transitive] to make sth neater, smaller or better by cutting parts from it; to cut away unnecessary parts from sth修剪;割掉,剪下(不必要的部份)◆trim the edges with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀修修边。◆his beard was neatly trimmed.他的胡子修剪得很整齐。◆trim some of the fat off the meat.把多余的肥膘从肉上切掉。▸ trim noun [countable, usually singular] ◆the hedge needs a trim.树篱需要修剪了。■ shave [transitive, intransitive] to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor (= a special instrument that cuts close to the skin) 剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸◆he has completely shaved his head.他剃了一个光头。◆i cut myself (= made myself bleed) when i was shaving.我刮胡子时把脸划破了。▸ shave noun [countable, usually singular] ◆i need a shave.我需要刮胡子了。■ mow /məʊ; name moʊ/ (mowed, mown or mowed, mowed) [transitive] to cut grass, etc. using a machine or tool that has a special blade or blades刈;割,修剪(草等)◆the lawn needs mowing every week in summer.夏天每周都要修剪草坪。■ lop (-pp-) [transitive] to remove part of sth by cutting it, especially to remove branches from a tree砍掉;剪掉;(尤指)修剪(树枝)◆the men began lopping branches from a row of beech trees.那些人开始修剪一排山毛榉的树枝。■ shear /ʃɪə(r); name ʃɪr/ (sheared, shorn or sheared, sheared) [transitive] to cut the wool off a sheep; to cut off sb's hair剪(羊毛或头发)◆it was time for the sheep to be shorn.是剪羊毛的时节了。◆ (formal) the prisoners' hair was shorn.那些囚犯的头发被剪掉了。■ snip (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors using short, quick strokes(用剪刀快速)剪,剪断,剪开◆snip a tiny hole in the paper.在纸上剪一个小孔。◆she snipped at the stitching.她把针脚剪掉。◆snip off the end of the tube.把管子末端剪掉。▸ snip noun [countable] ◆make a series of snips along the edge of the fabric.顺着布边细碎地剪。■ crop (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sb's hair very short将(头发)剪得很短◆his hair was closely cropped.他的头发剪得很短。■ clip (-pp-) [transitive] to cut sth with scissors, etc. in order to make it shorter or neater; to remove sth by cutting it off剪(掉);修剪◆the trees had been clipped into formal shapes.那些树已经修剪成整齐的形状了。◆he clipped off a piece of wire with the pliers.他用钳子剪掉了一段电线。cut verb 4➤cut taxes减税➤cut the bread切面包➤have your hair cut理发➤cut your finger剪指甲cut ♦︎ slash ♦︎ slit ♦︎ split ♦︎ nick ♦︎ gashthese words all mean to make an opening or wound in sth with sth sharp.这些词均表示切开、划破。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cut / slash / slit sb's throat / your wrists◆to cut / split your head / lip◆to cut / nick yourself◆to cut / slit / split sth open■ cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to make an opening or a wound in sth, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors(尤指用刀、剪等利器)切,割,割破,划破◆she cut her finger on a piece of glass.一块玻璃划破了她的手指。◆he cut himself (= his face) shaving.他刮胡子把脸刮破了。◆workmen cut a hole in the pipe.工人在管道里凿了一个孔。◆you need a powerful saw to cut through metal.切割金属须用强劲的锯。 ➡ see also cut → injury ■ slash [transitive] to make a long cut with a sharp object, especially in a violent way(用利器)砍,劈◆someone had slashed the tyres on my car.有人割破了我汽车的轮胎。◆she tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.她试图割腕自杀。◆we had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在灌木丛中开出一条路前行。◆he slashed at his opponent with his sword.他挥剑砍向对手。■ slit (slitting, slit, slit) [transitive] to make a long narrow cut or opening in sth在⋯上开狭长口子;切开;划破◆slit the roll with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀在面包卷上划开一道口子。◆the victim's throat had been slit.受害者的喉咙被割开了。◆he slit open the envelope and took out the letter.他拆开信封,抽出信来。■ split (splitting, split, split) [transitive] to accidentally cut your skin and make it bleed(意外)划破,割破,碰破(皮肤)◆she fell downstairs and split her head open.她摔下楼梯,把头碰破了。◆how did you split your lip?你怎么把嘴唇划破了?■ nick [transitive] to make a small cut in the surface or edge of sth, especially sb's skin(在⋯表面或边上)划刻痕,使有缺口;使(皮肤)破损◆he nicked himself while shaving.他刮脸时刮了个口子。◆i nicked my finger opening the tin.我开罐头时划破了手指。■ gash [transitive] to make a long deep cut in sth, especially sb's skin划伤,割伤(皮肤)◆he gashed his hand on a sharp piece of rock.他的手在一块尖石头上划了一个大口子。 ➡ see also gash → injury cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to reduce sth, especially an amount of money that is demanded, spent, earned, etc. or the size of a business削减,缩减,裁减(尤指经费、开支、收入或企业规模)◆the president has promised to cut taxes significantly.总统承诺大幅减税。◆could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words?请把你的文章从 5 000 字删减到 3 000 字好吗? ➡ see also cut → reduction noun cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to remove sth or a part of sth, or divide sth into two or more pieces with a knife, etc.; to make or form sth by removing material with a knife, etc.(用刀等从某物上)切下,割下;(用刀等将某物)切成,割成◆he cut four slices from the loaf.他从一条面包上切下四片。◆he cut the loaf into thick slices.他把那条面包切成了厚片。◆shall i cut you a piece of cake?要我给你切块蛋糕吗?◆don't cut the string; untie the knot.不要割断绳子,把结解开。◆the climbers cut steps in the ice.登山者在冰上凿出踏脚处。 cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to make sth shorter by cutting; to remove sth from sth larger by cutting剪短;修剪;割下;切掉◆i'm going to get / have my hair cut really short.我要把头发理得很短。◆he had his finger cut off in an accident at work.他在一次工伤中切掉了一根手指。▸ cut noun [countable] ◆using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。◆to have a haircut理发 cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to make an opening or a wound in sth, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors(尤指用刀、剪等利器)切,割,割破,划破◆she cut her finger on a piece of glass.一块玻璃划破了她的手指。◆he cut himself (= his face) shaving.他刮胡子把脸刮破了。◆workmen cut a hole in the pipe.工人在管道里凿了一个孔。◆you need a powerful saw to cut through metal.切割金属须用强劲的锯。 ➡ see also cut → injury cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive, intransitive] to remove part of a piece of writing, a sound recording or film; to delete part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere else删剪,删节(文字、录音或电影胶片);(在计算机上)剪切◆this scene was cut from the final version of the movie.这场戏在电影的最终版本中被删剪了。◆you can cut out this whole paragraph without losing any of the impact.你可把这一整段都删掉,丝毫不会影响效果。◆you can cut and paste between different programs.你可在不同程序间进行剪贴。▸ cut noun [countable] ◆the director objected to the cuts ordered by the film censor.导演反对按电影审查员的指令作删剪。 cut(cutting, cut, cut) [transitive] to free sb from somewhere by cutting the rope, object, etc. that is holding them(割断绳子、物品等)让(某人)逃跑,释放◆the injured driver had to be cut from the wreckage.受伤的司机得靠切开汽车残骸才获救。◆two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes.两名幸存者受困二十分钟后才被解救出来。 cut [countable] a place where a sharp object has made a hole in sb's skin.伤口;划口◆he came home covered in cuts and bruises.他遍体鳞伤地回到家。◆blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.鲜血从他手臂上深深的伤口中涌出。 ➡ see also cut → cut verb 4 cut [countable] a reduction that is made in the amount, size or supply of sth(数量、尺寸或供应的)削减,减少,缩减◆they had to take a 20% cut in pay.他们不得不接受减薪 20%。◆the company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司宣布了新一轮工作岗位的削减。◆the proposed tax cuts will come into effect next may.减税提议将于明年 5 月生效。opp increase → increase noun  ➡ see also cut → cut verb 1 , lay-off → unemployment note 辨析 reduction or cut? reduction can be used for things that become less or smaller by themselves, or things that are reduced deliberately by sb. a cut cannot happen by itself-it has to be made by sb. a cut is often (but not always) a negative thing. * reduction 可指事物自行或被人为变少或变小。cut 不指自行减少,只指人为减少。cut 经常是(但并非总是)负面的◆job / salary / pay cuts裁员;减薪a cut cannot happen over time. a reduction can. * cut 不指持续递减,而 reduction 可以◆a gradual reduction逐渐的减少◆a gradual cut cut [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a share in sth, especially the profits of sth(尤指利润的)份,份额◆they were rewarded with a cut of 5% from the profits.他们得到占利润 5% 份额的报酬。◆there wasn't much left after his agents took their cut.代理商抽走份额后他的利润所剩无几。cutnoun [countable] ◆using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。◆to have a haircut理发cutnoun [countable] ◆the director objected to the cuts ordered by the film censor.导演反对按电影审查员的指令作删剪。cutnoun [countable] ◆using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material.用锋利的剪刀在这块布料上剪一个小口。◆to have a haircut理发cutnoun [countable] ◆the director objected to the cuts ordered by the film censor.导演反对按电影审查员的指令作删剪。cut¹/kʌt ||; kʌt/verb (present participle cutting;past tense past participle cut) 1. [i,t] to make an opening, wound or mark in sth using a sharp tool, for example a pair of scissors or a knife (用利器)切开,割破,割伤: ◇be careful not to cut yourself on that broken glass! 小心不要被玻璃碎片割伤!◇this knife doesn't cut very well. 这把刀不快。 2. [t] cut sth (from sth) to remove sth or a part of sth, using a knife, etc (用刀等将某物或某物的一部份)切下,割下: ◇she cut two slices of bread (from the loaf). 她(从整条面包上)切了两片面包。 3. [t] cut sth (in/into sth) to divide sth into pieces with a knife, etc (用刀等将某物)切成,分成(数份): ◇she cut the cake into eight (pieces). 她把蛋糕切为八份。◇he cut the rope in two. 他把那根绳子割成两条。 4. [t] to make sth shorter by using scissors, etc (用剪刀等)剪短,割短: ◇i cut my own hair. 我给自己剪头发。◇to have your hair cut (= at the hairdresser's). 在理发店理发◇to cut the grass 割草 5. [t] to make or form sth by removing material with a sharp tool (用利器)切成,割成,挖成: ◇she cut a hole in the card and pushed the string through. 她在卡片上戳一个孔,然后将线穿过去。◇they cut a path through the jungle. 他们开辟一条小径穿过丛林。 6. [t] to reduce sth or make it shorter; to remove sth 减少;缩短;删除: ◇to cut taxes/costs/spending 减税;降低成本;压缩开支◇several violent scenes in the film were cut. 影片有几个暴力镜头被删剪了。 7. [t] (computing计算机技术) to remove a piece of text from the screen 剪去屏幕上文档的某一部份: ◇use the cut and paste buttons to change the order of the paragraphs. 使用“剪贴”按钮改变段落次序。 8. [i] cut across, along, through, etc (sth) to go across, etc sth, in order to make your route shorter 走快捷方式;抄近路: ◇it's much quicker if we cut across the field. 如果我们走快捷方式穿过这片田野可以快很多。 9. [t] (spoken 口语) to stop sth 停止;中断: ◇cut the chat and get on with your work! 别再聊天了,赶快干活吧! 10. [t] to deeply offend sb or hurt his/her feelings 得罪,伤害(某人的感情): ◇his cruel remarks cut her deeply. 他无情无义的话严重伤害了她的感情。 for idioms containing cut look at the entries for the nouns, adjectives, etc, for example cut corners is at corner. 含cut的习语,参看有关名词、形容词等词条,如cut corners可参看词条corner。 cut across sth to affect or be true for different groups that usually remain separate 影响,涉及(不同的独立群体): ◇the question of aid for the earthquake victims cuts across national boundaries. 有关救助地震灾民的问题已经超越了国界。 cut sth back; cut back (on sth) to reduce sth 减少: ◇to cut back on public spending 减少公共开支 cut sth down 1. to make sth fall down by cutting it 砍倒: ◇to cut down a tree 砍倒一棵树 2. to make sth shorter 删减;缩短: ◇i have to cut my essay down to 2000 words. 我得把我的文章删节成2000字。 cut sth down; cut down (on sth) to reduce the quantity or amount of sth; to do sth less often 减少,减低(某物的数量或次数): ◇you should cut down on fatty foods. 你应少吃脂肪多的食物。 cut in (on sb/sth) to interrupt sb/sth 打断(某人的说话等): ◇she kept cutting in on our conversation. 她老是打断我们的谈话。 cut sb off (often passive 常用于被动语态) to stop or interrupt sb's telephone conversation 停止或打断某人在电话上的谈话: ◇we were cut off before i could give her my message. 我还没有来得及把消息告诉她,电话就断线了。 cut sb/sth off (often passive 常用于被动语态) to stop the supply of sth to sb 停止对某人供应某物;切断某物的供应: ◇the electricity/gas/water has been cut off. 电╱煤气╱水已经停止供应。 cut sth off to block a road, etc so that nothing can pass 堵塞道路等: ◇we must cut off all possible escape routes. 我们必须把所有可能的逃跑路线切断。 cut sth off (sth) to remove sth from sth larger by cutting (从较大的东西上)剪下,切除: ◇be careful you don't cut your fingers off using that electric saw. 使用那把电锯要当心,别把手指锯掉了。 cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth) (often passive 常用于被动语态) to prevent sb/sth from moving from a place or contacting people outside 使与外界隔绝: ◇the farm was cut off from the village by heavy snow. 农场因大雪而与附近的村子失去联系。 cut sth open to open sth by cutting 切开;割开: ◇she fell and cut her head open. 她跌倒在地,把头撞破了。 cut sth out 1. to remove sth or to form sth into a particular shape by cutting 切去;剪下;剪成: ◇he cut the job advertisement out of the newspaper. 他从报纸上剪下招聘广告。 2. to not include sth 删去: ◇cut out the boring details! 把那些乏味的细节删掉吧! 3. (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) to stop saying or doing sth that annoys sb 停止说或做令人烦恼的事: ◇cut that out and leave me alone! 住口,别烦我了! 4. (informal 非正式) to stop doing or using sth 戒除;不再用: ◇you'll only lose weight if you cut out sweet things from your diet. 你只有不再吃甜食才能减轻体重。 be cut out for sth; be cut out to be sth to have the qualities needed to do sth; to be suitable for sth/sb 有做某事所需要的才能;适合: ◇you're not cut out to be a soldier. 你不是当兵的材料。 cut sth up to cut sth into small pieces with a knife, etc (用刀等)分成小块,切碎cut²/kʌt ||; kʌt/noun[c] 1. an injury or opening in the skin made with a knife, etc (刀等造成的)伤口,切口,破口: ◇he had a deep cut on his forehead. 他的前额上有一道很深的伤口。 2. an act of cutting 切;割;剪;砍: ◇to have a cut and blow-dry (= at a hairdresser's) (让理发师给)理发并吹干和定型 3. a cut (in sth) a reduction in size, amount, etc (尺寸、数量等的)减少,削减: ◇a cut in government spending 削减政府开支◇a power cut (= when the electric current is stopped temporarily) 停电 4. a piece of meat from a particular part of an animal 切下的肉块: ◇cheap cuts of lamb 便宜的羊肉块 5. (informal 非正式) a share of the profits from sth, especially sth dishonest 一份利润(尤指以不正当手段获得的) ☞look at short cut. 参看short cut。 cut1 with scissors, a knife, or a sharp object2 to cut food3 to cut part of your body, especially accidentally4 when a doctor or scientist makes a cut in someone's body5 to cut someone's hair, beard, or fingernails6 to cut wood, plants, or grass7 to remove something by cutting8 to make a shape by cuttingrelated wordsto reduce a price or amount 降低价格或减少数量 reduce,see alsosharp,piece,1. with scissors, a knife, or a sharp object 用剪刀、刀等利器 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] to divide something into two or more pieces, using a knife or scissors 切,割 he cut the string and carefully unwrapped the parcel. 他剪断绳子,仔细打开包裹。cut something in two/cut something in half mandy cut the paper in half and gave a piece to each child. 曼迪把纸剪成两半,给孩子一人一半。cut something up/cut up something into several pieces 把某物切[剪]成碎片 tommy sat on the floor, cutting up old magazines. 汤米坐在地板上剪旧杂志。cut something open/cut open something rescue workers had to use special equipment to cut open the steel doors. 援救人员不得不使用特殊的器械把钢门切开。 snip /snɪp/ [transitive verb] to cut something with scissors using quick small cuts [用剪刀]迅速地剪 she snipped the thread which held the two pieces of cloth together . 她把连着两块布的线剪断。 slit /slɪt/ [transitive verb] to make a long narrow cut through something, especially skin or cloth 切开,裁开[尤指皮肤或布料] he killed the goat by slitting its throat. 他割断羊的喉管,杀死了它。slit something open/slit open something diane slit the envelope open with a knife. 黛安娜用刀把信封拆开。slit your wrists graham slit his wrists in a suicide attempt. 格雷厄姆割破双腕,企图自杀。 slash /slæʃ/ [transitive verb] to cut something quickly and violently with a knife, because you want to damage it or cause an injury 猛削,猛砍[尤为了破坏或造成伤害] the painting had been slashed with a knife. 这幅画被人用刀划坏了。 someone had slashed the tyres on bayle's car. 有人划破了贝尔的车胎。 slash your wrists she slashed her wrists with a razor blade. 她用一个剃刀刀片划破了手腕。 stab /stæb/ [transitive verb] to push a knife into someone's body in order to kill or seriously injure them [用刀]刺,戳,捅 betty carroll was stabbed 61 times and left to die on the floor of her escondido home. 贝蒂·卡罗尔在自己位于埃斯孔迪多的家中被刺61刀,躺在地板上死去。 stab somebody in the heart/arm etc luca stabbed her in the thigh with a breadknife. 卢卡用一把切面包刀刺中她的大腿。 stab somebody to death kill someone by attacking them a knife kitty davison was found stabbed to death one night in 1997. 1997年的一个夜晚,有人发现姬蒂·戴维森被刺死了。 hack /hæk/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut something very roughly or violently 砍,劈 hack at something he picked up an axe and began hacking at the door. 他拿起一把斧子开始劈门。 hack somebody to death all of the victims had been hacked to death. 所有的受害者都是被砍死的。 hack somebody/something to pieces the two women were hacked to pieces by their attackers. 两名妇女遭袭击者碎尸。2. to cut food 切食物 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] do you want me to cut the cake? 你要我来切蛋糕吗? cut something into pieces/chunks cut the fish into four pieces and serve hot or warm. 将鱼切成四块,趁热端上桌。 chop/chop up /tʃɒp, ˌtʃɒp ˈʌpǁˌtʃɑːp-/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] to cut something such as vegetables or meat into small pieces when you are preparing a meal 将…切碎 chop two onions for the stew. 切两个洋葱来做炖菜。 elsa was in the kitchen chopping up vegetables. 埃尔莎在厨房切蔬菜。chop something into pieces/chunks/cubes could you chop the eggplant into cubes for me? 你能帮我把茄子切成块吗? chopped [adjective only before noun] next, sprinkle some chopped walnuts on the salad. 下一步,将切碎的核桃撒在沙拉上。 slice /slaɪs/ [transitive verb] to cut food such as bread, meat, or vegetables into thin flat pieces 把…切成薄片 wash and slice the mushrooms. 将蘑菇清洗干净切片。 sliced [adjective only before noun] sliced white bread 切片白面包 carve /kɑːʳv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut a large piece of cooked meat into pieces 把[熟肉]切小块 you start carving while i fetch the vegetables. 我去把蔬菜拿来,你把熟肉切成小块。 who's going to carve the turkey? 谁来切火鸡? mince british /grind american /mɪns, graɪnd/ [transitive verb] to cut raw meat into very small pieces, usually in a machine [用绞肉机]绞碎[尤指生肉] mince the meat and mix in the remaining ingredients. 将肉绞碎,拌入余下的原料。 minced/ground /mɪnst, graʊnd/ [adjective only before noun] minced beef 绞碎的牛肉 grate /greɪt/ [transitive verb] to cut cheese or vegetables into small thin pieces by rubbing them against a metal surface with holes in it 磨;磨碎[乳酪或蔬菜] i always like to grate some cheese over the potatoes before serving them. 端上桌之前我喜欢磨些干酪在马铃薯上。 grated [adjective only before noun] grated orange peel 磨碎的橙皮 shred /ʃred/ [transitive verb] to cut food, especially vegetables with leaves, into long thin pieces 切成细条[尤指有叶的蔬菜] remove the outside leaves and shred the cabbage finely. 把卷心菜外围的菜叶去掉,然后切丝。 shredded [] a salad consisting of a few bits of shredded lettuce 用少量碎生菜叶做的沙拉 dice /daɪs/ [transitive verb] to cut food, especially raw vegetables, into small square pieces [把食物,尤指生的蔬菜]切成小方块 dice the potatoes and cook them in salted water. 将马铃薯切成丁,放在盐水里煮。 diced [adjective only before noun] melt three tablespoons of butter in a saucepan and add the diced vegetables. 把三匙黄油放在平底锅里溶化,然后加入蔬菜丁。3. to cut part of your body, especially accidentally 割伤了身体,尤指误伤 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] she cut her hand trying to open a can of sardines. 她在开沙丁鱼罐头时划破了手。cut something on something one of the children had cut her foot on some glass. 其中有个小孩踩在玻璃上割破了脚。cut yourself shaving phil cut himself shaving this morning. 今天早上菲尔刮胡子时割破了脸。 cut [countable noun] several passengers were treated for cuts and bruises. 几名乘客因划伤和瘀肿接受治疗。 scratch /skrætʃ/ [transitive verb] to cut part of your body very slightly leaving a long very thin cut 划伤 the cat scratched me while i was playing with her. 我在逗猫玩的时候被抓伤了。 she found her friend, felicia moon, bruised and scratched after a fight with her husband. 她发现自己的朋友费利西娅·穆恩与丈夫打了一架后,身上有瘀肿和划伤。 scratch [countable noun] a slight cut that is not at all deep 划伤 his face was covered in scratches. 他的脸上全是一道道伤痕。 it's just a scratch - nothing serious. 只是擦破一点皮——不严重。 graze/scrape /greɪz, skreɪp/ [transitive verb] to slightly break the surface of your skin by rubbing against something, for example when you fall on the ground 擦伤 oliver fell down on the path and grazed his knee. 奥利弗在小路上摔了一跤,擦破了膝盖。 i wasn't really hurt - i scraped my elbows a bit, that's all. 我没有真的受伤——肘部擦破了一点皮,仅此而已。 graze/scrape /greɪz, skreɪp/ [countable noun] a slight wound on your skin where it has been rubbed against something hard and rough 擦伤 he had a bit of a graze on his elbow, but otherwise he was fine. 他肘部擦破了一点皮,除此之外一切都好。 gash /gæʃ/ [countable noun] a large, deep cut in someone's skin 深长的伤口[切口] the accident left her with an ugly gash above the left eye. 那次事故在她左眼上方留下了一条难看的又深又长的伤口。 nick /nɪk/ [transitive verb] to accidentally make a small cut in the surface of your skin 轻微切伤,擦伤 i must have nicked myself when i was shaving this morning. 我一定是今天早上刮胡子的时候刮破了脸。4. when a doctor or scientist makes a cut in someone's body 医生或科学家切开人体 make an incision /ˌmeɪk ən ɪnˈsɪʒən/ [verb phrase] to cut into someone's body, using a special knife, during a medical operation [手术]切开 the surgeon began by making an incision about six inches long. 外科医生首先划开一个大约6英寸长的刀口。 dissect /dɪˈsekt, daɪ-/ [transitive verb] to cut a dead animal or person into pieces in order to study it 解剖 the specimens were carefully dissected and examined under a microscope. 标本经过了仔细解剖,并在显微镜下观察。5. to cut someone's hair, beard, or fingernails 剪头发、胡子或指甲 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] my sister usually cuts my hair. 我姐姐一般给我理发。 i wish you wouldn't cut your fingernails in the living room. 我希望你不要在起居室里剪指甲。have your hair cut pay someone to cut it for you 理发 beth's at the salon having her hair cut. 贝丝在发廊剪头发。 haircut /ˈheəʳkʌt/ [countable noun] when someone cuts your hair 理发 isn't it about time you had a haircut? 你是不是该理发了? shave /ʃeɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut the hair on your face or body so that your skin feels smooth 剃;刮[胡须、毛发等] have you shaved today? 你今天刮脸了吗? i didn't have time to shave my legs. 我没有时间刮腿上的汗毛。shave off something/shave something off i wish he'd shave off that awful beard! 我希望他把那难看的胡子刮掉! shave [singular noun] he went upstairs and had a quick shave. 他到楼上去很快刮了一下脸。 trim /trɪm/ [transitive verb] to cut a small amount off someone's hair or beard, so that it looks neater 修剪[头发、胡子等],把…修整齐 could you just trim my hair at the back? 就把我后面的头发修剪一下好吗? trim [singular noun] ian gave sue's hair a trim before shampooing it. he quickly cut her hair 伊恩给休修剪一下头发后再洗头。6. to cut wood, plants, or grass 砍木头、植物或割草 cut down/chop down /ˌkʌt ˈdaʊn, ˌtʃɒp ˈdaʊnǁˌtʃɑːp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make trees or bushes fall down by cutting them 砍倒[树木、灌木] cut/chop something down the tree was blocking the view from our window, and we asked a neighbour to chop it down. 那棵树挡住了我们窗口的视线,我们请邻居将它砍倒。 cut/chop down something cutting down vast areas of the rainforests has created serious ecological problems. 大量砍伐雨林已经造成严重的生态问题。 fell /fel/ [transitive verb] to cut down trees, especially a large number of them, using special equipment 砍伐,砍倒[尤指大批树木] 63 percent of trees felled in guatemala are used for fuel. 在危地马拉,被砍伐的树木中63%用作燃料。 more trees are being felled annually now than ever before. 现在每年砍伐的树比过去多。 chop/chop up /tʃɒp, ˌtʃɒp ˈʌpǁˌtʃɑːp-/ [transitive verb/transitive phrasal verb] to cut wood into pieces using an axe (=a tool with a long handle and a sharp blade) [用斧子]砍 ivan spent the day chopping wood and sawing logs. 伊万一整天都在砍树锯木。chop something up/chop up something i chopped up the old fence and used it for firewood. 我将旧的篱笆砍下用作柴火。 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] to cut grass or cut off leaves, in order to make a place or plant look tidy 修剪[草、树叶] she had to stand on a ladder to cut the top of the hedge. 她得站在扶梯上来修剪树篱的顶端。cut the lawn/grass my dad used to cut the grass every sunday morning. 我爸爸过去每个星期天早晨都修剪草坪。 mow /məʊ/ [transitive verb] to cut grass using a special machine, in order to make it look tidy [用割草机]割[草] mow the lawn/the grass it took me two hours to mow the lawn. 我花了两小时用割草机来修剪草坪。 saw /sɔː/ [transitive verb] to cut wood using a saw 锯[木头] sharp tool that you push backwards and forwards across the surface of the wood we had to saw the wood to the right length, and then nail the pieces together. 我们得锯下长度正好的木头,再用钉子钉起来。 saw something up/saw up something into several pieces it took all morning to saw up the logs. 把原木锯成一段段花了一个上午。 prune /pruːn/ [transitive verb] to cut off some of the branches of a tree or bush to make it grow better 修剪[树枝] miniature roses do not need much pruning and are ideal for planting in pots. 小型玫瑰不需要太多修剪,适合种在花盆里。 what's the best time of the year for pruning apple trees? 一年中什么时候修剪苹果树最好? trim /trɪm/ [transitive verb] to cut small amounts off something, especially a bush, in order to make it have a neat shape or surface 修剪,整修[灌木等以使其外形或外表美观] do you think the hedge needs trimming? 你觉得树篱要修剪吗? hack /hæk/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut trees, plants etc by hitting them with a heavy knife or other sharp tool using short violent movements 劈;砍 hack at robert was hacking at the base of the tree with an axe. 罗伯特在用斧子砍那棵树的基部。hack your way through/hack a path through make a path by cutting down plants and trees 砍劈挡着去路的植物 they managed to hack their way through the jungle. 他们劈开一条路穿过丛林。7. to remove something by cutting 切[砍]去某物 cut off /ˌkʌt ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to cut part of something away from the rest of it 切掉;割掉;剪掉;砍掉 cut off something cut off the stalks of the broccoli. 切掉西兰花的梗。cut something off she took the cheese and cut a big piece off. 她拿起乳酪,切下一大块。 chop off /ˌtʃɒp ˈɒfǁˌtʃɑːp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to cut something off by hitting it hard or cutting it with a sharp tool 砍掉;劈掉;斩掉;剁掉 chop off something chop off the tops of the carrots. 切掉胡萝卜的顶部。chop something off careful you don't chop your fingers off! 小心别剁掉手指! snip off /ˌsnɪp ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to quickly remove something using scissors 剪掉 snip something off/snip off something snip the ends of the beans off before you cook them. 先把豆荚的两端剪掉,然后再煮。 after the plant finishes blooming, snip off the dead flowers. 等到那种植物花期过后,剪去枯萎的花朵。 lop off /ˌlɒp ˈɒf ǁˌlɑːp-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to cut a part of something off, especially a branch of a tree 砍掉[尤指树枝] lop off something/lop something off workmen have lopped off some of the branches in an effort to save the tree. 工人们砍去一些树枝来救那棵树。 amputate /ˈæmpjɑteɪt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut off someone's arm, leg, or foot as a medical operation [手术时]截肢 he damaged his leg so badly that it had to be amputated. 他的腿伤得很重,必须截肢。 amputation /ˌæmpjɑˈteɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] if the infection spreads quickly, amputation may be necessary. 如果感染迅速扩散的话,就可能要做截肢处理。 sever /ˈsevəʳ/ [transitive verb usually passive] to cut off a part of someone's body in an accident or an attack 切断;割断[身体一部分,尤指在事故或打斗中] the victim's head had been severed in the accident. 事故中,受害者的头部被割断。 severed [adjective only before noun] surgeons were able to sew the severed finger back on. 外科医生把断手指重新缝上。 gouge somebody's eyes out /ˌgaʊdʒ somebodyˈs ˈaɪz aʊt/ [verb phrase] to remove someone's eyes with a pointed weapon or object 挖出某人的眼睛 gouge somebody's eyes out/gouge out somebody's eyes mclaren accused roberts of trying to gouge his eyes out during the fight. 麦克拉伦指控罗伯茨打架时要挖掉他的双眼。8. to make a shape by cutting 剪削成某一形状 cut /kʌt/ [transitive verb] cut something into a square/circle etc first cut the paper into a triangle. 先将纸剪成三角形。 cut out something/cut something out stella stood at the kitchen table, cutting out the pattern for a new dress. 斯特拉站在餐桌旁裁新裙子的纸样。 the children drew christmas trees on their pieces of paper and cut them out carefully. 孩子们在纸上画好圣诞树,然后仔细剪下。 carve /kɑːʳv/ [transitive verb] to cut shapes out of solid wood or stone [在实心的木或石头上]刻,雕刻 michelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble. 米开朗基罗用整块的大理石雕刻这个人物。 carved [adjective] the church has intricately carved doors. 那座教堂有精雕细刻的大门。 whittle /ˈwɪtl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cut a piece of wood into a particular shape by cutting off small pieces with a small knife 削[木头] he took out his penknife and began whittling a piece of wood. 他拿出折叠小刀开始削一块木头。☞ cut¹☞ cut²




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