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单词 extract
释义 extract noun¹ 1passage from a book/piece of music书或乐曲的节录adjective | verb + extract | extract + verb | preposition adjective➤brief, short简短的选段▸➤long长选段verb + extract➤read (especially bre) 阅读选段▸➤publish (especially bre) 出版摘编extract + verb➤be from, be taken from段落选自⋯◆the extract is taken from a long essay.这一段落节选自一篇长散文。preposition➤extract from出自⋯的选段◆he read out a brief extract from his book.他读了书上的一小段。extract noun² 2substance taken from another substance提取物adjective | preposition adjective➤natural天然提取物◆conditioners made from natural plant extracts天然植物精华护发剂➤herbal草本精华▸➤green tea, malt, meat, plant, root, yeast, etc.绿茶提取物、麦芽精、肉提取物、植物提取物、根提取物、酵母精等▸➤almond, vanilla (both name) (almond, etc. essence in bre) 扁桃仁提取物;香草精preposition➤extract of⋯的提取物◆extract of apricot杏汁 extract verb /ɪkstrækt/ [transitive] extract sth (from sth) remove or obtain a substance from sth, for example by using an industrial or a chemical process 提取;提炼◆the gas is extracted from coal. 煤气是从煤炭中提炼出来的。◆we should be able to extract 80 million barrels of oil from the site. 我们应当能够从这个油田提取 8 000 万桶石油。 get money, information, etc., especially from sb who is unwilling to give it 索取;设法得到◆the government is confident it can extract an emergency loan from the imf. 政府有信心从国际货币基金组织争取到一笔应急贷款。 find information in a computer file, a document, etc. to use for a particular purpose 摘录,查找(计算机文件)◆the program extracts email addresses from websites. 这一程序从网站上查找电子邮件地址。 extract noun /ekstrækt/ [countable] a substance that has been obtained from sth else using a particular process 提取物;浓缩汁◆yeast extract 酵母萃取物◆face cream containing natural plant extracts 含有天然植物提取物的面霜☞ extract☞ extractextract /ɪkstrækt/ [transitive] (formal) to take or pull sth out, especially using force or effort(用力)取出,拔出◆the dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.牙医可能会认为智齿应该拔掉。◆he rifled through his briefcase and extracted a file.他翻遍了公文包,抽出一份文件。extract /ɪkstrækt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to remove or obtain a substance from sth, for example by using an industrial or chemical process提取;提炼◆they developed a machine that can extract harmful gases from the air.他们研制了一部能从空气中提取有害气体的机器。◆animals take in food and extract nutrients from it.动物摄入食物,从中提取营养。 ➡ see also obtain → get 1 ▸ extraction /ɪkstrækʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆oil / mineral / coal extraction石油/矿物/煤的开采◆the extraction of salt from the sea从海水中提取盐extract /ekstrækt/ [countable] a short section from a piece of writing or music, especially one that gives you an idea of what the whole thing is like(文章或音乐的)摘录,选录,节录◆the following extract is taken from her new novel.下面一段摘录自她的新小说。extract¹/ɪkˈstrækt ||; ɪkˈstrækt/verb [t] (formal 正式) to take sth out, especially with difficulty 取出,索取(尤指费劲地): ◇i think this tooth will have to be extracted. 看来我得把这颗牙拔掉。◇i wasn't able to extract an apology from her. 我要她道歉,她偏不肯。 extract²/ˈekstrækt ||; ˈɛkstrækt/noun [c] a part of a book, piece of music, etc, that has often been specially chosen to show sth (书、乐曲等的)节录,选段: ◇the newspaper published extracts from the controversial novel. 报纸刊载了那本有争议的小说的选段。 extractsee ⇨ find out 5 ⇨ part 3 ⇨ remove 1☞ extract¹☞ extract²




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