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单词 inward
释义 inward /ɪnwəd; name -wərd/ adjective1.coming into a particular place rather than going out of it 入内的◆scotland has little inward immigration. 苏格兰几乎没有外来移民。◆the inward flow of cash and resources 现金和资源的流入2.towards the centre or the inside of sth 向内的;向中心的◆the industry is becoming inward-looking and conservative. 这个产业正变得内向和保守。 opp outward ☞ inwardinward/ˈɪnwəd ||; ˈɪnwɚd/adv adj1. (also inwards) towards the inside or centre 向内(的);向着中心(的): ◇stand in a circle facing inwards. 面朝里站成一个圈儿。 2. inside your mind, not shown to other people 内心(的): ◇my inward feelings 我内心的感觉 [opp] outward 反义词为outwardinward• ⇨ inwards/inward in·ward /`ɪnwəd; ˈɪnwəd/adj 1. felt or thought, but not expressed to other people 内心的,精神的:◇her calm expression hid an inward fear. 她平静的外表下隐藏着内心的恐惧。 2. on or towards the inside of something 内部的; 向里的




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