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单词 claustrophobic
释义 claustrophobic adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, seem有幽闭恐怖症;有幽闭恐怖感;好像患了幽闭恐怖症◆i felt a little claustrophobic in the tiny room.我在这个逼仄的房间里感到有点儿幽闭恐怖。➤become, get患幽闭恐怖症▸➤make sb使某人感觉幽闭恐怖◆crowds make me claustrophobic.成群成群的人让我感到幽闭恐怖。➤find sth感到某物让人觉得幽闭恐怖◆i find that building intensely claustrophobic.我觉得那座建筑物特别让人有幽闭恐怖感。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常幽闭恐怖◆the atmosphere was somewhat claustrophobic.气氛有点儿幽闭恐怖。➤intensely十分幽闭恐怖▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些幽闭恐怖claustrophobic/ˌklɔ:strəˈfəʊbɪk ||; ˌklɔstrəˈfobɪk/adj1. extremely afraid of small, enclosed spaces 感到幽闭恐怖的: ◇i always feel claustrophobic in lifts. 我搭电梯的时候总是对那密封的小空间感到十分恐惧。 2. used about sth that makes you feel afraid in this way 令人产生幽闭恐怖症的事物: ◇a claustrophobic little room 令人产生幽闭恐怖症的小房间 claustrophobicadj◇i won't go in lifts — i'm claustrophobic. 我不乘电梯 — 我有幽闭恐惧症。




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