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单词 clause
释义 clause noun¹ 1in a legal document法律文件adjective | verb + clause | preposition adjective➤confidentiality, indemnity, penalty保密/赔偿/惩罚条款◆the penalty clause specifies that late delivery will be fined.惩罚条款规定,延期交货将受罚。➤escape, exclusion, exemption, get-out, let-out, opt-out例外条款;除外条款;免责条款;豁免条款;自愿退出条款➤grandfather (= allowing an old rule to continue to apply in some situations) (name) , sunset (= ending a law after a particular date) 祖父条款(允许某些情况下继续适用的旧规定);落日条款(将于特定日期后废止的法规)verb + clause➤contain, have包含/含有条款◆the contract contains a confidentiality clause.合同含有保密条款。➤add, include, insert, put in增加条款;包括条款;加入条款◆we added an opt-out clause to the agreement.我们在协议上增加了一项自愿退出条款。➤delete, take out删除条款▸➤amend修改条款➤violate (especially name) 违反条款➤invoke援引条款preposition➤in a/the clause在条款里◆there is some ambiguity in this clause.本条款有些模糊之处。➤under a/the clause根据⋯条款◆under clause 5.8, the company is responsible for the health of its employees.按 5.8 条,公司对员工的健康负责。➤clause on关于⋯的条款◆a clause on pollution关于污染的条款clause noun² 2in grammar语法adjective | preposition adjective➤main, subordinate主句;从句▸➤conditional, dependent, finite, independent, infinitive, non-finite, relative条件从句;从属从句;限定从句;独立从句;非限定从句;关系从句▸➤non-restrictive, restrictive非限定性/限定性从句◆a restrictive relative clause限定性关系从句➤adverbial, nominal, noun状语从句;名词性从句;名词从句preposition➤in a/the clause在从句里◆the completed action is in the main clause.完成的动作包含在主句中。clause /klɔːz/ noun [countable] a sentence or group of sentences in a contract or legal document that has a number and deals with a particular topic, item or condition 条款◆the clause allows you to return the items if you are unsatisfied. 这条款容许你对货物不满意时退货。◆they have put in a penalty clause which specifies that late delivery will be fined. 他们提出的罚则规定逾期交货将要缴付罚款。◆ under clause 8, the employer is responsible for the safety of employees. 第 8 条规定,雇主对雇员的安全负责。⨁ to add / include / insert / put in a clause增加/包括/加插/提出条款 ⨁ to delete / take out / remove a clause删除/除去/删去条款 ⨁ a clause allows / provides for / states / specifies sth条款允许/规定/订明/规定某事 ⨁ a clause excludes / limits sth条款排除/限制某事 assignment clause ◇ break clause ◇ escalation clause ◇ escalator clause ◇ escape clause ◇ gag clause ◇ gagging clause ◇ grandfather clause ◇ objects clause ◇ penalty clause ◇ sunset clause ☞ clause clause [countable] an item in a legal document that says that a particular thing must or must not be done(法律文件的)条款◆there is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.合同中有禁止承租人转租的条款。◆clause 2.7.3 should be studied carefully.应仔细阅读第 2.7.3 条。clause/klɔ:z ||; klɔz/noun[c] 1. one of the sections of a legal document that says that sth must or must not be done (法律文件上的)条款 2. (grammar语法) a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. a clause is usually only part of a sentence 子句,分句,从句(语法术语,由主语、动词组成的一组词语,一般作为句子的构成部份): ◇the sentence, ‘after we had finished eating, we watched a film on the video,’ contains two clauses. ‘after we had finished eating, we watched a film on the video’这个句子包含两个子句。 clausesee ⇨ law 3 ⇨ word/phrase/sentence 2 clause /klɔz; klɔːz/n [c] 1. a part of a legal document [法律文件中的]条款,项目:◇a clause in the contract states when payment must be made. 合同中的一项条款指明了何时必须付款。 2. a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, which may be only part of a sentence 子句,从句,分句 ☞ clause




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