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单词 careful
释义 careful adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be小心▸➤make sb使某人小心◆bitter past experience had made her careful of what she confided to nadia.过去的痛苦经历使她向纳迪娅吐露心声时特别小心。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常小心▸➤awfully, especially, particularly, really非常/格外/特别/十分小心◆be particularly careful when swimming in the lake.在这个湖里游泳要格外小心。➤scrupulously小心谨慎▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有些小心preposition➤about对⋯小心◆she was very careful about how she spoke to him.她十分注意跟他讲话的方式。➤of留意⋯◆he's very careful of his reputation.他很在乎自己的名声。➤with对⋯谨慎◆she's extremely careful with money.她花钱极为谨慎。 carefulgiving a lot of attention to details when considering, studying or explaining sth细致的;精心的;慎重的◆this is a very careful piece of work.这是一件精雕细琢的作品。◆after careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job.经过慎重考虑,我们决定给你这份工作。opp careless → lax  ➡ see also care → care noun ▸ carefully adverb◆read the contract carefully before signing it.仔细阅读合同之后再签字。◆he chose his words carefully.他措辞审慎。carefuladjective [not before noun] ◆be careful!小心!◆be careful not to wake the baby.小心别弄醒宝宝。◆please be careful with my glasses (= don't break them).请当心别打碎我的眼镜。◆be careful you don't bump your head.留神别碰到头。 ➡ see also careful → detailed carefuladjective [not before noun] ◆be careful!小心!◆be careful not to wake the baby.小心别弄醒宝宝。◆please be careful with my glasses (= don't break them).请当心别打碎我的眼镜。◆be careful you don't bump your head.留神别碰到头。 ➡ see also careful → detailed careful/ˈkeəfl ||; ˈkɛrfəl/adj1. careful (of/with sth);careful (to do sth) thinking about what you are doing so that you do not have an accident or make mistakes, etc 小心: ◇ be careful ! there's a car coming. 小心,有车开过来了!◇please be very careful of the traffic. 请千万要当心来往车辆。◇be careful with that knife -- it's very sharp. 那把刀子很锋利,当心点呀。◇that ladder doesn't look very safe. be careful you don't fall. 那把梯子看来不很安全,小心别摔倒。◇i was careful not to say anything about the money. 我把话说得很小心,跟那笔钱有关的都绝口不提。◇a careful driver 小心开车的司机 2. giving a lot of attention to details to be sure sth is right 细心: ◇i'll need to give this matter some careful thought. 我要把这个问题仔细想一想。◇a careful worker 细心的工人 ➔carefully /ˈkeəfəli ||; ˈkɛrfəlɪ/ adv ◇please listen carefully. it's important that you remember all this. 请留心听,你得记住这些事情。 careful1 careful to avoid risks or danger2 to try to avoid risks or danger3 what you say when warning someone to be careful4 careful to do things correctly5 careful work/checks/actions6 to try to do something correctly and not make mistakes7 careful about what you say to other peoplerelated wordsoppositecareless,too careful about small details 对于细枝末节太小心 detail (8),see alsosensible,1. careful to avoid risks or danger 小心避免危险 careful /ˈkeəʳfəl/ [adjective] someone who is careful tries to avoid danger, risks, or accidents 谨慎的,小心翼翼的 you'll be ok with jane - she's a very careful driver. 和简在一起没问题—她开车很小心。 paints today are getting safer as companies remove harmful chemicals, but you still need to be careful. 现在的油漆越来越安全,因为生产商除去了其中的有害化学物,但还是小心为妙。careful (that) we had to be careful that we didn't tip the raft over. 我们必须小心,别把筏子打翻了。 carefully [adverb] bye, sarah - drive carefully! 再见,萨拉一—小心开车! cautious /ˈkɔːʃəs/ [adjective] someone who is cautious does not like taking risks and is always very careful to avoid them 谨慎的,审慎的 if we're too cautious, we might lose a good business opportunity. 如果我们过于谨慎就会错失商机。 phil's a very cautious driver - it'll take at least an hour to get there. 菲尔开车十分谨慎—到那里至少要花一小时。cautious about i've always been cautious about giving people my phone number. 我一直很谨慎,不轻易把自己的电话号码给别人。 cautiously [adverb] slowly and cautiously, we made our way along the edge of the cliff. 我们缓慢而小心地走在悬崖边缘。 with care/with caution /wɪð ˈkeəʳ, wɪð ˈkɔːʃən/ [adverb] if you do something with care or with caution, you do it carefully in order to avoid accidents 小心地,谨慎地 some roads may be icy and motorists are advised to drive with caution. 有些道路可能会结冰,建议驾驶员谨慎驾驶。handle something with care these antiques are fragile and must be handled with care. 这些古董易碎,必须小心轻放。 wary /ˈweəri/ [adjective] someone who is wary does not easily trust people and thinks very carefully before getting involved in any situation that might be dangerous or cause problems 小心翼翼的,警惕的 wary of she had become extremely wary of relationships as a result of her childhood experiences. 她有了童年的那段经历之后对男女之间的关系变得极为谨慎。 wary of becoming entangled in her friend's family quarrels, eileen made an excuse and left. 艾琳唯恐卷入朋友的家庭纠纷,借故离开了。wary about the problems with selling the house had made her much more wary about financial matters. 出售房子带来的问题使她对财务问题更为谨慎了。keep a wary eye on somebody/something watch something or someone carefully 小心看守,小心监视 one of the guards was fiddling with his radio, all the time keeping a wary eye on the five prisoners. 其中一个卫兵一边拨弄着他的收音机,一边却一直在小心翼翼地监视着那五个囚犯。 warily [adverb] he made his way up the stairs, glancing warily over his shoulder and keeping close to the wall. 他走上楼去,一边警惕地朝身后看,一边紧贴着墙。 vigilant /ˈvɪdʒɪlənt, ˈvɪdʒələnt/ [adjective] formal always paying attention to what is happening, so that you notice any danger or illegal activity 【正式】警惕的,警觉的 be vigilant on public transport and at tourist sites, as pickpockets operate in these areas. 在公共交通工具上及在旅游景点要警惕,因为这些地方有扒手作案。vigilant about we have to be vigilant about protecting our right to privacy. 我们必须警觉,保护自己的隐私权。remain vigilant the terrorist threat is still real, and the public should remain vigilant. 恐怖主义威胁依然存在,公众要保持警惕。ever vigilant always vigilant 随时保持警惕 we must be ever vigilant. don't think that fascism can never rise again. it can. 我们必须随时保持警惕。不要以为法西斯主义不会再抬头,它可能会的。 vigilance [uncountable noun] ‘this case has reminded all americans about the need for vigilance in guarding against racial discrimination,’ relman said. “这件事提醒所有美国人,有必要对种族歧视保持警惕。”雷尔曼说道。2. to try to avoid risks or danger 尽力避免危险 take care /ˌteɪk ˈkeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to do something in a sensible way, in order to avoid risks 当心,注意[以避免危险] of course you don't have to spend all your time worrying about possible health hazards, but you still need to take care. 当然,不必整天为可能危害健康的东西而担心,但是仍然得当心点。take care how/when etc take care how you cross the road. most drivers ignore the traffic lights and just drive through. 过马路要小心。大多数司机都不理交通信号灯,只是一个劲儿往前开。take care with i always take great care with diets, so i don't lose too much weight too quickly. 我对饮食一直很小心,因此不会减肥过快。 take precautions /ˌteɪk prɪˈkɔːʃənz/ [verb phrase] to make preparations before you do something, in order to avoid the risk of something unpleasant happening 采取预防措施,作以防万一的准备 tourists should take precautions as they would in any large city, and should avoid traveling alone at night. 游客应当有所防备,像在任何大城市一样,也应当避免夜间单独外出。take precautions against the villagers had already taken precautions against random raids by the militia. 村民们已经采取措施,以抵抗武装组织的随时袭击。take the precaution of doing something bennet had taken the precaution of transferring his house into his wife's name before his company collapsed. 贝内特在他的公司倒闭前,就已经作好了以防万一的准备,把他的房子转到妻子名下。 be on your guard /ˌbiː ɒn jɔːʳ ˈgɑːʳd/ [verb phrase] to pay careful attention to what is happening and not easily trust people, in order to avoid getting into danger, being tricked etc 警惕,提防,警戒[以避免危险、被骗等] drivers have to be on their guard, as faults or signal failures can occur at any time. 驾驶员一定要提高警惕,因为故障或交通信号灯失灵随时都会发生。be on your guard against ‘ we would like to warn everybody to be on their guard against unsolicited ‘tradesmen’,’ he said. “我们要警告所有人提防不请自来的‘商人’。”他说。 keep/have your wits about you /ˌkiːp, ˌhæv jɔːʳ ˈwɪts əˌbaʊt juː/ [verb phrase] to watch and listen very carefully when you are in a situation that might be dangerous, or in which people might try to cheat you 保持警觉,留神[以免陷入危险或受骗] it was only because john kept his wits about him that the boys managed to get home safely. 正是因为约翰保持警觉,这些孩子才得以安然返家。 buying a second-hand car can be very tricky. you really have to have your wits about you. 买二手车可能会上当,你真得留点神。 play safe /ˌpleɪ ˈseɪf/ [verb phrase] to choose a careful way of doing something instead of a way that could have more risks or danger 稳妥行事,谨慎行事 my friends keep advising me to invest my money in stocks and shares but i've decided to play safe and leave it in the bank. 朋友们一直建议我投资证券,但我决定还是稳妥点儿,把钱放在银行。 the film club could have played safe by starting the season with one of the ever-popular hitchcock movies, but instead they chose to show an avant-garde documentary. 电影俱乐部本可以稳妥些,在本季开始时放映一部在任何时候都受欢迎的希区柯克影片,可他们却偏要放映一部先锋派纪录片。 take no chances /ˌteɪk nəʊ ˈtʃɑːnsə̇zǁ-ˈtʃæn-/ [verb phrase] to organize something in a very careful way, because you want to avoid any possible risks 不冒险,不碰运气 this time we're taking no chances. everything will be planned down to the last detail. 这次我们不冒险了,一切都将作好周密的安排。 weather forecasters have warned about the possibility of severe storms, and city officials are taking no chances. 气象台发出强烈风暴警报,市政官员们严阵以待。3. what you say when warning someone to be careful 警告别人要小心的用语 be careful /biː ˈkeəʳfəl/ [verb phrase] spoken careful!/be careful! there's ice on the roads tonight so be careful. 今晚路面结冰,要当心。 careful! that's hot. 当心!很烫。be careful with hey! careful with that cigarette! 嘿!小心那支烟!be careful with something you be careful with that knife. 用那把刀要小心。be careful (not) to do something be careful not to get any of that bleach on your clothes. 小心衣服上别溅到那种漂白剂。be careful(that) you do something you'll have to be careful you don't lose your balance. 一定要当心别失去平衡。be careful what/where/how etc the whole interview will be recorded so you'd better be careful what you say. 整个采访将被录音,所以你说话最好谨慎一些。 take care /ˌteɪk ˈkeəʳ/ spoken say this to warn someone to be careful, especially when you think they may not realize there are dangers or risks 【口】注意,当心[尤用于提醒某人有危险或风险] take care. that gun's loaded. 当心,那枪上了子弹。 take care when you open the van door, sometimes it springs open suddenly. 开车门时要小心,有时候它会突然弹开。take care (not) to do something take care not to leave any money in the changing rooms. 注意不要把钱留在更衣室里。 look out/watch out! /ˌlʊk ˈaʊt, ˌwɒtʃ ˈaʊtǁˌwɑːtʃ-/ spoken say this to warn someone that they are going to have an accident and they must do something quickly to avoid it 【口】注意!当心![用于警告别人事故即将发生,必须尽快避免] watch out - you're going to spill paint over my new carpet! 当心—你要把油漆溅到我的新地毯上了! look out, phil - there's a car coming! 当心,菲尔—有车来了! watch it/watch what you're doing /ˈwɒtʃ ɪtǁˈwɑːtʃ-, ˌwɒtʃ wɒt jɔːʳ ˈduːɪŋǁˌwɑːtʃ-/ spoken say this when someone has just done something dangerous, and you want to tell them to be careful 【口】小心,留神[用于别人刚做了件危险的事,告诉他要小心] watch it! you nearly knocked my head off with that stick! 当心!你差点用那棍子把我的头打掉! mind out /ˌmaɪnd ˈaʊt/ british spoken say this when you want someone to move to one side to avoid possible danger 【英口】让开,躲开[用于要某人让到一边,以避开危险] mind out -- there's a snowball coming towards you! 快躲开!有个雪球正向你飞过来!4. careful to do things correctly 小心地将事情做好 careful /ˈkeəʳfəl/ [adjective] someone who is careful tries not to make mistakes, and tries to do everything correctly [人]仔细的,小心的,谨慎的 she's a careful, hard-working student. 她是个谨慎而用功的学生。careful with try to be more careful with your punctuation. 尽量更小心使用标点符号。careful (not) to do something they were careful not to touch anything until the police arrived. 警方到达之前,他们小心不去碰任何东西。 fry the garlic, being careful not to let it burn. 煎一下大蒜,小心别煎焦。 carefully [adverb] check your essay carefully for spelling mistakes. 仔细检查文章中有没有拼写错误。 with care /wɪð ˈkeəʳ/ [adverb] formal if you do something with care you do it carefully in order to make sure that you do not make any mistakes 【正式】谨慎地 she has to work slowly and with great care in order to get the picture just right. 她必须放慢速度、小心谨慎,从而把画画得恰到好处。 her room is beautifully furnished, with a great deal of care and attention to detail. 她的房间陈设得很漂亮,精心考虑到了每个细节。 aunt beryl's presents were well-received, and had obviously been chosen with a lot of care. 贝丽尔姑妈带来的礼物人人都喜欢,显然是精挑细选过的。 conscientious /ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs◂ǁˌkɑːn-/ [adjective] someone who is conscientious has a serious attitude to their work or their duties and tries hard to do everything they have been asked to do in the way that it should be done 认真的,尽责的 she was a very conscientious student and attended all her lectures. 她是个非常认真的学生,每堂课她都去听。 his previous employer describes him as honest, hard-working and conscientious. 他的前雇主说他为人诚实、工作勤奋,而且认真负责。conscientious about i wish everyone was as conscientious as you are about getting to work on time. 我希望每个人都像你一样对按时上班持认真态度。 conscientiously [adverb] she can be trusted to carry out her duties conscientiously and effectively. 我们可以相信她会认真、有效地履行职责。 thorough /ˈθʌrəǁˈθʌrəʊ, ˈθʌrə/ [adjective not usually before noun] someone who is thorough is careful that all the work they do is complete and correct 仔细周到的,工作缜密的 our mechanics will check everything - they're very thorough. 我们的技工会全面检查的—他们工作非常仔细。 thoroughly [adverb] all the equipment has been thoroughly tested. 设备全都进行了彻底检测。 meticulous /mɪˈtɪkjɑləs, məˈtɪkjɑləs/ [adjective] someone who is meticulous pays a lot of attention to every detail in order to make sure that everything is done correctly 非常注意细节的,一丝不苟的,严谨的 this beautiful piece of jewellery is the work of a meticulous craftsman. 这件美丽的首饰是一位一丝不苟的工匠制作的。 my mother was extremely meticulous and always made sure that every room in the house was spotlessly clean. 我母亲非常注重细节,总是要把家里的每个房间都弄得一尘不染。meticulous about our accountant is very meticulous about his work. i can't imagine him ever making a mistake. 我们的会计对于自己的工作一丝不苟,我想象不出他会出错。 meticulously [adverb] the investigators worked meticulously through the evidence for several months, but found no real evidence to connect murray with the crime. 那些调查员几个月来仔细研究了这些证据,但找不出实质性的证据能证明默里与此罪行有关联。 methodical /mɪˈθɒdɪkəl, məˈθɒdɪkəlǁmə̇ˈθɑː-/ [adjective] someone who is methodical always does their work in a carefully planned way and is careful to check everything they do [做事]有条理的,有条不紊的 poirot, always deliberate and methodical, made a list of all the possible suspects. 波洛做事总是从容不迫、有条不紊,他把所有可能的嫌疑犯都列了出来。 barnes is a conscientious and methodical journalist who would have checked all of the facts before writing the story. 巴恩斯是个认真尽责、做事有条理的记者。他写报道之前,会把所有的事实都核对一遍。5. careful work/checks/actions 仔细的工作/仔细的检查/小心翼翼的行动 careful /ˈkeəʳfəl/ [adjective only before noun] a careful test, study, piece of work etc is done carefully and correctly, with a lot of attention to detail [测试、调查、工作等]仔细的,小心的 a careful inspection showed cracks in the foundation of the building. 经过一番仔细的检查,发现大楼地基有裂缝。 her book is the result of years of careful research. 她的这本书是多年仔细研究的结果。 thorough /ˈθʌrəǁˈθʌrəʊ, ˈθʌrə/ [adjective] a thorough search, check, examination etc is one that is done carefully so that no detail is missed [搜查、调查、检查等]全面彻底的 the doctor gave me a thorough check-up. 医生给我作了全面检查。thorough search/check/examination etc the police have made a thorough search of the area. 警方对该地区进行了彻底的搜查。 systematic /ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk◂/ [adjective] a systematic way of doing something uses a fixed plan, so that everything gets done thoroughly - use this especially about activities that are dishonest or harmful [做事方法]有系统的,有条理的[尤用于指欺骗或有危害的事] the systematic destruction of the country's education system 对该国教育体系的系统破坏 ex-prisoners talked of systematic cruelty within the jail. 坐过牢的人谈起了监狱里一系列非人道的待遇。 systematically [adverb] they went through the documents systematically, removing every reference to his former wife. 他们仔细翻阅了文件,删去所有提及他前妻的内容。 rigorous /ˈrɪgərəs/ [adjective] rigorous tests/checks/examination etc checks etc that are done very carefully to make sure that something is safe, suitable etc or of the right quality or standard 严格的测试/检查/考试等 every new drug has to pass a series of rigorous safety checks before it is put on sale. 每种新药都必须通过一系列严格的安全测试才得以出售。 the entrance tests for people wishing to enter the diplomatic service are particularly rigorous. 那些想进外交部门任职的人要参加的入职考试特别严格。 rigorously [adverb] the plane had been rigorously checked before taking off on its last flight. 那架飞机在最后一次飞行前经过了严格的检查。 painstaking /ˈpeɪnzˌteɪkɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] very careful and thorough, and taking a lot of time and effort 煞费苦心的 they began the long and painstaking task of compiling a bibliography. 他们开始了漫长而艰苦的参考文献编制工作。 painstakingly [adverb] the poet's house has been painstakingly restored. 那个诗人的住所已被精心修复了。 close /kləʊs/ [adjective only before noun] close look/examination paying very careful attention to details 仔细的观看/检查 take a close look at this photograph. 仔细看一下这张照片。 on closer examination of the facts it became clear that the boy was innocent. 对事实进行进一步仔细调查之后,事情就清楚了—这个男孩是无辜的。 closely [adverb] the police questioned him closely about his involvement in the robbery. 警方仔细盘问了他,问他与抢劫有何关系。 scrupulous /ˈskruːpjɑləs/ [adjective only before noun] very carefully making sure that every detail is exactly right, so that it cannot be criticized 一丝不苟的,严格认真的[以至于无可指责的] scrupulous cleanliness is necessary when preparing food in a restaurant. 饭馆里在准备食物方面必须保持绝对清洁。 the investigation was carried out with scrupulous fairness. 这次调查是极其公正的。 outstanding hospitality and scrupulous attention to detail make the oceanic one of the finest hotels in the resort. 宾至如归以及关怀备至的特色使大洋宾馆成为度假胜地最好的宾馆之一。 scrupulously [adverb] you must keep the wound scrupulously clean to avoid infection. 你必须保持伤口绝对清洁,以免感染。6. to try to do something correctly and not make mistakes 尽力将某事做好,避免犯错 take care /ˌteɪk ˈkeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to do a piece of work carefully because you want it to be right, and you do not want to make mistakes 当心,注意[因为想把事情做好,不想犯错] look at all these typing errors! can't you take more care? 看看这些打字错误!你难道不能再仔细些?take care with sally doesn't take nearly enough care with her accounts. 萨莉做账远不够仔细。take care to do something take care to label all the disks with the correct file names. 在所有磁盘上小心贴好标有正确文件名的标签。 pay attention to /ˌpeɪ əˈtenʃən tuː/ [verb phrase] to be careful that a particular thing is done in the right way 注意,留心[某事情是否做得正确] you need to pay more attention to your grammar if you want to get a better grade. 如果你想分数更高一些,就要更加注意语法。 trainees are taught to pay attention to details and to strive for perfection. 培训生要学会注意细节、力求完美。 take pains to do something /teɪk ˌpeɪnz tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to make a special effort to do something carefully and well 煞费苦心[尽心竭力做某事 take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance, and to show that you are keen to progress in the company. 尽力表现出大方能干的样子,并显出渴望在该公司得到发展。 he had taken great pains to make the setting attractive: green candles stood waiting to be lit and in the centre was a bowl of white miniature roses. 他费尽心思布置得漂亮些:绿色的蜡烛摆好等待燃点,中间是一盘微型白玫瑰。7. careful about what you say to other people 对其他人说话小心 careful /ˈkeəʳfəl/ [adjective] careful what/how etc you have to be careful what you say to her, she's very easily offended. 对她说话一定要小心,她很容易生气。 they were both aware that there might be listening devices in the room, and she wanted to be careful what she said. 他们俩都意识到房间里可能有窃听装置,因此她说话要小心。careful (not) to do something ‘failing your exams isn't the end of the world,’ said kay's mother, careful not to sound disappointed. “考试不及格并非世界末日。”凯的母亲说道,小心不让自己带有失望的口气。 she is careful not to criticize the president, but makes it clear that she thinks the government's policies should be far more radical. 她小心不去批评总统,但坦陈自己认为政府的方针应当更为激进。 tactful /ˈtæktfəl/ [adjective] careful not to do or say anything that will hurt or embarrass other people 乖巧的;得体的 i wish you'd be more tactful - didn't you realize she was divorced? 我希望你能圆通些——难道你不知道她离婚了?tactful about my parents tried to be tactful about my new boyfriend, but i knew they didn't like him. 父母亲尽量委婉,不说我的新男友什么,但我知道他们不喜欢他。 guarded /ˈgɑːʳdɪd, ˈgɑːʳdəd/ [adjective] if you make a guarded statement, remark etc you are careful not to let other people know much about your thoughts or intentions [说话、评论等]谨慎的,有保留的 michael fallon, mp for darlington, has given the scheme a guarded welcome. 达灵顿议员迈克尔·法伦对该计划表示谨慎的欢迎。 their message was expressed in very guarded language. 他们以非常谨慎的言辞表达了自己的想法。 discreet /dɪˈskriːt/ [adjective] formal very careful about what you say or do, so that you do not make people feel angry, upset, or embarrassed 【正式】[言行]审慎的,谨慎的 a private detective was sent to make discreet inquiries about miss hutton's financial situation. 一位私家侦探已被派去对巴顿小姐的财政状况进行审慎的调查。 people might gossip if we arrived together. it would be much more discreet for us to go there separately. 我们要是一起到达那儿会让人说闲话的。还是慎重一点,分头去吧。 discreetly [adverb] the maid entered after knocking discreetly. 女佣小心地敲了敲门走进来。 discretion /dɪˈskreʃən/ [uncountable noun] i should stress that this affair must be handled with the utmost discretion in a very discreet way. 我想强调的是,这事的处理一定要极为谨慎。 care·ful /`kɛrfəl; ˈkeəfəl/adj 1. trying very hard to avoid doing anything wrong or damaging something 小心的:◇a careful driver 谨慎的司机◇anna was careful not to upset steven. 安娜很小心,以免让史蒂文难过。 2. (be) careful! spoken used to tell someone to think about what they are doing so that something bad does not happen 【口】 小心[用于提醒某人注意危险]:◇be careful with that ladder! 小心那梯子! ☞ careful




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