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单词 innocuous
释义 innocuous adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤appear, be, look, seem显得无恶意;无意冒犯;看似无害;似乎无害adverb➤perfectly, totally完全无恶意◆his comment seemed perfectly innocuous.他的评论似乎毫无冒犯之意。➤fairly, pretty, quite, relatively相当无害;相对无害◆the liquid looked fairly innocuous.这种液体看上去没什么危险。➤enough算得上无恶意◆the question appeared innocuous enough, but i still did not trust her.那个问题似乎没什么恶意,不过我仍然不信任她。➤apparently, seemingly表面上/貌似无恶意innocuous/ɪˈnɒkjuəs ||; ɪˈnɑkjυəs/adj (formal 正式) not meant to cause harm or upset sb 没有造成伤害的;没有恶意的: ◇i made an innocuous remark about teachers and she got really angry. 我说了一些有关老师的话,并无恶意,但她大发雷霆。 [syn] harmless 同义词为harmless➔innocuously advinnocuoussee ⇨ harm 5 in·noc·u·ous /ɪ`nɑkjəs; ɪˈnɒkjuəs/adjnot likely to harm anyone or cause trouble 不伤害人的,不引起麻烦的:◇at first, his questions seemed innocuous enough. 起初他的问题似乎一点都无伤大雅。




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